IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » Welcome to the IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health! » Graduate » Degree Programs » MHA-MPH

Degree Programs


Master of Health Administration - Master of Public Health

To complete this dual degree, you will take a combination of public health core courses, MHA and MPH courses, public health electives, and public health practical experience courses that together total 66 credits.

Public Health core courses

  • PBHL P510 Introduction to Public Health
  • PBHL P511 Comprehensive Methods and Applications in Biostatistics and Epidemiology
  • PBHL P512 Communication & Leadership
  • PBHL P513 Planning, Evaluation & Management

Concentration courses

  • H507 Management of Individual Group Behaviors
  • H508 Managing Healthcare Accounting for Decision Making
  • H509 Financial Management Principles of Healthcare
  • H514 Health Economics
  • H516 Health Care Services Delivery and the Law
  • H521 Management Sciences for Health Services Administration
  • H523 Health Services Human Resources Management
  • H611 Policy Design Implementation & Management
  • H612 Health Care Marketing
  • H616 Leadership in PH Organizations
  • H624 Developing Strategic Capability
  • H641 Ethics in Public Health
  • H628 Healthcare Information Systems
  • H658 Research Concepts of HPM

Elective courses

Enroll in one elective course from the list:

  • H501 U.S. Health Care Systems and Health Policy
  • H613 Emergency Preparedness for Public Health
  • H619 Financial Management in Public Health Organizations
  • H621 Grant Writing and Administration for Public Health
  • H644 Health Impact Assessment
  • H670 Global Public Health
  • H646 Operations Management for Healthcare Organizations
  • S662 Integrated Learning Experience 1: Advanced Program Planning
  • E601 Advanced Epidemiology
  • E647 Introduction to Population Health Analysis
  • P506 Population and Public Health

Practical experience

  • H602 Internship In Health Policy & Management
  • H711 MPH Health Policy & Management Capstone
  • H623 MHA Capstone: Healthcare Applications of Strategic Management

Updated: April 2023