IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » education » Graduate » Degree Programs » Certification Programs » Aspiring Teacher Alternative Certification



Our Aspiring Teacher Alternative Certification programs are designed for students who have already earned at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, but whose program did not include preparation for teaching licensure. Coursework in the Aspiring Teacher Alternative Certification programs can be applied toward a master's degree at the IUPUI School of Education (SOE).

The Elementary District Based Alternative Certification (DBAC) program is a 24-credit 18-month program designed for district employees looking to earn elementary licensure. After successful completion of the program, students are eligible for elementary generalist (K-6) licensure in the state of Indiana. Cohorts are district-based and currently start in the fall semester. The program requires evening attendance and the completion of a student teaching practicum. All clinical work can be completed in the district schools. Students can choose to complete a licensure addition option in special education or ENL. These licensure additions require additional courses that are not part of the 24-credit DBAC program. 18 of the 24 credits can be counted toward a Master’s degree in Elementary Urban Education from the School of Education. Completing the 36-credit Master’s degree requires an additional 18 credits (6 classes) of coursework.  Find out more about DBAC!