IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » liberal-arts » Undergraduate » Certificate Programs » Latino Studies


Certificate Programs
Latino Studies

Certificate in Latino Studies

The Certificate in Latino Studies is designed for all students interested in the study of Latino history, culture, and the current role of the Latino community and its contributions in the United States; students whose main focus is on different cultures and minority studies; and those interested in more than one discipline or program, including Anthropology, American Studies, Communication Studies, Geography, Health, History, International Studies, Philanthropic Studies, Political Science, Public and Environmental Affairs, Spanish, Social Work and Sociology.

This 18-credit program is intended to provide students with intermediate to advanced level of knowledge in Latino issues including the history, culture, economic, and political development of this population. As part of the certificate and extending beyond it, students will connect this knowledge and appreciation for other cultures with additional disciplines, thus helping them to prepare for success in a globalized world.

A certificate in Latino Studies will better equip students for a career in one or more of the following: administration, government, public policy, politics, journalism, law, education, diplomacy, business, local and government service agencies, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, community organizations, national and international corporations, and language- and culture-related organizations.

Admission to the Certificate program in Latino Studies (LATS) requires:

  • Completion of 24 credit hours towards an IUPUI degree.
  • At least a cumulative grade point average of 2.5.

Students who have not enrolled at IUPUI may be considered for this certificate if they meet the above criteria and apply for Undergraduate Admission to IUPUI and specify the Undergraduate Latino Studies Certificate as their objective.    

The Certificate program in Latino Studies (LATS) requires satisfactory completion of the following:

  • Completion of a total of 18 credit hours, with a minimum grade of C in each course.
  • Proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese (determined by receiving credit through the 204+ level coursework or by taking a placement test).
  • to declare the certificate, complete the School of Liberal Arts online declaration form: https://liberalarts.iupui.edu/updatemajor/

Certificate Requirements:

Required courses (12 credit hours/ 4 courses): 

  • LATS-L 101: Introduction to Latino Studies (3 cr.)
  • LATS-L 228: US/ Latino Identity (3 cr.)
  • LATS-L 350: Contemporary Issues in Latino Studies: Latinos in the US: Origins and Prospects (3 cr.)
  • LATS-L 396: Social And Historical Topics in Latino Studies

Elective courses (6 credit hours/ 2 courses)

In consultation with the program director, students may choose two elective courses from a growing list of approved interdisciplinary courses spanning a broad array of related courses on campus, which include:

  • AFRO-A 202: The West and the African Diaspora
  • AMST-A 301: The Question of American Identity
  • AMST-A 302: The Question of American Community
  • AMST-A 303: Topics in American Studies
  • ANTH-A 460: Topics in Anthropology
  • ANTH-E 300: Cultures of Mexico and Central America
  • ANTH-E 384: The African Diaspora
  • ANTH-E 403: Women of Color in the U.S.
  • ANTH-E 457: Ethic Identity
  • ANTH-L 401: Language, Power, and Gender
  • COMM-C 180: Introduction to Interpersonal Communications
  • COMM-G 400: Health Provider-Consumer Communication
  • COMM-C 482: Inter-Cultural Communication
  • ECON-E 101: Survey of Current Economic Issues and Problems
  • ECON-E 307: Current Economic Issues
  • EDUC-E 201: Multicultural Education and Global Awareness
  • EDUC-M 317: Student Commonality and Diversity
  • ENG-L 379: Ethic Minority Literature of the U.S.
  • ENG-W 366: Written Englishes: Living Cultural Realities
  • GEOG-G 323: Geography of Latin America
  • GEOG-G 324: Geography of the Caribbean
  • GEOG-G 363: Landscapes and Cultures of the Caribbean
  • HER-H 300: Black Visual Artists
  • HIST-A 421: Topics in U.S. History-topic must be approved by advisor
  • HIST-A 352: History of Latinos in the U.S.
  • HIST-F 341: Latin America: Conquest and Empire
  • HIST-F 342: Latin America: Evolution and Revolution Since Independence
  • HIST-F 346: Modern Mexico
  • HIST-F 347: History of the U.S.-Latin American Relations
  • INTL-I 100: Introduction to International Studies
  • INTL-I 415: Individual Readings in International Studies
  • JOUR-J 475: Race, Gender and the Media
  • LSTU-L 385: Class, Gender and Race
  • PHIL-P 323: Society and State in the Modern World
  • PHST-P 105: Giving and Volunteering in America
  • PHST-P 201: Traditions and Practice in Philanthropic Studies
  • PHST-P 210: Philanthropy and the Social Sciences
  • PHST-P 211: Philanthropy and the Humanities
  • PHST-P 212: Philanthropy and Civic Engagement
  • POLS-Y 337: Latin American Politics
  • POLS-Y 377: Globalization
  • REL-R 328: Religions of the African Diaspora
  • REL-R 400: Studies in Religion
  • SHRS-W 250: Health and Rehabilitation Systems across the World
  • SHRS-W 460: Global Perspectives in Nutrition, Health, Disease and Disability
  • SOC-R 121: Social Problems
  • SOC-R 461: Race and Ethnic Relations
  • SPAN-S 231: Spanish-American Fiction in Translation
  • SPAN-S 323: Introduction to Translating Spanish and English
  • SPAN-S 360: Introduction to Hispanic Literature
  • SPAN-S 363: Introduction to Hispanic Culture
  • SPAN-S 412: Latin American Culture and Civilization
  • SPAN-S 423: The Craft of Translation
  • SPAN-S 440: Hispanic Sociolinguistics
  • SPAN-S 470: Women and Hispanic Literature
  • SPAN-S 472: Spanish-American Literature
  • SPAN-S 477: Twentieth-Century Spanish-American Prose Fiction
  • SPEA-V 221: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector
  • SPEA-J 275: Diversity Issues in Criminal Justice
  • SPEA-V 362: Nonprofit Management and Leadership
  • SPEA-V 380: Internship in Public and Environmental Affairs
  • SWK-S 100: Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society
  • SWK-S 300: Global Society: Human, Economic, Social, and Political Issues
  • SWK-S 300: Latin American Issues in a Global Society
  • TCEM-T 234: Cultural Heritage Tourism
  • TCEM-T 483: Ecotourism