IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » liberal-arts » Undergraduate » Student Learning Outcomes » Bachelor of Arts in Global and International Studies (B.A.)


Student Learning Outcomes
Bachelor of Arts in Global and International Studies (B.A.)

Students completing the Global and International Studies B.A. program will achieve the following:

  • Communicate
  • at an intermediate-advanced level competency in a modern foreign language at a level that goes beyond that required for general graduation from the School of Liberal Arts.
  • Fulfill
  • the International component of the RISE initiative by studying abroad.
  • Demonstrate
  • detailed familiarity with a specific geographical region of the world
  • detailed familiarity with a specific thematic focus within the field of Global and International Studies
  • effective speaking and presentation skills.
  • Recognize
  • and distinguish among various disciplinary approaches (Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, etc.) within the interdisciplinary field of Global and International Studies
  • understand and respect the complexity of socio-cultural diversity around the world.
  • Appreciate
  • and value the benefits of a multi- or inter-disciplinary approach to the acquisition of knowledge.
  • Identify
  • the diversity of actors prevalent in the contemporary international community and understand how they relate to one another.
  • Locate
  • use and cite appropriate academic sources in their written coursework.