IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » liberal-arts » Undergraduate » Student Learning Outcomes » Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Student Learning Outcomes
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

A Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in the School of Liberal Arts (SLA) includes at least two components: General Education courses (required and elected) and courses in a declared major (required and elected). Both components reflect IUPUI's Principles of Undergraduate Learning. Detailed articulation of Student Learning Outcomes, including their assessment, for individual degrees and certificates are part of the SLA's department and program websites. Students completing the Bachelor of Arts degree program will:

  • Know
  • about their place and time in society and culture from a variety of perspectives (such as anthropology, economics, history, philosophy, political science, religious studies, sociology, and science), and through having a second language.
  • Understand
  • appreciate, and respect the variety and complexity of other societies and cultures—across time and place—as the basis for successful interaction in the global context of the 21st century.
  • Be able to
  • find, analyze, evaluate, summarize, and apply information, drawing effectively on a variety of information sources and tools;
  • pose general as well as particular questions and propose creative solutions to those problems in different contexts—working independently and as members of teams;
  • communicate effectively in English to peers and professionals making effective use of a variety of communication modes, methods, and technologies, and have functional competency in one other language; and
  • exercise ethically sound judgment in personal and professional situations and demonstrate responsible behavior as leaders as well as being able to work effectively in group or team projects.