IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » School of Informatics and Computing » Policies & Procedures » Graduate Academic Regulations


Graduate Academic Regulations

In addition to the many topics covered below, students enrolled in the School of Informatics and Computing's graduate programs are encouraged to review the MS and PhD student handbooks.

Applicability of Degree Requirements

Students may choose to complete either the specific degree requirements published in the appropriate bulletin at the time of entry into the university or those in the bulletin current at the time of graduation.

Residency Requirements

The campus at which a student is admitted will certify and award the degree.

Intercampus Transfer

Students enrolled in the School of Informatics at any campus of Indiana University may transfer to the School of Informatics on another campus, provided they are in good standing. However, international students may need to pay a processing fee.

Transfer of Credit

A maximum of 8 credit hours of graduate course work with grades of B (3.0) or higher may be transferred from other accredited colleges and universities and applied to the School of Informatics degree programs. The transfer must be approved by the dean, and is not an automatic occurrence.


Normally, a course may not be counted toward degree requirements if it has been completed more than five years prior to the awarding of the degree for master’s students. The advisor may recommend to the dean that course work taken prior to the deadline be revalidated if it can be demonstrated that the knowledge contained in the course(s) remains current. Currency of knowledge may be demonstrated by: (a) passing an examination specifically on the material covered by the course; (b) passing a more advanced course in the same subject area; (c) passing a comprehensive examination in which the student demonstrates substantial knowledge of the content of the course; or (d) publishing scholarly research demonstrating knowledge of the content of the course. Courses taken while an undergraduate and counted toward the requirements of a baccalaureate degree may not also be counted toward a graduate degree.

Grading System

The official grading system is as follows:

A 4.0
A– 3.7
B+ 3.3
B– 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C– 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
F 0 - Failed
I Incomplete
R Deferred
NR No Grade Reported

A minimum of a B (3.0) average in graduate work is required for continuance in graduate study. Courses completed with grades below C (2.0) are not counted toward degree requirements, but such grades will be counted in calculating a student’s grade point average. Note that no work may be transferred from another institution unless the grade is B (3.0) or higher.


A grade of Incomplete may be given only if the completed portion of a student’s work is of passing quality. It is the responsibility of the student to satisfy the requirements of that course within one calendar year from the date on which the Incomplete is recorded. The student is expected to finish all necessary work in time for the instructor to assign a regular grade before the expiration of this time period. If the student is unable to do so, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor of the course and the graduate advisor within the year to request an extension of time. Every overdue Incomplete will be changed to a grade of F after one calendar year.


Because deadlines for withdrawal from courses may vary by campus and/or school, students should check with the current campus Schedule of Classes to verify deadlines and procedures.

Course Waivers

Requests for waivers of specific courses or requirements on the basis of previous course work are to be submitted in writing to the dean.

Credit Earned in Nondegree Status

Not more than 9 hours of graduate credit completed as a nondegree student may be credited toward a School of Informatics graduate degree. Deficiency courses do not apply to the 9 credit hours.

Academic Standing

Students are considered to be in good standing during any semester in which their academic grade point average is at least 3.0 (B) for both their last semester’s course work and for the cumulative average of all course work completed. Only courses with grades of C (2.0) or above may be counted toward degree requirements. However, grades below C are used in computing the cumulative grade point average, even if a course is repeated and a higher grade is earned.

Academic Probation

Students are placed on probation following a semester in which their graduate cumulative or semester grade point average falls below 3.0. Students on probation are required to attain an average of at least 3.0 for all graduate course work completed by the end of the next semester of full-time enrollment or its equivalent (9 credit hours). Failure to do so is cause for dismissal.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity requires that students take credit only for their own ideas and efforts. Misconduct, including cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, interference, or facilitating academic dishonesty, is prohibited because it undermines the bonds of trust and cooperation among members of this community and between us and those who may depend on our knowledge and integrity. Complete details are contained in the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct.


Depending on particular degree requirements, students will complete either a capstone project or a thesis under the guidance of an advisor. More details are given in the appropriate section for each program.

Degree Conferral

For all students seeking a master’s degree, an application for the degree must be filed with the School of Informatics at least 60 days before the date anticipated for degree conferral. All degree requirements must be completed at least 30 days prior to the date of expected degree conferral, including submission of the bound copies of the master’s thesis (if required for degree).

Time Requirements

All requirements for M.S. degrees must be met within five consecutive calendar years from the date of completion of the first credited (i.e., nondeficiency) course.

Last updated: 02/11/2014