IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » School of Informatics and Computing » Admission » Admission

How to Apply: B.S. Health Information Administration Admissions

Students may begin the HIA Professional Program in either the fall or spring semester. Students must have all of their pre-requisite courses completed prior to starting the professional program and apply during the semester prior to their anticipated start date. Completed applications should be emailed directly to the Academic Advisor, Julie Reagan at jdreagan@iupui.edu.

Admissions Requirements and Standards

Completion of all required prerequisite courses with a grade of C or higher (C- grades are not acceptable).

A minimum IU cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher is needed. You may complete the “Petition for Exceptional Consideration” found on the HIA application if you do not meet this requirement but still feel equipped to succeed in the HIA program. Students who seek exceptional consideration may be asked to schedule an interview. You will be contacted if this is necessary.

Note: Students looking to begin work towards the Health Information Administration degree and who have not yet been admitted to IUPUI or the School of Informatics and Computing should choose the appropriate category from the menu provided here to find out how to apply.

Note for transfer students: Transfer students who have completed HIA professional program prerequisites through another institution must first apply and be admitted to IUPUI before being considered for admission in the professional program.