Career Services
Career services at IUPUI are distributed, which means multiple career services offices exist on campus, serving different target populations of students and alumni. Jobs and internships are posted in the various online systems through the schools. Click here to view school-specific career offices. See the Careers and Employment Calendar for events and programs. University College students or those exploring other options can visit Academic and Career Development for guidance and support as they explore the many academic pathways at IUPUI and make a confident choice.
Student Employment
The Office of Student Employment is located on the third floor of Taylor Hall; the third floor front desk can provide information about services, drop-ins, and open appointments. The purpose of this office is to empower students to pursue and to succeed in meaningful, academically relevant college work experiences that enhance both academic and professional growth. This office provides comprehensive part-time employment information for IUPUI students, including an online job posting website, Jag Jobs. Jag Jobs hosts positions for students both on and off campus and specifies hourly and work-study eligible positions. Currently enrolled students may sign into their Jag Jobs account at
The Office of Student Employment offers a variety of services for students, including resume and cover letter development, mock interviews, job search assistance, work-study assistance, and professional development opportunities, just to name a few!
If you would like to meet with the Office of Student Employment, please check the website for drop-in and appointment opportunities. You may also call or visit the front desk at (317) 274-4856 or on the third floor of Taylor Hall.