IUPUI Bulletins » Policies » Conduct » Dealing with Student Academic Misconduct Dealing with Student Academic Misconduct

University Policies on Scholastic Activities
The procedures outlined in this Guide are covered in more detail in the IUPUI Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, which may be obtained in hard copy from the IUPUI Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (317-274-4431) or electronically on the web

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IUPUI exists to promote the intellectual and ethical growth of students. As an institution with these high goals, IUPUI must foster the best possible environment for teaching and learning, one that is based upon mutual respect and upon clear expectations of one another within the community of teachers and learners. This Guide is designed to state these expectations explicitly and to outline procedures for dealing with failures to meet high standards of academic conduct.

A teacher will:

  • Maintain a clear connection between the advance description and the conduct and content of each course presented.
  • Clearly state the course goals in materials handed out at the first class meeting.
  • Clearly inform students in writing at the beginning of the course of the testing and grading system to be used.
  •  These systems should be intellectually justifiable and consistent with the rules and regulations of the academic division.
  • Plan and use class time with an awareness of its value for every student.
  • Announce class attendance policy at the first class meeting and meet class regularly.
  • Clearly state the level of collaboration that is allowed on every class assignment.
  • Be available to discuss course content or grading with students throughout a course.
  • Write examinations consistent with course goals and content presented in class or within clearly assigned readings.
  • Maintain security of all examinations before, during and after it has been given.
  • Protect honest students by monitoring the examination process.
  • Post a key only after all students have completed the examination.
  • Assign final grades consistent with the student's academic performance according to the guidelines established when the course began.
  • Maintain and demand a professional tone in dealing with students in or out of class.


  • Students must participate in the learning process in a serious and conscientious manner and respect the rights of other members of the learning community.
  • Students are responsible for class attendance and completion of assignments on time.
  • Students should be prepared for and participate in classroom activities. In that context, students have the right to raise issues relevant to classroom discussion, to offer reasonable doubts about data presented, and to express alternative opinions to those being discussed without concern for academic penalty.
  • Students must read all course materials, including the syllabus and description of the grading and testing systems to be used in the course.
  • Students must refrain from all academic misconduct and avoid situations giving the appearance of misconduct.
  • Students will report to the instructor any observed academic misconduct.

The Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct lists six categories of academic misconduct. The activities are defined and discussed below.

Cheating is when a student uses or attempts to use unauthorized materials, student aids, or information in any academic exercise. Some examples of cheating are:

  • Using an aid on an "in-class" or "take-home" examination when these aids have not been authorized by the course instructor.
  • Having another person take an examination or quiz in place of the student.
  • Stealing examinations or otherwise gaining unauthorized prior access to the examination content.
  • Submitting research or papers prepared by others as the student's own original work.
  • Using the work of a group as the student's individual work.
  • Using assistance in a laboratory, on a computer terminal, or for field work when this assistance has not been authorized by the course instructor.
  • Changing a grade or score in any way.
  • Using substantial parts of the same academic work for credit or honors more than once without the permission of the instructor.
  • Attempting to gain a regrading of a returned examination the student has altered after consulting a posted key or after discussion of the answers with others.

Fabrication is when a student falsifies or invents information or data in an academic assignment. Some examples include:

  • Falsifying data in laboratory results.
  • Inventing information for records or reports.
  • Falsifying citations to sources of information.
  • Reporting fictitious interviews, or ascribing information to an interview that did not take place or that did not cover the topic claimed.

Facilitating academic dishonesty is when a student aids or attempts to aid another student in committing academic misconduct. Examples of such activities might be:

  • Allowing another student to copy answers on examinations.
  • Writing a paper for another student.

Interference is when a student prevents another student's work from being completed or evaluated properly. Examples might include:

  • Stealing or changing another student's work before it is evaluated.
  • Destroying another student's work.
  • Stealing or defacing shared necessary resources to deprive others of their use.
  • Offering bribes or favors to affect a grade or an evaluation of academic work.
  •  Making threats to affect a grade or an evaluation of academic work.

Plagiarism is when a student uses ideas, words or statements of another person without giving credit to that person. Examples could include:

  • Presenting the ideas, opinions or theories of others as your own.
  • Using another person's exact words without proper citation.
  • Using facts, statistics, tables, or figures from existing sources without proper citation.

Violation of course rules is when a student fails to abide by the rules stated in the course syllabus when those rules are related to course content or to enhancement of the learning process in the course. Examples of common violations include:

  • Working with a group when a project is intended to be for each individual.
  • Using unauthorized materials for examinations or projects.

As a Faculty Member, What Do I Do If I Discover Academic Misconduct?

As a Student, What Do I Do If I Am Accused of Academic Misconduct?

  • Remain calm and listen carefully to the description of the incident or ask to read the description from the referral form.
  • Clearly and calmly describe the incident from your point of view.
  • Ask what penalties the faculty member plans to assign.
  • Ask when the completed referral form will be available to you for signature.
  • Consult the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct to clarify your options.
    Decide, either alone or with the advice of a trusted confidant, whether you will accept the decision of the faculty member or whether you wish to appeal.
  • If you decide to appeal, ask when the referral form will be sent to the IUPUI Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct and make sure you know which office has responsibility for your referral.