IUPUI Bulletins » Policies » Academic Policy » RISE RISE

As of Fall 2009, IUPUI introduced the "RISE  to the IUPUI Challenge"  signifying undergraduate experiential learning experiences in Research, International, Service learning or Experiential learning.  This challenge encourages undergraduate students to include at least two of the  four RISE experiences into their degree programs. Once accomplished and upon  conferral of a Bachelor's degree (not Certificate or Associates), a notation is  added to the students' transcript that they have accomplished this experiential  milestone.

RISE Class Approval
It is expected that any class designated as fulfilling  a RISE component has gone through curricular review and approval within the  academic unit.  Once the Registrar  receives notification to add or delete a RISE class designator from the  Scheduling Officer, it is assumed the academic unit approval has occurred.

Developing a RISE Course

For details regarding Class Scheduling Instructions see http://registrar.iupui.edu/schbld.html. Students interested in taking a non-RISE course for RISE credit should consult the instructor and department offering the course for requirements and forms. The arrangements with the instructor will need to be made before or soon after the class starts. All documents should be submitted to the Registrar within three weeks of the course start date.

RISE  Class Grading
Faculty teaching RISE classes will be prompted on the final grade roster at the end of  the term to submit a course grade along with separate verification as to  whether each student did or did not satisfy the additional RISE  requirement.

RISE Class Transcript Notation
Based  on the type of RISE experience, if satisfied, a notation will be added to the  official transcript under each RISE class that further illustrates the nature  and depth of the class experience.  For example, a class designated as a  RISE-Research class will have a notation under the class that reads:   “Faculty-mentored Research.”  Similarly, a RISE-Service Learning class  might have an added notation that reads:  “Organized Community Service  Activity.”  For a complete listing of how the RISE designation translates  to the official transcript, click here.