IUPUI Bulletins » Policies » Academic Policy » Policies Regarding Final Examinations Policies Regarding Final Examinations

Final examinations are given in all courses except those in which the instructor decides an examination is not necessary.

Students should consult the final exam schedule early in the semester to discover problems such as more than three exams in one   day or insufficient time to cover the distance between successive exams. Final examination conflicts should be resolved with the   course instructors.

Except for laboratory, clinical, studio, and other activity-based sections, final exams - whether comprehensive or not - are to be given at the appropriate scheduled time during the formal final examination week. Tests or major writing assignments may not be   required during the week before the formal final exam week. However, papers, projects, or oral presentations may be due during the last week of class when assigned on the syllabus or announced at the beginning of the semester. Exceptions must be approved in advance by the dean of the particular school involved.

The final exam schedule is established to limit potential conflicts in a   student's final exam schedule. If an exam is given, it must be held on the day and time published. If the instructor changes the exam time, and that change creates conflicts for a student, he/she should first consult with the instructor. If the problem is not resolved he/she should report the change to the instructor's department chairperson. If the problem is not resolved at that level, the student should contact the chairperson's dean, or director. If the conflict is not resolved at that level the student   may contact the Office of the Chief Academic Officer. An instructor giving a final  examination before the final exam period should be reported in the same way.
  Approved by IUPUI Faculty Council December 2, 1999