IUPUI 2014-2016 » Schools » purdue-enginer-tech » Undergraduate » Student Learning Outcomes » Engineering Technology » Motorsports Engineering


Motorsports Engineering
The MSTE program at IUPUI has established the following outcomes to ensure its graduates are equipped to accomplish the expected objectives.  These outcomes require each student to show competency as detailed below, and reflect those established ABET.  Graduates of the program will:

  1. Demonstrate an appropriate mastery of the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the following disciplines within designated courses which provide laboratory components:
    • Thermodynamics/Engine Design
    • Dynamics/Vehicle Dynamics/Aerodynamics
    • Static & Dynamic Loading/Modeling and Analysis of Loaded Structures
    • Electronics/Instrumentation/Data Acquisition
    • System Analysis & Design
  2. Apply current knowledge in mathematics, science, engineering and technology, and recognize emerging applications in these areas.
  3. Conduct experiments, analyze and interpret experimental data, and apply experimental parameters in order to improve and/or modify processes.
  4. Apply creativity in the design of systems, components, or processes as displayed in motorsports related projects.
  5. Function effectively as a member of a project teams, or with group projects.
  6. Identify, analyze, and solve technical problems.
  7. Communicate effectively in written, oral, and graphical modes.
  8. Recognize the need for lifelong learning, and participate in educational and professional opportunities to expand your knowledge base.
  9. Understand and communicate professional, ethical, and social responsibilities as a practitioner of engineering .
  10. Demonstrate a respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal, and global issues.
  11. Demonstrate via actions a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement.