Basic Course (MILS-G 101, MILS-G 102, MILS-G 120, MILS-G 121, MILS-G 201 and MILS-G 202)
The Basic Course is usually taken in the freshman and sophomore years. All necessary textbooks and materials are furnished without cost to the student, and all tuition and fees are paid for through university fee remission. Signing up for the basic course is an excellent way to explore officership for those with an interest. No prior military experience is required, and no obligation for military service is incurred for participation in the basic course. Students may withdraw from the basic course at any time through the end of the second year.
Individual courses cover the areas of the Army profession, leadership, values and ethics, personal development, physical well-being, military history, drill and ceremony, customs and courtesies, squad tactics, map reading, first aid, and basic rifle marksmanship. Various social and professional activities are available in conjunction with the military science program.
Course credit is determined as follows: 100-level courses are 1 credit hour, and 200-level courses are 2 credit hours, for a total of 6 credit hours in the Basic Course. In essence, this course is intended to introduce the student to the Army and ROTC. Theoretical concepts are covered in the classroom, and practical military skills are learned in a field-training environment.
Students are encouraged to attend optional physical fitness training (Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 6:45 to 7:45 a.m.), field training exercises, and periodic leadership labs.