Military Science - Admission
The ROTC Basic Course (see ‘‘Curriculum, Basic Course’’ in this bulletin, page 603) is open to all IUPUI, IU-Kokomo, Butler University, Franklin College, Marian College, University of Indianapolis, and Ivy Tech–Community College of Indiana students without any prerequisites or allied requirements. Students who are not U.S. citizens must check with the Department of Military Science administrative office prior to course attendance to ensure that they have the proper permission from their home country embassy for military training.
The ROTC Advanced Course is open to all students who have completed the Basic Course or who qualify for advanced placement (see ‘‘Advanced Placement’’ in this bulletin). Entry requirements are specified below.
Applicants for the Advanced Course must have completed the Basic Course (courses G101, G102, G201, and G202) or be eligible for advanced placement (see ‘‘Advanced Placement’’ in this bulletin, page 21) prior to acceptance. Applicants also must meet the following entrance requirements.
Academic Performance
Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C) throughout the first two years of college work.
Medical Evaluation
Applicants must pass a Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board medical exam, provided free of charge.
Physical Fitness Test
Applicants must obtain a passing grade on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) consisting of push-ups, sit-ups, and a two-mile run.
Entrance into the commissioning program is predicated on students not having reached age 30 by June 30 of the year they receive their officer’s commission. Scholarship recipients must be less than 31 years of age on December 31 of the calendar year of commissioning. Extensions of up to three years may be granted for veterans of active duty. Waivers may be granted beyond age 32 for certain students.
To be eligible, an individual must not have more than three dependents (e.g., a spouse and two children).
Applicants for the Advanced Course must be U.S. citizens by birth or naturalization.
Prior service personnel entering the program must have a qualifying reenlistment code.
Student Status
Advanced Course students must be full-time university students; that is, they must enroll for 12 hours of undergraduate credit or 9 hours of graduate credit each semester.
Marginal Students
In accordance with Army regulations, students who do not meet the academic or physical fitness requirements of the Advanced Course may be disenrolled from the program.
Personal History
All applicants must meet loyalty and integrity requirements established by the United States Congress for military officers.
A professor of military science will personally interview all applicants and is the final authority on a candidate’s eligibility for the program.
Students entering the Advanced Course must matriculate in a curriculum that will lead to a four-year bachelor’s degree or a two-year graduate degree. Any curriculum offered by IUPUI or other institution served by this department is acceptable.