Public Librarianship Certification
Public library certification is a process administered by the Indiana State Library for people working in Indiana public libraries. It is not awarded by Indiana University or LIS, and is not the same as school library media (teaching) certification. Coursework at the undergraduate level, for certificate levels 4, 5 and 6 is available through Ivy Tech. Coursework for levels 1, 2 and 3 is provided in the MLS program at LIS Indianapolis.
Certification Levels
Librarian Certificate 6
- High school diploma or GED with 5 years of library experience or 9 semester hours of required library science courses.
Librarian Certificate 5
- 60 hours of college or associate’s degree, including the Library Technical Assistant Associate’s degree from IVY Tech and, or including, 9 semester hours of required library science courses.
- The required library science courses include:
Undergraduate library science courses are available from Ivy Tech.
Librarian Certificate 4
- Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, including 15 semester hours of required library science courses
Librarian Certificate 3
- A graduate degree from an American Library Association (ALA) accredited library science school.
Librarian Certificate 2
- A graduate degree from an American Library Association (ALA) accredited library science school, and
- Three years of library experience.
Librarian Certificate 1
- A graduate degree from an American Library Association (ALA) accredited library science school, and
- Ten years of library experience, or six years of library experience that includes three years of supervising professional staff.
Last updated: 02/10/2014