IUPUI 2014-2016 » Schools » IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health » Undergraduate » Student Learning Outcomes

Undergraduate Programs

Student Learning Outcomes

A student who is awarded a degree or certificate from the IU Fairbanks School of Public Health will demonstrate the IUPUI Principles of Undergraduate Learning (PULs), which were initially approved in 1998 and revised in 2007 by the faculty.

The PULs, which underpin an IUPUI students general education and permeate education in the major, tell our students and other stakeholders what an IUPUI undergraduate will know and be able to do upon graduation. The PULs provide the overarching learning outcomes for each students education at IUPUI, and these, in turn, are linked to the learning outcomes for each degree program and for courses in each degree program.

Bachelor of Science

Certificates and Minors

For the most current information on Undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes in the Fairbanks School of Public Health, please visit our school's website at: pbhealth.iupui.edu.

Updated January 2014