During summer school, students should drop and add during the first three days of classes.
During the first four weeks of regular semesters, partial refunds are given for dropped courses and depending on the time of year, signatures of advisors and instructors are needed. To drop a class in the final part of the semester, students who have a serious and documented reason, such as a serious medical problem, need all of the previous signatures plus the dean's signature. At this point, instructors have the authority to assign the grade of F if a student's work has been unsatisfactory, even if permission to withdraw has been obtained. For complete information on drop/add procedures and deadlines visit the Registrar website on drop and add (http://registrar.iupui.edu/drop.html) along with the Academic Calendar for that term (http://registrar.iupui.edu/accal.html).Students who choose to withdraw from a semester must officially drop all classes. Failing to attend class does not mean a student has dropped a class but rather will result in an F in the course(s). Failing to pay for the course(s), once registered, will result in both an F and a bill for the course. For more information on dropping and adding classes, students should see a later section in this bulletin, "Academic Policies and Procedures," the Schedule of Classes, or the Web site registrar.iupui.edu.