IUPUI offers many unique scholarship opportunities for undergraduate students. Once enrolled at IUPUI, you are on your way to being eligible for these scholarships. The IUPUI Office of Student Scholarships (OSS) has over $250,000 to award to continuing students based on factors such as cumulative GPA, enrollment, major, and being a single parent. In addition, individual academic units sponsor separate scholarship opportunities for students in specific programs. We recommend that you contact your academic school with your intended major directly to research other scholarship opportunities. A comprehensive list of scholarships, as well as downloadable applications, are available on the Scholarship Central Web site (www.iupui.edu/~scentral). You may also pick up applications in Cavanaugh Hall, Room 103. The Office of Student Scholarships also maintains a scholarship bulletin board in the hallway of Cavanaugh Hall, outside Room 103. The board is frequently updated with news of private-sector scholarships and award competitions. For additional information, call the Office of Student Scholarships at (317) 274-5516 or e-mail the office at escholar@iupui.edu.
Below are a few of the continuing student scholarships available at IUPUI. See the Scholarship Central Web site for a more detailed listing with points of contact for various academic unit scholarships and awards.
McCracken Assist Scholarship
Up to $1,000—Created to assist single, custodial parents at IUPUI pursuing their first undergraduate degree to help meet their educational goals. Must have financial need as determined by the FAFSA. U.S. citizens and/or permanent residents who are also Indiana residents are eligible. Contact the OSS for more details. Deadline: March 15.
Adult Outstanding Scholarships
Up to $1,000—Motivated adult (30+) returning students with at least 12 credit hours, GPA 3.3 in all courses since returning. Contact the Office of Student Scholarships for more information. Deadline: March 15.
Robert E. Cavanaugh Memorial Scholarships
Up to $2,000—Students of all majors who have earned at least 26 credit hours at IUPUI, who have graduated from an Indiana high school, who demonstrate leadership abilities, and have demonstrated some financial need are encouraged to apply. Must have at least 26 credits at IUPUI and be currently enrolled. Deadline: March 15.
Charles O. McGaughey Leadership Award
Up to 2,000—This leadership award was established to recognize IUPUI upperclass students who have demonstrated leadership abilities. Applicants must have a minumum 3.5 cumulative GPA to be eligible. Preference is given to students in liberal arts, science or business. Deadline: March 15.
IUPUI Continuing Honors Scholarship
$1,500/$750 part-time-This one-year scholarship is primarily for students participating in the Honors Program, although students who are not in the Honors Program but have taken honors courses, are also eligible to apply. All applicants must have completed at least 12 credit hours with at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA. Applications are available in the Honors College office in Taylor Hall, Room 3140. Deadline: May 15.
Sam H. Jones Community Service Scholarships
$750 - 4,000-The scholarship recognizes students who have records of exemplary community and university service. Students can get involved in the community through programs such as Community Partner Scholars, Service Learning Assistants, Democracy Plaza Leaders and Community Work Study Team Leaders. For more information about these scholarships, contact the IUPUI Center for Service Learning at (317) 278-2662 located in BS 2010.
Norman Brown Diversity and Leadership Program
Up to $3,000 – This scholarship is designed to train diverse students with academic potential in valuable leadership skills. Transfer and currently enrolled students who have previously completed 24 (but no more than 60) credit hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 are eligible to apply. Underrepresented students are encouraged to apply. Students must be U.S. citizens. Additional funding may be available for those students with financial need. Contact the OSS for more details. Deadline: March 1.
IUPUI Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
Amount varies—UROP offers undergraduate research grants and travel funds to encourage and recognize undergraduates who participate in research and other creative projects with faculty in all disciplines, including music and art. Formal research credits may be earned toward graduation. Contact the UROP Program Administrator, (317) 278-0644 for more information.
National Scholarship Opportunities
For information on national scholarship opportunities, visit the National Collegiate Honors Council Web site at www.nchchonors.org/scholarships.htm.
Graduate students should contact their departments for information about financial support.
Three Million Dollars in Scholarships from External Sources
In recent years, IUPUI students (graduates and undergraduates) have brought nearly $3 million annually in private sector scholarships and awards with them to help pay for their education. Students can find information on such opportunities from high school guidance offices, from scholarship source books, and from the online scholarship search databases available at no charge to the public. These free connections are available from the Scholarship Central Web site. Search services have different scholarship information, so students should consult several of them. Many IUPUI students have had luck with larger search services such as FastWeb, which have efficient filters in place that eliminate scholarship entries for which students are not eligible. FastWeb even has applications for many of its scholarships available online.
Remember, students should never pay for scholarship or financial aid information!