If you are working on a degree from another institution and wish to take courses at IUPUI, apply as a visiting (non-degree status) student. You are responsible for verifying that your home institution will accept the IUPUI course credits. Your permission to enroll is for one term; however, an admissions counselor can authorize enrollment for additional terms if you are completing your final courses for a degree or if you are in the area on an internship or co-op program. You are not eligible for financial aid as a visiting student.
If you have earned a bachelor's degree and wish to take additional undergraduate coures either for personal enrichment or to meet entrance requirements for a second undergraduate degree or graduate or professional school, you must apply as a visiting student. While enrolled in this status, you may only take undergraduate courses.
Required Credentials and Qualifications
- Must be a current college student (enrolled within the last 12 months). If you have not enrolled within the past 12 months, provide a letter from either the dean or your academic advisor at your home institution stating that you have permission to transfer credits from IUPUI to the degree program.
- Provide a copy of your most recent grade report or transcript.
- Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. (Purdue students are eligible regardless of grade point average provided they are not on drop status.)