IUPUI offers beginning freshmen enrollment as degree-seeking or visiting students. Visiting student status is for only the Summer II term in June after graduation from high school.

Degree-Seeking Students

If you wish to enter an undergraduate certificate, associate’s, or bachelor’s degree program, apply as a degree-seeking student (even if you are unsure of which degree program). As a beginning freshman, you must not have not enrolled in any college, business, or vocational school after high school graduation.

For a beginning student, we will examine your high school record including courses completed, grades earned, and standardized test results. The trend in your grades and the difficulty of your courses are also important.

High School Graduates Admission Requirements
  • Graduated from high school or will graduate before enrolling.
  • The best preparation for college studies is the completion of a strong college-prep curriculum. If you are a current Indiana high school student, you are expected to complete Core 40 and are strongly encouraged to earn the Academic Honors Diploma.

If you are not in an Indiana high school, you should complete the following core of classes to be considered for admission: 

  • 4 years of college-prep English
  • 3-4 years of mathematics, including second-year algebra (We highly recommend 4 years.)
  • 3 years of social sciences
  • 3 years of laboratory science
  • 4 years of some combination of foreign language, computer science or additional mathematics, laboratory sciences, social sciences, or English courses. Some IUPUI schools require additional courses.
  • You must provide the results of your SAT or ACT, including the Writing Section of the test (scores must be received at IUPUI by May 1). If your class has graduated and a fall semester has passed since you graduated, you do not need to take the SAT or ACT. (However, if you did take the test, we would like to see the results.) The results of the writing section assist you and your academic advisor with placement into a writing course. Though test results are considered during the admission review, we do not deny students strictly based on their test results. The SAT or ACT is most important when considering you for dual admission to your intended major and scholarship consideration.
  • Though no grade point average guarantees admission to IUPUI, we generally expect to see students with a "B" average when reviewing applications. The trend in your grades and the difficulty of your courses are also very important, and we review favorably those students who have improved their grades in their junior and senior years. The two most important factors will be the courses you attempted and the grades you earned.
  • Adult students over the age of 21 should note that SAT or ACT scores are not required and, although a high school transcript is the primary criteria for admission, the Admissions Committee also considers such things as military experience, life experiences, and job responsibilities after leaving high school.
  • Returning adult students should note that SAT or ACT scores are not required and although a high school transcript is required, the admissions committee also considers such things as military experience, life experiences, and job responsibilities when reviewing applications.

If you have significant deficiencies in either academic preparation or performance, IUPUI will defer your acceptance until you complete designated courses at Ivy Tech Community College or another regionally accredited two-year or four-year college. A deferral contract outlining the courses to complete will be sent to you.

GED Admission Requirements

Students enrolling at IUPUI who have not attended college after earning a GED are considered beginning freshmen students. The following are the admission requirements:

  • Earned the GED.
  • If you are under 19 years of age, you must provide the results of an ACT or SAT test.

Depending on your GED score, you will either be granted admission or deferred to complete coursework at Ivy Tech Community College or or another regionally accredited two-year or four-year institution.  Visit http://enroll.iupui.edu/admissions/undergraduate/freshmen/admission.shtml for the most up-to-date score requirements.

Visiting Students during Summer after Graduation

Students graduating from high school may enroll at IUPUI as a visiting student for the June summer session. As a student applying under this status, you must do the following:

  • Verify with the Admissions Office of the institution you will attend in the fall that they will accept the course credits.
  • Submit an IUPUI application as a visiting student.
  • Submit a copy of your high school transcript and test scores.
  • Submit a copy of your letter of acceptance.
  • Submit the application fee.


  1. You are not eligible for financial aid as a visiting student, according to federal regulations.
  2. If admitted, you must complete IUPUI placement tests in reading, writing, and mathematics. These must be done before you can register for classes.
  3. You may apply only for the June semester and you are encouraged to do this no later than the beginning of May.