Undergraduate Programs
Student Learning Outcomes
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts - Individualized Major (B.A.)
The specific learning outcomes of students graduating with an INDIVIDUALIZED MAJOR will vary according to the specific content of the courses of study they design, but all IMP students completing their Individualized B.A. program will achieve the following:
- Know
- a coherent body of knowledge and theory in a discrete area of study they have defined.
- Understand
- approaches to knowledge and methodologies employed in the different disciplines and sub-disciplines included in their major plans, and appreciate the value and limitations of each.
- Be able to
- communicate what they have learned and understood in writing, orally, or another medium of their choice.
Some may have begun to operate effectively in an appropriate professional setting connected to the major. With judicious selection of courses included their majors and other coursework students may be able to qualify for graduate or professional programs that might not otherwise be open to them through other majors at IUPUI.