Undergraduate Programs


Legal Studies Minor

Advisor:  Assistant Professor David Weiden, Department of Political Science, Academic Advising,  Cavanaugh Hall 503D, (317) 278-7558

Law and the institutions associated with it are of great and growing importance in modern society. Law and legal institutions define relationships among individuals, shape and are shaped by public policies, and express cultural values and traditions as well as conflicts over those values and traditions.

The minor in legal studies provides students with an opportunity to study law and its relationship to society from a variety of perspectives. Whether students are interested in law as a potential career or are interested in law only as an important aspect of modern society, the courses they take to satisfy the minor may help them satisfy that interest. The minor also provides official recognition of students pursuit of this multidisciplinary field of study.

The minor consists of 15 credit hours and has to be satisfied by taking courses from more than one department or program. Students must complete 12 credit hours of upper-level course work chosen from the list of approved courses below and 3 credit hours in a required introductory-level course. Each course must be completed with a semester grade of C or higher in order to apply it toward the minor.

Required Course

POLS Y211 Introduction to Law (3 cr.)

Additional Courses (12 credit hours from the following):

  • AMST A303 Topic: Law and American Culture (3 cr.)
  • HIST A325 American Constitutional History I (3 cr.)
  • HIST A326 American Constitutional History II (3 cr.)
  • HIST A421 Topic: American Legal History (3 cr.)
  • JOUR J300  - Communications Law (3 cr.)
  • PHIL P383 Philosophy of Law (3 cr.)
  • POLS Y304 Constitutional Law (3 cr.)
  • POLS Y305 Constitutional Rights and Liberties (3 cr.)
  • POLS Y320 Judicial Politics (3 cr.)
  • PSY B375 Psychology and the Law (3 cr.)
  • SPEA V376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.)
  • SPEA V408 - Community and the Constitution (3 cr.)
  • WOST W300 Topic: Women and the Law (3 cr.)

Students who have questions about the legal studies minor, or who wish to declare and pursue the minor, should contact the advisor for legal studies, Assistant Professor David Weiden, Cavanaugh Hall 503E, (317) 278-7558.