Graduate Programs
Women's Studies
A minor in women’s studies is available to students pursuing a doctorate. Please consult with the director of the Women’s Studies Program.
Graduate Courses
Cross-listed undergraduate and graduate courses are listed under OneStart. They have included:
- ANTH E402 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
- ANTH E403 Women of Color in the U.S.
- BIOL N200 Biology of Women
- COMM R350 American Feminist Rhetoric
- ENG L207 Women in Literature
- ENG L378 Studies in Women and Literature
- ENG L401 Language, Power, and Gender
- MUS Z320 Women Musicians
- NURS G553 Women, Health, Culture, and Society
- PHIL P282 Women in Philosophy
- PHIL P394 Feminist Philosophy
- POLS Y324 Women and Politics
- PSY B376 Psychology of Women
- REL R301 Women and Religion
- SOC R321 Women and Health
- SOC R325 Gender and Society
- SOC R425 Gender and Work
- SPAN S470 Hispanic Women Writers