IUPUI has five distinct libraries that work together to support students, faculty, and the broader community. The University Library, located in the center of the campus, supports course work and faculty and student research and covers a wide range of academic disciplines, from liberal arts to science, engineering, and technology. This collection contains over 600,000 volumes and 4,500 subscriptions to current periodicals. The library has more than 600 general and graduate study carrels, 30 group-study rooms, and class and meeting rooms, including a 100-seat auditorium.
The dental, art, law, and medical libraries contain specialized collections reflecting their respective curricula and are located at the School of Dentistry, Herron School of Art and Design, the School of Law, and the School of Medicine. Although all libraries are open to every student, undergraduates tend to use the resources available at the University Library. The IU Catalog system (IUCAT) is available at all campus libraries. An interlibrary loan service connects the IUPUI libraries with the university libraries at Bloomington and West Lafayette, as well as other libraries throughout the country.
The University Library information system hosts more than 200 computer workstations enabling patrons to search for information through one of the most extensive and sophisticated online research systems in the country. The system provides access to resources such as library catalogs from around the world, bibliographic databases, full-text and numeric databases, cable television, and the Internet. Word processing and other electronic applications are also available on these machines, combined with file storage on the university main system for use by students. Access to many of these resources is provided from computer stations campuswide, plus a wireless laptop service.
The hours for the campus libraries are subject to change, particularly during the summer sessions and when classes are not in session. Because lending policies and procedures vary slightly among the different libraries, students should consult with personnel at the main desk of each library before checking out books and other materials.
University Library (UL)
(317) 274-8278
School of Dentistry Library (DS)
(317) 274-7204
Herron School of Art and Design Library (MB)
(317) 920-2433
School of Law—Ruth Lilly Library (IH)
(317) 274-4028
Ruth Lilly Medical Library (IB)
(317) 274-7182