Career Services
The career professionals in Academic and Career Development are a valuable resource when considering and developing major and career options, especially for exploratory students. The primary purpose of the career professionals is to aid students in developing, evaluating, and effectively implementing a sound career- planning strategy.Tools and resources provided to assist in this process are academic program and occupational information, self-assessment inventories to aid with career planning and selection, externship placements that expose the students to real work environments, the alumni mentor database with contacts from many different industries, and various workshops on career-related topics.
Services also include career counseling, interviewing techniques and practice, job search strategies and resume writing for degreed positions, and tips on networking. For additional information about these programs and services, see the Web site at, or visit Academic and Career Development, third floor of Taylor Hall, (317) 274-4856.
Career Library
This specialized library, located in the lobby on the third floor of Taylor Hall, is open to anyone who wants to explore hundreds of career options through print and online materials. Resources include a large assortment of books, pamphlets, periodicals, and audiovisual materials, all containing career and occupational information for both traditional and nontraditional careers. While materials are not circulated, the library can be used whenever the office is open.
Student Employment
The Office of Student Employment is located in BS 2010. It provides comprehensive employment information for IUPUI students, including an online job posting Web site, JagJobs. JagJobs lists positions for students on and off campus and specifies both work-study and student jobs (non-work-study) that are available. Student jobs and work-study positions are nondegreed, usually part-time positions that are available to students to help offset some of the costs of education and to offer students experience that will benefit their future career goals. Alumni and students who have registered for classes at IUPUI and have an e-mail account may obtain instructions and enter JagJobs via the Web site at Personal service is also provided in BS 2010. For additional job search information, contact the office at (317) 274-0857.The Office of Student Employment provides employment information for IUPUI students with work-study awards. Work-study jobs are available on campus and in the Indianapolis community for nonprofit organizations. Work-study jobs are posted on the JagJobs Web site:
To obtain work-study status, students must have received a work-study award from the IUPUI Office of Student Financial Aid Services (CE 250) after submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Recipients of work-study awards must obtain authorization and payroll paperwork from the Office of Student Employment before applying for any position.
Work-study students receive minimum wage or more per hour, paid directly to them in a biweekly paycheck. To provide maximum financial benefit, Social Security tax is not withheld, and earnings do not diminish other financial aid awards currently or in the future. For more information, contact the office at (317) 274-0857.