Undergraduate Programs
Dropping and Adding Classes
Students can make changes in their schedule (commonly known as add and drop) from the time of their initial registration up through the last day of automatic W date by computer or with a Schedule Adjustment form. Students receiving financial aid should be aware that dropping a course may change the amount of aid for which a student is eligible and may require that the student repay some of the money already received.
Students must drop classes officially; to stop attending a class or even to never attend the class does not cause the student to be dropped from the class. Failing to attend class does not mean a student has dropped a class but rather will result in an F in the course. Failing to pay for the course once registered will result in both an F and a bill for the course. After the middle of the semester, students need the instructor’s signature in order to drop a class.
Dropping classes is done online through OneStart or by using the Schedule Adjustment forms, which are available at the Office of the Registrar. If using a form it must be filled out, signed, and returned to the Office of the Registrar, Room 156M.
While withdrawals do not change a student’s GPA, more than ten withdrawals without well-documented medical excuses or other serious reasons will trigger the federal government’s definition of “not making academic progress” and may result in the loss of eligibility for certain types of aid.
Check the Registration Guide each semester for exact drop/withdraw and refund dates. After the fourth week, if you decide not to attend a class, don’t just walk away from the class without officially withdrawing from the class or from the university since you will receive an F in any undropped classes.