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![]() Indiana University Northwest 2004-2006 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin |
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Political Science (POLS)
POLS Y103 Introduction to American Politics (3 cr.) Introduction to the nature of government and the dynamics of American politics. Origin and nature of the American federal system and its political party base. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
POLS Y200 Contemporary Political Topics (3 cr.) Extensive analysis of selected contemporary political problems. Topics vary from semester to semester and are listed in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated once for credit.
POLS Y205 Elements of Political Analysis (3 cr.) An introduction to the major approaches to and techniques of the systematic study of political science. Includes introduction to analysis of quantitative political data. Recommended for majors.
POLS Y218 Comparative Politics: Europe and Canada (3 cr.) Comparative political analysis of four European countries and Canadafour democratic governments (Great Britain, France, Germany, and Canada) and one major communist government (the former Soviet Union). Emphasis on the most important political variables, including decision-making processes. (Fall)
POLS Y219 Introduction to International Relations (3 cr.) Causes of war, nature and attributes of the state, imperialism, international law, national sovereignty, arbitration, adjudication, international organization, major international issues. (Spring)
POLS Y301 Political Parties and Interest Groups (3 cr.) R: POLS Y103. Theories of American party activity; behavior of political parties, interest groups, and social movements; membership in groups; organization and structure; evaluation and relationship to the process of representation. (Occasionally)
POLS Y302 Public Bureaucracy in Modern Society (3 cr.) Examines public bureaucracy, with special emphasis upon the United States as a political phenomenon engaging in policy making and in the definition of the terms of policy issues. Considers the role of bureaucratic instruments in promoting social change and in responding to it. (Occasionally)
POLS Y303 Formation of Public Policy in the United States (3 cr.) Processes and institutions involved in formation of public policy with emphasis on congressional policymaking, oversight, fiscal control, and political setting. (Occasionally)
POLS Y304 American Constitutional Law I (3 cr.) Nature and function of law and judicial process; selected Supreme Court decisions interpreting American constitutional system. (Fall)
POLS Y305 American Constitutional Law II (3 cr.) R: POLS Y304. Nature and function of law and judicial process; selected Supreme Court decisions interpreting American constitutional system. (Spring)
POLS Y306 State Politics in the United States (3 cr.) Comparative study of politics in the American states. Special emphasis on the impact of political culture, party systems, legislature, and bureaucracies upon public policies. (Occasionally)
POLS Y308 Urban Politics (3 cr.) R: POLS Y103. Political behavior in modern American communities: emphasizes the impact of municipal organization, city officials and bureaucracies, social and economic notables, political parties, interest groups, the general public, and protest organizations on urban policy outcomes. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
POLS Y310 Political Behavior (3 cr.) Interrelationships between attitudes, personality, socioeconomic status, and political behavior. (Occasionally)
POLS Y312 Workshop in State and Local Government (3 cr.) P: POLS Y103. Intensive study of administration problems such as financial administration, public health, and welfare. (Occasionally)
POLS Y316 Public Opinion and Political Participation (3 cr.) The nature of public opinion on major domestic and foreign policy issues; mass political ideology; voting behavior and other forms of political participation; political culture; and the impact of public opinion on political systems. (Occasionally)
POLS Y318 The American Presidency (3 cr.) Development of the presidency and its relationship to the political system; problems of the contemporary presidency; personality and presidential roles, with emphasis on political leadership. (Spring)
POLS Y319 The United States Congress (3 cr.) The changing role of Congress in American national politics with emphasis on constitutional powers, historical development, reform, congressional-executive relations, policy making, oversight, fiscal control, subgovernments, and organizational-political setting. (Fall)
POLS Y360 United States Foreign Policy (3 cr.) R: POLS Y219. Analysis of institutions and processes involved in the formation and implementation of American foreign policy. Emphasis is on post-World War II policies. (Occasionally)
POLS Y362 International Politics of Selected Regions (3 cr.) Regions studied will vary with the instructor and the year. Current information may be obtained from the Department of Political Science. May be repeated once for credit with permission of the departmental undergraduate advisor. (Occasionally)
POLS Y366 Current Foreign Policy Problems (3 cr.) R: POLS Y219. Critique of foreign policy issues: communism, containment, imperialism, and others. Research papers and classroom presentation for critical discussion. (Occasionally)
POLS Y371 Workshop in International Topics (3 cr.) R: POLS Y219 or equivalent. This course is not open to political science majors. Sovereignty, nationalism, imperialism, collective security, race, culture, international trade, population, war. (Occasionally)
POLS Y380 Selected Topics of Democratic Government (3 cr.) Topics vary from semester to semester. See Schedule of Classes for specific topic. (Spring, Summer I)
POLS Y381 History of Political Theory I (3 cr.) An exposition and critical analysis of the major political philosophers and philosophical schools from Plato to Machiavelli. (Fall)
POLS Y382 History of Political Theory II (3 cr.) An exposition and critical analysis of the major philosophers and philosophical schools from Machiavelli to the present. (Spring)
POLS Y390 Micropolitics and Organizational Behavior (3 cr.) Micropolitics as a domain of political activity and behavior in complex public and political organizations. Organization theory with respect to leadership, power, authority, communications, conflict, and innovation relating to the study of contemporary political events. (Occasionally)
POLS Y392 Problems of Contemporary Political Philosophy (3 cr.) An extensive study of one or more great philosophical thinkers, movements, or problems. Subject varies with instructor and year. Current information may be obtained from the Department of Political Science. May be repeated once, with permission of departmental undergraduate advisor. (Occasionally)
POLS Y394 Public Policy Analysis (3 cr.) Place of theory and method in examining public policies in relation to programs, institutional arrangements, and constitutional problems. Particular reference to American political experience. (Occasionally)
POLS Y398 Internship in Urban Institutions (3 cr.; 9 cr. max.) P: POLS Y301 or POLS Y303 and permission of instructor. Provides opportunities for students to observe or participate directly in the policy-making process of urban institutions requesting the assistance of paraprofessionals. Research and written reports required. Evaluations made by both the agency and the instructor. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Students working in city and county institutions may repeat the course for a maximum of 9 credit hours. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
POLS Y401 Studies in Political Science (3 cr.) Topic varies with the instructor and year: consult the Schedule of Classes for current information. May be repeated once for credit. (Occasionally)
POLS Y480 Undergraduate Readings in Political Science (6 cr. max.) Individual readings and research. May be taken only with consent of instructor and director of undergraduate studies. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
POLS Y481 Field Experience in Political Science (3-9 cr.) P: junior or senior standing, 15 credit hours of political science, and project approved by instructor. Faculty-directed study of aspects of the political process based upon field experience. Directed readings, field research, research papers. (Occasionally)
POLS Y490 Senior Seminar in Political Science (3 cr.) Open to senior majors only. Readings and discussion of selected problems. Research paper ordinarily required. May be repeated once for credit. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
POLS Y496 Foreign Study in Political Science (3-8 cr.; once only)) P: consent of instructor. Course involves planning of research project during year preceding summer abroad. Time spent in research abroad must amount to at least one week for each credit hour granted. Research paper must be presented by end of semester following foreign study. (Occasionally)
POLS Y499 Honors Thesis (12 cr. max.) P: approval of instructor and departmental honors advisor. (Occasionally)
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