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![]() Indiana University Northwest 2004-2006 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin |
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Fine Arts (FINA)
FINA A101 Ancient and Medieval Art (3 cr.) A survey of major styles and monuments in art and architecture from prehistoric times to the end of the Middle Ages. (Fall)
FINA A102 Renaissance through Modern Art (3 cr.) A survey of major artists, styles, and movements in European and American art and architecture from the fifteenth century to the present. (Spring)
FINA A331 Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Art in Italy (3 cr.) P: FINA A102. Survey of painting, sculpture, and architecture. (Occasionally)
FINA A332 Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Art in Southern Europe (3 cr.) P: FINA A102. Survey of painting, sculpture, and architecture. (Occasionally)
FINA A340 Topics in Modern Art: Contemporary Art (3 cr.) P: FINA A102. The course will survey art from the 1970s to the present. Classroom lectures, museum and gallery visits will be part of the course. (Fall, Summer I)
FINA A341 Nineteenth-Century European Art (3 cr.) P: FINA A102. Survey of major artists and styles in painting and sculpture from circa 1770 to 1900, emphasizing developments in France, England, and Germany. Topics include neoclassicism, romanticism, realism, impressionism, and post-impressionism. (Fall)
FINA A342 Twentieth-Century Art (3 cr.) P: FINA A102. Survey of major artists, styles, and movements in painting and sculpture from 1900 to the present in Europe and the United States. Topics include expressionism, cubism, futurism, dada, surrealism, and abstraction. (Spring)
FINA A435 Art TheorySeniors (2 cr.) This course is designed to cover broad-ranging concerns vital to the art major's continuing career in graduate school and/or the professional art world. Open to seniors only. (Fall)
FINA A442 Twentieth-Century Art 1900-1924 (3 cr.) P: FINA A102. European artists and movements of the first part of the twentieth century: symbolism, fauvism, expressionism, cubism, etc., for painting, and art nouveau, de Stijl, Bauhaus, Sullivan, and early Wright for architecture. (Occasionally)
FINA A449 Twentieth-Century Art 1925-1970 (3 cr.) P: FINA A102. Painting, sculpture, and architecture from 1925-1970. Main emphasis will be on American developments, including necessary historic background from Armory Show to migration of surrealism, abstract expressionism, op, pop, minimal, and kinetic art. A worldview of architecture will cover such topics as International Style and New Brutalism. (Occasionally)
FINA F100 Fundamental StudioDrawing (3 cr.) Development of visual awareness and coordination of perceptual and manual skills; seeing, representing, and inventing on an experimental, exploratory level in two dimensions. Includes placement, scale, volume, light, formal articulation, and investigations of color theory. (Spring)
FINA F101 Fundamental Studio3D (3 cr.) Volume, space, material, and physical force studies provide the basis for exploration of three-dimensional form; includes carving, construction, modeling. (Fall)
FINA F102 Fundamental Studio2D (3 cr.) Color, shape, line, and value structures are studied as the basis for exploration of two-dimensional spatial relationships; includes investigation of conventional and invented tools and media. (Spring)
FINA H100 Art Appreciation (3 cr.) Objectives: to acquaint students with outstanding works of art and to provide an approach to appreciation through knowledge of purpose, techniques, form, and content. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S200 Drawing I (3 cr.) Preliminary course for advancement in drawing, stressing visual awareness; seeing, representing, and technical command on a two-dimensional surface. Problems in handling placement, scale, space, volume, light, and formal articulation. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S230 Painting I (3 cr.) Preliminary course for advancement in painting; exploring technical and visual aspects of color media. Emphasis on media command and structural problems in painting. Media: oil and acrylics. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S240 Basic Printmaking Media (3 cr.) Introduction to printmaking. Emphasis on relief. Problems in pictorial composition and drawing stressed. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S250 Graphic Design I (3 cr.) Visual communication emphasizing the perceptive use of line, interval, proportion, color, sequence, and grid systems. Basic tools and drawing disciplines of graphic design. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S260 Ceramics I (3 cr.) A limited introduction to handbuilding, throwing, glaze mixing, glaze application, including a few lectures on basic ceramic techniques. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
FINA S270 Sculpture I (3 cr.) The study of the relationships of volume and space through modeling, carving, and construction. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S291 Fundamentals of Photography (3 cr.) Basic practice of camera operations; exposure calculation; and exposing, printing, and enlarging monochrome photographs. Guidance toward establishment of a personal photographic aesthetic. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
FINA S301 Drawing II (3 cr.) May be repeated once. P: FINA S200 or consent of instructor. Intermediate course in drawing from the model and other sources. Emphasis on technical command of the media in conjunction with the development of a visual awareness. Continued problems in the articulation of space, scale, volume, and linear sensitivity. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S331 Painting II (3 cr.) May be repeated once. P: FINA S230 or consent of instructor. Intermediate course in painting from the model and other sources. Emphasis on technical command and understanding of the components of painting space, color, volume, value, and scale. Media: oil or acrylics. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S337 Watercolor Painting I (3 cr.) An introduction to watercolor working from still life, portrait, and figure, stressing technical competence. (Occasionally)
FINA S338 Watercolor Painting II (3 cr.) May be repeated once. P: FINA S337. Further work in advancing technical skill in watercolor and achieving stylistic individuality. (Occasionally)
FINA S341 Printmaking II Intaglio (3 cr.) May be repeated once. P: FINA S240 or consent of instructor. Advanced study with emphasis on intaglio. Problems in pictorial composition and drawing stressed. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S344 Printmaking II Silkscreen (3 cr.) May be repeated once. P: FINA S240. Advanced study with emphasis on silkscreen. Problems in pictorial composition and drawing stressed. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S351 Graphic Design II (3 cr.) P: FINA S250 or consent of instructor. Further studies in visual communication concentrating on letter drawing, symbolic drawing, and typographic exploration. Production methods. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S352 Graphic Design III (3 cr.) P: FINA S351 or consent of instructor. Advanced studies in visual problem solving relating to the development of symbols and their integration with typographic communication, photography, and design-oriented drawing. (Spring)
FINA S361 Ceramics II (3 cr.) P: FINA S260 or consent of instructor. Continued practice in forming and glazing. Lectures. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
FINA S371 Sculpture II (3 cr.) May be repeated once. P: FINA S270 or consent of instructor. Continuation of basic studies, using both figurative (modeling from human figure in clay) and abstract means (constructions in metal, wood, and plaster). Concentration on manipulative and technical skills and more complex materials. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S392 Intermediate Photography (3 cr.) P: FINA S291 or consent of instructor. Practice of photography applied to student's major study or area of special interest in the humanities and social sciences. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
FINA S400 Independent Studio Projects (1-6 cr.) Repeatable up to 6 credits. P: FINA 300-level studio course. Designed for advanced studio art students who want to work independently on special studio projects under the guidance of a faculty member or committee. This course work does not fulfill a specific course requirement for fine arts major. It does count within the 25-34 credit hour studio art limit. Students must arrange a project with a faculty member who will supervise and grade the work produced. One credit is given for each three hours of work per week for the entire semester. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
FINA S401 Drawing III (cr. arr.) P: junior/senior standing. May be repeated up to a total of 20 credit hours. P: FINA S301. Advanced drawing. Continuation of FINA S301. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S420 Topics in Studio Art (3 cr.) P: Junior standing or consent of instructor. May be repeated up to a total of 20 credit hours. A multidisciplinary studio course that explores topics through the use of a variety of artistic approaches. Students will work in the media of their choice. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S431 Painting III (cr. arr.) P: junior/senior standing. May be repeated up to a total of 20 credit hours. P: FINA S331. Advanced course in painting. Continuation of FINA S331. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S438 Water Media (cr. arr.) P: FINA S338. Experimentation with the various water media. With source and nonsource. Maximum of 9 credit hours. (Occasionally)
FINA S441 Printmaking III Intaglio (cr. arr.) P: junior/senior standing. May be repeated up to a total of 20 credit hours. P: FINA S341 or consent of instructor. Advanced work in intaglio for qualified students. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S444 Printmaking III Silk Screen (cr. arr.) P: FINA S344. Advanced work in silkscreen for qualified students. May be repeated for a total of 20 credit hours. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S447 Printmaking III (3 cr.) May be repeated up to a total of 20 credit hours. P: FINA S341 or FINA S344. Advanced work in intaglio, lithography, or serigraphy for qualified students. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S451 Graphic Design Problem Solving (cr. arr.) May be repeated for a total of 20 credit hours. P: FINA S352 and consent of instructor. Professional problem solving in graphic design. Using a variety of mediums to communicate messages, students apply processes from printing to multimedia as appropriate for directed projects. (Occasionally)
FINA S461 Ceramics III (cr. arr.) P: junior/senior standing. May be repeated up to a total of 20 credit hours. P: FINA S361. Further practice in ceramic studio techniques. Body preparation. Lectures. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
FINA S471 Sculpture III (cr. arr.) P: junior/senior standing. May be repeated up to a total of 20 credit hours. Concentration on construction, carving, welding, and figure modeling. Concentration will be on foundry techniques each spring semester. (Fall, Spring)
FINA S490 Advanced Photography I (3 cr.) P: junior/senior standing. P: FINA S392 or consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
FINA S491 Advanced Photography II (cr. arr.) P: junior/senior standing. May be repeated up to a total of 20 credit hours. P: FINA S490 or consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
FINA S497 Independent Study in Fine Arts (1-6 cr.) P: majors only, senior standing. Creative projects and senior exhibition in the student's area of practice. Course requires a section authorization form. (Fall, Spring)
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