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![]() Indiana University Northwest 2004-2006 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin |
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English (ENG)
ENG G205 Introduction to the English Language (3 cr.) Acquaints the student with contemporary studies of the nature of language in general and of the English language in particular. Required of students preparing to teach English in secondary schools. Does not count toward group distribution requirements. (Fall or Spring)
ENG G207 Grammar and Usage (3 cr.) Provides students with a foundation in traditional grammar and usage. Intended primarily for students preparing to teach English in secondary schools. Does not count toward group distribution requirements. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
ENG G310 Social Changes in Speech Patterns (3 cr.) Structural and expressive features of such American speech as Black English and the speech patterns of American women. Emphasis on their social bases and on such other contrasting speech patterns as may illustrate their individuality, validity, and persistence. (Occasionally)
ENG L101 Western World Masterpieces I (3 cr.) P: ENG W131 or equivalent. Literary masterpieces from Homer to the Renaissance. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
ENG L102 Western World Masterpieces II (3 cr.) P: ENG W131 or equivalent. Literary masterpieces from the Renaissance to the present. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
ENG L201 Special Studies in Literature (3 cr.) Reading of literary works in relation to special themes. May be repeated once for credit with a change in topic. (Occasionally)
ENG L202 Literary Interpretation (3 cr.) Development of critical skills essential to participation in the interpretation process. Through class discussion and focused writing assignments, introduces the premises and motives of literary analysis and critical methods associated with historical, generic, and/or cultural concerns. May be repeated once for credit by special arrangement with the Department of English. Note: Students planning to transfer to IU Bloomington should be aware that Advance College Project (ACP) ENG L202 will neither count toward the English major nor satisfy the intensive writing requirement at IU Bloomington. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L203 Introduction to Drama (3 cr.) Representative groups of significant plays to acquaint students with characteristics of drama as a type of literature. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L204 Introduction to Fiction (3 cr.) Representative works of fiction: stresses structural technique in the novel, theories and kinds of fiction, and thematic scope of the novel. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L205 Introduction to Poetry (3 cr.) Kinds, conventions, and elements of poetry in a selection of poems from several historical periods. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L207 Women and Literature (3 cr.) Critical issues and methods in the study of women writers and treatment of women in British and American literature. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L211 English Literature to 1700 (3 cr.) Representative selections with emphasis on major writers from Beowulf to 1700. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L212 English Literature since 1700 (3 cr.) Representative selections with emphasis on major writers from 1700 to the early twentieth century. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L295 American Film Culture (3 cr.) Film in relation to American culture and society. Topic varies. Works of literature may be used for comparison, but the main emphasis will be on film as a narrative medium and as an important element in American culture. (Occasionally)
ENG L305 Chaucer (3 cr.) Chaucer's works with special emphasis on the Canterbury Tales. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L308 Elizabethan Drama and Its Background (3 cr.) English drama from Middle Ages to 1642, including principal Elizabethan, Jacobean, and Caroline dramatists. (Occasionally)
ENG L311 Studies in Renaissance Literature (3 cr.) Major Renaissance writers, with special attention to the poetry. (Occasionally)
ENG L315 Major Plays of Shakespeare (3 cr.) A close reading of a representative selection of Shakespeare's major plays. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L326 Major Authors of the Eighteenth Century (3 cr.) Representative selections from the works of writers such as Dryden, Swift, Pope, and Johnson. (Occasionally)
ENG L332 Romantic Literature (3 cr.) Major Romantic writers, with emphasis on two or more of the following: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats. (Occasionally)
ENG L335 Victorian Literature (3 cr.) Major poetry and prose, 1839-1900, studied against the social and intellectual background of the period. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L345 Twentieth-Century British Poetry (3 cr.) Modern poets, particularly Yeats, Eliot, and Auden; some later poets may be included. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L346 Twentieth-Century British Fiction (3 cr.) Modern fiction, its techniques and experiments, particularly Joyce, Lawrence, and Woolf; some later novelists may be included. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L347 British Fiction to 1800 (3 cr.) Forms, techniques, and theories of fiction as exemplified by such authors as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, and Sterne. (Occasionally)
ENG L348 Nineteenth-Century British Fiction (3 cr.) Forms, techniques, and theories of fiction as exemplified by such romantic and Victorian authors as Scott, Dickens, Eliot, and Hardy. (Occasionally)
ENG L351 American Literature 1800-1865 (3 cr.) American writers to 1865: Emerson, Hawthorne, Melville, Whitman, and two or three additional major writers. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L352 American Literature 1865-1914 (3 cr.) American writers, 1865-1914: Mark Twain, Dickinson, James, and two or three additional major writers. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L354 American Literature since 1914 (3 cr.) American writers since 1914: Faulkner, Hemingway, Eliot, Frost, and two or three additional major writers. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L355 American Fiction to 1900 (3 cr.) Representative nineteenth-century American novels and short fiction. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L357 Twentieth-Century American Poetry (3 cr.) American poetry since 1900, including such poets as Pound, Eliot, Frost, Stevens, Williams, and Lowell. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L358 Twentieth-Century American Fiction (3 cr.) American fiction since 1900, including such writers as Dreiser, Lewis, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Faulkner, and Bellow. (Fall or Spring)
ENG L364 Native American Literature (3 cr.) A survey of traditional and modern literature by American Indians, especially of the high plains and Southwest culture areas, with particular attention to the image of the Indian. (Occasionally)
ENG L365 Modern Drama: Continental (3 cr.) Special attention to such dramatists as Ibsen, Chekhov, Hauptmann, Pirandello, Brecht, and Sartre. (Occasionally)
ENG L366 Modern Drama: English, Irish, and American (3 cr.) Special attention to such dramatists as Shaw, Synge, O'Neill, Anderson, and Hellman. (Occasionally)
ENG L369 Studies in British and American Authors (3 cr.) Studies in single authors (such as Wordsworth and Melville), groups of authors (such as the Pre-Raphaelites), and periods (such as American writers of the 1920s). Topics will vary from semester to semester. May be repeated once for credit. (Occasionally)
ENG L370 Recent Black American Writing (3 cr.) A study of selected black American writers of the late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries with emphasis on very recent writing. The focus of this course will be on the literary qualities unique to those writers as individuals and as a group. Credit not given for both ENG L370 and AFRO A370. (Occasionally)
ENG L381 Recent Writing (3 cr.) Study of selected writers of contemporary significance. May include relevant groups and movements (such as black writers, poets of projective verse, new regionalists, parajournalists and other experimenters in pop literature, folk writers and distinctively ethnic writers); several recent novelists, poets, or critics; or any combination of groups. (Occasionally)
ENG L382 Fiction of the Non-Western World (3 cr.) In-depth study of selected narratives from the fiction of the non-western world. Focus and selections vary from year to year. (Occasionally)
ENG L390 Children's Literature (3 cr.) Historical and modern children's books and selections from books, designed to assist future teachers, parents, librarians, or others in selecting the best of children's literature for each period of the child's life. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
ENG L440 Senior Seminar in English and American Literature (3 cr.) Thorough study of one or more major British and American writers or of a significant theme or form in English and American literature. (Fall)
ENG L495 Individual Reading in English (1-3 cr.) P: consent of instructor and departmental chairperson. May be repeated once for credit. (Occasionally)
ENG W031 Precomposition (3 cr.) P: placement. Provides practice in the essential writing and organizational skills needed for admission to ENG W130. With emphasis on the essay, this course concentrates on the writing skills needed for college credit courses. S/F grading only; credit does not count toward any degree. (Fall, Spring)
ENG W130 Principles of Composition (3 cr.) Placement according to IUN English Placement Test. For students with significant writing problems who need an intensive, two-semester freshman writing experience. Practice in writing papers for a variety of purposes and audiences. Attention to revision and to sentence and paragraph structure. (Fall, Spring)
ENG W131 Elementary Composition I (3 cr.) Offers instruction and practice in the reading and writing skills required in college. Emphasis is on written assignments that require synthesis, analysis, and argument based on sources. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
ENG W132 Elementary Composition II (3 cr.) P: ENG W131. Continuation of ENG W131, with emphasis on writing from secondary sources: research, evaluating evidence, and documentation. Does not count toward group distribution requirements. (Fall, Spring)
ENG W140 Elementary Composition/Honors (3 cr.) An introductory writing course for advanced freshman writers. Requirements, including number and type of assignments, are parallel to ENG W131. ENG W140 offers greater intensity of discussion and response to writing. Students' eligibility for ENG W140 is determined by math and English placement exam scores. Does not count toward group distribution requirements. (Occasionally)
ENG W201 Apprenticeship in Grading Themes (1 cr.) Prospective student teachers, apprenticed to composition teachers, receive training in evaluating and marking freshman themes. Does not count for credit in the College of Arts and Sciences. Must be taken before student teaching. Does not count toward group distribution requirements. (Occasionally)
ENG W231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.) P: ENG W131 or equivalent. To develop research and writing skills requisite for most academic and professional activities. Emphasis on methods of research, organization, and writing techniques useful in preparing reviews, critical bibliographies, research and technical reports, proposals, and papers. Junior or senior standing recommended. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
ENG W233 Intermediate Expository Writing (3 cr.) This course is a logical extension of the rhetorical and stylistic principles introduced in ENG W131. Emphasis is on the writing process, modes of discourse reflective of professional writing, and language conventions. Does not count toward group distribution requirements. (Fall or Spring)
ENG W301 Writing Fiction (3 cr.) P: submission of acceptable manuscripts to instructor in advance of registration. May be repeated once for credit. (Fall or Spring)
ENG W303 Writing Poetry (3 cr.) P: submission of acceptable manuscripts to instructor in advance of registration. May be repeated once for credit. Fall or Spring)
ENG W350 Advanced Expository Writing (3 cr.) P: ENG W131 or equivalent. Close examination of assumptions, choices, and techniques which go into a student's own writing and the writing of others. Does not count toward group distribution requirements. (Occasionally)
ENG W398 Internship in Writing (1-3 cr.) P: ENG W131 or equivalent. Combine study of writing with practical expertise in working with professionals in journalism, business communication, or technical writing. Researched reports are required. Evaluations made by both supervisor and instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. (Fall or Spring)
ENG W490 Writing Seminar (3 cr.) P: ENG W131 and ENG W231 or equivalent. This course emphasizes a single aspect or a selected topic of composition. Emphasizes nonfictional prose, particularly advanced professional writing. (Occasionally)
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