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![]() Indiana University Northwest 2004-2006 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin |
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Dental Hygiene (DHYG)
DHYG H204 Periodontics (1 cr.) A study of periodontal diseases, including the anatomy, classification, etiology, treatment, and relationship to systemic conditions. (Summer I)
DHYG H205 Medical and Dental Emergencies: First Year (1 cr.) A study of emergency situations in the dental office, including predisposing factors, drugs, and treatment to include the support of the cardiopulmonary system. (Fall)
DHYG H211 Head and Neck Anatomy: First Year (2 cr.) Head and neck anatomy with emphasis on muscles of mastication, nerves and blood vessels supplying the teeth, and temporomandibular joint problems. (Fall)
DHYG H214 Oral Anatomy: First Year (3 cr.) A study of the morphology, structure, and function of deciduous and permanent teeth and their surrounding tissues, with laboratory procedures including the identification and reproduction of tooth forms by viewing representative teeth. An introduction to the osteology of the maxilla and mandible, the nerve and vascular supply of teeth, the muscles of mastication, and the anatomy of the temporomandibular joint. (Fall)
DHYG H215 Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Second Year (2 cr.) Actions and uses of drugs and theory of anesthetics; emphasis on drugs used in dentistry. (Fall)
DHYG H217 Preventive Dentistry: First Year (2 cr.) Etiology of prevalent oral diseases and their prevention with particular emphasis on plaque, plaque control, and fluorides. The effects of major nutrients in the physiologic body process; applied nutrition in dental caries and periodontal disease. (Fall)
DHYG H218 Fundamentals of Dental Hygiene: First Year (4 cr.) An introduction to the theory, principles, and procedures necessary for the performance of dental hygiene services through didactic, laboratory, and clinical experiences. There will be emphasis placed on infection control procedures, structures of the oral cavity, soft and hard deposits, instrumentation, medical/dental histories, oral inspection, polishing and fluoride procedures. (Fall)
DHYG H219 Clinical Practice I: First Year (4 cr.) Performance of dental hygiene services in a clinical setting. Didactic and clinical instruction in advanced theories, principles, and procedures necessary to perform an oral prophylaxis. Emphasis will be placed on the enrichment of skills necessary to perform preventive oral health services. (Spring)
DHYG H220 Summer Radiology Clinic (1 cr.) Continued performance of intraoral and extraoral radiographs. (Summer I)
DHYG H221 Summer Clinic (3 cr.) Continued performance of dental hygiene services in a clinical setting. (Summer I)
DHYG H224 Oral Histology and Embryology: First Year (1 cr.) A study of the histological aspects of the tooth and periodontium. Also a brief study of the embryologic development of the face and teeth. (Spring)
DHYG H242 Introduction to Dentistry: First Year (1 cr.) An overview of the dental specialties with emphasis on the dental personnel's role within each of the dental specialties. (Spring)
DHYG H301 Clinical Practice II: Second Year (5 cr.) Continued performance of dental hygiene services in the clinical setting. Included is didactic instruction and clinical application of dental hygiene services for providing patient care. (Fall)
DHYG H302 Clinical Practice III: Second Year (5 cr.) Continued performance of dental hygiene services in the clinical setting. Included is didactic instruction and clinical application of dental hygiene services for providing patient care. (Spring)
DHYG H303 Dental Radiology: First Year (2 cr.) Through didactic instruction, the student will learn the principles of radiation protection, theories of radiographic image formation, chemistry of film processing, radiation hygiene, and interpretation of processed radiographs. The laboratory portion of the course will include the practical application of exposure and processing techniques. (Fall)
DHYG H304 Oral Pathology: Second Year (2 cr.) An overview of the diseases of the human body with specific emphasis on developmental abnormalities and acquired disorders of teeth and surrounding structure. (Fall)
DHYG H305 Radiology Clinic I (1 cr.) Clinical application of intraoral and extraoral radiographs with advanced interpretation skills. (Spring)
DHYG H306 Radiology Clinic II (1 cr.) Clinical application of intraoral and extraoral radiographs with advanced interpretation skills. (Fall)
DHYG H307 Radiology Clinic III (1 cr.) Clinical application of intraoral and extraoral radiographs with advanced interpretation skills. (Spring)
DHYG H308 Dental Materials: First Year (2 cr.) A course designed to acquaint the student with the basic mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of dental materials and the effect of manipulation procedures on those properties. The exact role of properties in the usage and clinical behavior of materials is stressed. Certain biological considerations are also covered. A laboratory is required. (Spring)
DHYG H309 Community Dental Hygiene: Second Year (3 cr.) A study of aspects of dental public health including public health professionals, epidemiology, research, and implementing community dental health programs. Major emphasis on supervised field experience in various community settings. (Spring)
DHYG H311 Dental Health Education: Second Year (2 cr.) An introduction to basic communication and motivation skills, instructional objectives, learning theory, evaluation of education materials, and special needs patients. Health program planning and evaluation methods are investigated. (Fall)
DHYG H320 Ethics, Jurisprudence, and Practice Management: Second Year (2 cr.) Ethics, jurisprudence, and practice management concepts including a study of state practice acts, and business management procedures. (Spring)
DHYG H321 Periodontics (2 cr.) A study of periodontal diseases, including the anatomy, classification, etiology, treatment, and relationship to systemic conditions. (Fall)
DHYG H344 Senior Hygiene Seminar: Second Year (1 cr.) Reviews of formats and procedures involved in national and state board examinations. Participation in developing employment-seeking skills. (Spring)
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