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![]() Indiana University Northwest 2004-2006 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin |
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Chemistry (CHEM)
CHEM C100 The World of Chemistry (3 cr.) Intended for nonscience majors, the chemistry of everyday life-water, air, plastics, fuels, nutrition, medicinal and agricultural products, living systems and consumer chemistry. Lectures illustrated by visual displays, computer animation, and interviews with famous scientists and onsite demonstrations of industrial processes. (Fall, Spring, often in Summer I or Summer II)
CHEM C101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: MATH M007 or equivalent. Introduction to chemistry, includes chemical and gas laws, atomic and molecular structure, energy, equilibrium, kinetics, states of matter, and applications in chemical processes. Usually taken concurrently with CHEM C121. Lectures and discussion. The two sequences, CHEM C101-CHEM C121 and CHEM C102-CHEM C122, usually satisfy programs that require only two semesters of chemistry. Admission to advanced courses on basis of CHEM C101, CHEM C121, CHEM C102, CHEM C122 granted only in exceptional cases. May be taken without credit in preparation for CHEM C105. Credit given for only CHEM C101 or CHEM C105. (Fall, Spring, often in Summer I or Summer II)
CHEM C102 Elementary Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: CHEM C101. Continuation of CHEM C101. Usually taken concurrently with CHEM C122. The chemistry of organic compounds and their reactions, followed by an extensive introduction to biochemistry. Lectures and discussion. (Spring, occasionally in Summer I or Summer II) CHEM C105 Principles of Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: two years of high school algebra or MATH M014, one year of high school chemistry; CHEM C125 recommended concurrently. Basic principles, including stoichiometry, atomic and molecular structure, bonding, gases, and solutions. Lectures and discussion. Credit given for only CHEM C101 or CHEM C105. (Fall, Spring)
CHEM C106 Principles of Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: CHEM C105, CHEM C126 recommended concurrently. Chemical equilibria with emphasis on acids, bases, solubility, and electrochemistry; elementary thermodynamics; chemical kinetics; descriptive chemistry; and coordination compounds. Lectures and discussion. (Spring, Summer II)
CHEM C120 Chemistry Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: CHEM C100; laboratory component of CHEM C100. Experiments illustrating chemical principles and their applications to biology, environment, and health sciences. Laboratory and laboratory lecture. (Fall, Spring)
CHEM C121 Elementary Chemistry Laboratory I (2 cr.) P or C: CHEM C101. An introduction to the techniques and reasoning of experimental chemistry. (Fall, Spring, often in Summer I or Summer II)
CHEM C122 Elementary Chemistry Laboratory II (2 cr.) P: CHEM C101, CHEM C121; P or C: CHEM C102. Continuation of CHEM C121. Emphasis on organic and biochemical experimental techniques. (Spring)
CHEM C125 Experimental Chemistry I (2 cr.) P or C: CHEM C105. An introduction to laboratory experimentation with emphasis on the collection and use of experimental data, some properties of solutions, stoichiometry, molecular geometry, and synthesis. (Fall, Spring)
CHEM C126 Experimental Chemistry II (2 cr.) P: CHEM C106 or concurrent, CHEM C125. A continuation of CHEM C125 with emphasis on equilibria, qualitative analysis, acids and bases, thermodynamics, oxidation-reduction (including electrochemistry), chemical kinetics, and spectrometry. (Spring, Summer II)
CHEM C209 Special Problems (1-2 cr.) Preparation of special reports on topic(s) designated by chemistry faculty from the results of the proficiency examination. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
CHEM C301 Chemistry Seminar (1 cr.) P: 18 credit hours of chemistry with a grade point average of at least 2.5. Independent study and reading with emphasis on basic chemistry and interdisciplinary applications. Research reports and discussions by students and faculty. (Spring)
CHEM C303 Environmental Chemistry Lecture (3 cr.) P: CHEM C106, CHEM C126, and CHEM C341. Investigation of the chemistry of water and air pollution; analytical procedures and techniques as applied to pollution problems, effects, and controls. This course will be offered as part of a post-baccalaureate environmental sciences certificate. (Fallalternate year)
CHEM C310 Analytical Chemistry (5 cr., 3 cr. without lab) P or C: CHEM C341 or CHEM S341 and MATH M215, CHEM C361 for majors. Fundamental analytical processes, including solution equilibria, electrochemical theory and applications, and selected instrumental methods. (Fall, Springtwice every three years)
CHEM C335 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (1-3 cr.) P or C: CHEM C430. Preparation of inorganic and organometallic compounds illustrating special and advanced techniques, including characterization by modern physical methods. (Springalternate year)
CHEM C341 Organic Chemistry Lecture I (3 cr.) P: CHEM C106, CHEM C126. Chemistry of carbon compounds. Nomenclature; qualitative theory of valence; structure and reactions. Syntheses and reactions of major classes of monofunctional compounds. (Fall)
CHEM C342 Organic Chemistry Lecture II (3 cr.) P or C: CHEM C343. Syntheses and reactions of polyfunctional compounds, natural and industrial products; physical and chemical methods of identification. (Spring)
CHEM C343 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (2 cr.) P or C: CHEM C341. Laboratory instruction in the fundamental techniques of organic chemistry and the use of general synthetic methods. (Fall)
CHEM C344 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (2 cr.) P: CHEM C343; P or C: CHEM C342. Preparation, isolation, and identification of organic compounds; emphasis on modern research methods. (Spring)
CHEM C361 Physical Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: CHEM C106; MATH M216; PHYS P202 or PHYS P222 (either MATH M216 or PHYS P202/PHYS P222 concurrent). Chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, introduction to statistical thermodynamics. (Fall)
CHEM C362 Physical Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: CHEM C361. Introduction to quantum mechanics. Structure and spectra of atoms, molecules, and solids. (Springalternate year)
CHEM C363 Experimental Physical Chemistry (2-4 cr.) P: CHEM C106, CHEM C361 or concurrent. Experimental work to illustrate principles of physical chemistry and to introduce research techniques. (Fall)
CHEM C403 History of Chemistry I (1 cr.) P: senior standing, consent of instructor. Development of significant chemical knowledge and concepts through the nineteenth century. Student report and discussion. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
CHEM C409 Chemical Research (1-5 cr. each semester) P: senior standing (open also to Honors juniors), grade point average of at least 2.8 in all chemistry courses. Can be elected only after consultation with research advisor and approval of chairperson. May be taken for total of 10 credit hours. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
CHEM C410 Principles of Chemical Instrumentation (4 cr. including lab) P: CHEM C310 or consent of instructor. Theory and practice of modern analytical methods, including electro-analytical techniques, quantitative spectrophotometry, magnetic methods, extraction, and chromatography. (Springtwice every three years)
CHEM C430 Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM C361 or consent of instructor. Structural inorganic chemistry, coordination compounds, mechanisms of inorganic reactions, inorganic synthetic methods. Special topics. (Fall)
CHEM C431 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM C430. Systematic descriptive chemistry of the elements. Emphasis on periodic properties, chemical bonding, and thermodynamic and kinetic properties. (Springalternate year)
CHEM C441 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM C342. The structure of organic compounds, the mechanisms, and the synthetic application of organic reactions. (Springalternate year)
CHEM C483 Biological Chemistry (3 cr.) P: 13 credit hours of chemistry, including CHEM C341. Introduction to structure, chemical properties, and interrelationships of biological substances. (Summer IIalternate year)
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