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Allied Health Sciences (AHLT)
AHLT C102 Phlebotomy Seminar Topics (2 cr.) Basic concepts and skills in health care delivery, organization and policy; topics in professionalism, ethics, and quality assurance; discussion of career opportunities; overview of current trends and issues. Phlebotomy Handbook and Clinical Education orientation. (Spring)
AHLT C121 Clinical Techniques and Principles (3 cr.) Introduction to laboratory analyses and automation including macro and microtechniques for clinical analyses. Focuses on importance of quality control and analytical principles utilized in the determination of various biochemical constituents. Lab included. (Fall)
AHLT C122 Clinical Chemistry (4 cr.) Introduction to clinical chemistry and basic laboratory methods. Fundamentals of primary blood constituents, their significance in health and disease, and procedures for their determinations. Emphasis is on general methods for clinical analyses. Lab included. (Fall)
AHLT C131 Hematology (4 cr.) Introduction to blood characteristics and hematological disorders and diseases. Emphasis on the complete blood count and study of normal and abnormal blood cells. Overview of automated methodologies and corresponding quality control procedures. Theory of blood coagulation and related procedures. Lab included. (Spring)
AHLT C140 Immunohematology (4 cr.) Introduction to principles of immunology of blood cell antigens and antibody formation. Focuses on blood grouping, Rh typing, and detection of irregular antibodies in human serum, and compatibility testing. Blood group system and blood components are discussed. Lab included. (Fall)
AHLT C141 Clinical Immunoserology (4 cr.) Introduction to principles of immunology at the level of antibody formation and reaction. Lecture also focuses on diseases of the immune system and various analytical principles. Laboratory focus is on serological testing used to detect abnormalities present because of antigen-antibody interaction. Viruses are also included. Lab included. (Spring)
AHLT C142 Introduction to Phlebotomy (3 cr.) Introduction to basic phlebotomy techniques, including venipuncture, skin puncture, and arterial puncture. Topics include specimen requirements and processing, patient contact recommendations, isolation procedures, quality assurance, and laboratory safety. Lab included. (Spring)
AHLT C143 Phlebotomy Practicum (3 cr.) Clinical practicum experience in phlebotomy and specimen processing is spent in local clinical affiliate. Students perform venipuncture and skin puncture techniques on outpatients and inpatients. Students are responsible for their own transportation to the clinical affiliate. (Summer I)
AHLT C150 Body Structure and Function (3 cr.) An introduction to the basic structures and functions of the human body, fundamental anatomic terminology, and relationships of clinical laboratory to diagnosis. (Fall, Spring)
AHLT C151 Clinical Microbiology (4 cr.) Topics focus on basic clinical bacteriology, processes of identification, and susceptibility testing. Lab included. (Fall)
AHLT C152 Clinical Parasitology and Mycology (3 cr.) Emphasis is placed on medical mycology and parasitology, and pathological organisms encountered as clinical disease agents. Lab included. (Summer I)
AHLT C161 Body Fluids (3 cr.) General renal physiology and urine formation is discussed. Emphasis is on the routine urinalysis and its role in the early detection of disease. Fundamentals of other body fluids are discussed. Labs include physical, chemical, and microscopic examinations of urine and spinal fluids. Lab included. (Summer I)
AHLT C180 Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory (3 cr.) A survey of the practical aspects of laboratory testing. Lectures and labs acquaint students with techniques, equipment, and instruments common to the medical laboratory. Includes phelobotomy basics and techniques. Lab included. (Fall)
AHLT C181 Clinical Education I (3 cr.) Clinical application of laboratory techniques in all phases of laboratory testing. Procedures performed in each department of the medical laboratory under the direct supervision of a registered technologist. Proficiency levels established. (Summer II)
AHLT C182 Clinical Education II (4 cr.) P: AHLT C181. Clinical application of laboratory techniques in all phases of laboratory testing. Procedures performed in each department of the medical laboratory under the direct supervision of a registered technologist. Proficiency levels established. (Spring)
AHLT F105 Pharmacology for Respiratory Practitioners (2 cr.) Brief history of pharmacology with a study of drugs affecting primarily the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, and renal systems. Specific categories of drugs discussed include mucokinetics, bronchodilators, central nervous system stimulants and depressants, antiarrhythmics, anticoagulants, diuretics and antihypertensives, electrolytes, corticosteroids, antihistamines, and antibiotics. (Fall)
AHLT F181 Clinical Education I (3 cr.) P: AHLT F105, AHLT F205, AHLT, 270 AHLT F271, AHLT F272. Concurrent enrollment in spring courses. Practical experience conducted at a hospital affiliated with the respiratory therapy program under the direct supervision of a registered respiratory therapist instructor for approximately 16 hours per week. Emphasis is on providing respiratory care to non-critically ill patients. (Spring)
F182 Clinical Education II (6 cr.) P: AHLT F181, AHLT F202, AHLT F253, AHLT F273. Practical experience conducted at hospitals affiliated with the Respiratory Therapy Program under the direct supervision of a registered respiratory therapist instructor for 24 hours per week. Emphasis is on time management and prioritizing respiratory care to non-critically ill patients, followed by an introduction to critical care respiratory therapy. (Summer)
F202 Respiratory Care II (3 cr.) P: AHLT F105, AHLT F205, AHLT F270, AHLT F271, AHLT F272. Lecture and laboratory course that studies the application of various forms of medication, aerosol therapy, hyperinflation therapy, and special procedures used in the practice of respiratory care. Indications and use of non-invasive monitors. Detailed study of lung segments and the use of various airway clearance techniques. Humidity therapy including sputum induction and analysis. Rationale and application of pulmonary rehabilitation and alternative care facilities. (Spring)
F205 Respiratory Care I (3 cr.) Lecture and laboratory course providing an introduction to respiratory care and governing agencies. There is an emphasis on professionalism, ethics, physical science principles, cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology, patient care, and concepts of illness. (Fall)
F253 Diagnostic Testing and Monitoring (5 cr.) P: AHLT F105, AHLT F205, AHLT F270, AHLT F271, AHLT F272 Lecture and laboratory course providing a comprehensive study of blood gas analysis, cardiac and cardiovascular monitoring, lung function studies, and application of these diagnostic procedures to patient management. (Spring)
F270 Gas Therapy (2 cr.) Lecture and laboratory course that examines the rationale, indications, hazards, and safe administration of oxygen therapy and various medical gas therapies. Theory and application and regulation of gas flow, cylinders, regulators, and flowmeters. Patient isolation techniques and sterilization of respiratory therapy equipment. The indications and use of pulse oximetery and oxygen analyzers. (Fall)
F271 Resuscitation and Airway Management (1 cr.) Lecture and laboratory course which studies the indications and hazards of artificial airways, emergency airway care and life-support techniques in respiratory and cardiac failure. The study includes theory, demonstration, and practical application. (Fall)
F272 Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology (3 cr.) This course studies the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiac and pulmonary pathophysiologies applicable to the practice of respiratory care. This includes the ability to analyze diagnostic data in the diagnosis and treatment of the different disease processes. (Fall)
F273 Principles and Management of Ventilators (4 cr.) P: AHLT F105, AHLT F205, AHLT F270, AHLT F271, AHLT F272 Lecture and laboratory course providing in-depth study of the operational principles, application, physiologic effects, and management of ventilators. Emphasis is placed on the appropriate management of patients requiring mechanical ventilation. (Spring)
F274 Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care (3 cr.) P: AHLT F181, AHLT F202, AHLT F253, AHLT F273, AHLT F182. A lecture and laboratory course providing an in-depth study of neonatal and pediatric anatomy and physiology. Emphasis on care of the newborn and treatment procedures of newborns and pediatric patients with cardiopulmonary disorders (Fall)
AHLT F275 Comprehensive Clinical Education III (8 cr.) P: AHLT F181, AHLT F202, AHLT F253, AHLT F273, AHLT F182. Concurrent enrollment in fall courses. Practical experience conducted at hospitals affiliated with the Respiratory Therapy Program under the direct supervision of a registered respiratory therapist instructor for 32 hours per week. Emphasis is on critical care therapy, neonatal critical care, and providing exposure to specialty areas in the field of respiratory care. (Fall)
F276 Case Studies and Projects in Respiratory Care (1 cr.) P: AHLT F181, AHLT F202, AHLT F253, AHLT F273, AHLT F182. Projects in Respiratory Care emphasizing community service projects. Prepares students to take NBRC Board Examinations through discussion, audiotapes, computer software and Mock RRT and Clinical Simulation Examinations. (Fall) AHLT J101 Orientation to Radiation Therapy (2-4 cr.) Overview of radiation oncology and the role of the radiation therapist. Basic radiation protection, patient care particular to the clinical setting, equipment procedures and techniques. Discussions of computers and hyperthermia are also presented. The 2 credit offering is an option for radiographers only. (Springeven year, Summer IIeven year)
AHLT J181 Clinical Practicum I (2 cr.) Clinical experience in the use of equipment, simulations, and delivery of radiation treatments through observation and assistance under direct supervision of a radiation therapist. (Falleven year, Springeven year)
AHLT J182 Clinical Practicum II (4 cr.) P: AHLT J181 or AHLT R290. Clinical experience in patient positioning, mould construction, patient simulation techniques, treatment delivery, dosimetry, treatment planning, patient care, and radiation protection under direct supervision of a radiation therapist. (Spring-odd year, Summer Ieven year)
AHLT J200 Technical Radiation Oncology (3 cr.) P: AHLT J101. Technical aspects of radiation oncology emphasizing clinical utilization of simulators and treatment machines. Presentations will include distinctive properties of several pathology setup considerations, contouring methods, auxiliary equipment, and basic hand calculations. (Falleven year)
AHLT J201 Clinical Radiation Oncology I (3 cr.) P: AHLT J101. Fundamental clinical practice in radiation oncology to include the roles and principles of tumor pathology, surgical, radiation, and medical oncology. Malignant conditions, etiology, methods of treatment, patient prognosis, treatment results, and effects of combined therapies are presented. Student case presentations required. (Falleven year)
AHLT J202 Clinical Radiation Oncology II (3 cr.) P: AHLT P201. Fundamental clinical practice in radiation oncology: malignant conditions, etiology, methods of treatment, patient prognosis, treatment results, and effects of combined therapies. Student case studies required. (Springodd year)
AHLT J203 Treatment Planning (3 cr.) P: AHLT J200. Concepts of clinical dosimetry and treatment planning. Delivery methods to include single and multiple-beam techniques are discussed. Tumor localization, dose calculations, and summation of idodose curves are performed. (Springodd year)
AHLT J204 Quality Assurance and Radiation Protection (3 cr.) P: AHLT R260. Identification of the team approach to quality assurance and the principles and concepts. Implementation of methods for quality control is discussed. Practical radiation protection for the radiation therapist will be presented. (Springodd year)
AHLT J250 Physics of Radiation Therapy I (3 cr.) P: AHLT R250. Fundamental principles of the physical qualities of radiation and atomic and nuclear theory. To include presentations on radiation therapy equipment measurement and quality of radiation and measurement of absorbed dose and calculation techniques. (Falleven year)
AHLT J251 Physics of Radiation Therapy II (3 cr.) P: AHLT J250. Emphasizing the principles of radioactivity, radiation detection, and measurement devices, equipment calibration, brachytherapy, and calibration techniques. Principles and concepts of radiation protection are discussed. (Springodd year)
AHLT J281 Clinical Practicum III (4 cr.) P: AHLT J182. Clinical experience in patient positioning, mould construction, patient simulation techniques, treatment delivery, dosimetry, treatment planning, patient care, and radiation protection under the direct supervision of a radiation therapist. (Falleven year, Springodd year)
AHLT J282 Clinical Practicum IV (4 cr.) P: Clinical experiences in patient positioning, mould construction, patient simulation techniques, treatment delivery, treatment planning, patient care, and radiation protection under supervision of a radiation therapist. (Springodd year, Summer Iodd year)
AHLT L202 Advanced Clinical Topics (2 cr.) Themes in clinical applications concentrate on case studies, research, resume writing, career projects, reviews, and mock exams. (Spring)
AHLT L281 Clinical Education III (4 cr.) P: AHLT C181. Clinical application of laboratory techniques in all phases of laboratory testing. Procedures performed in each department of the medical laboratory under the direct supervision of a registered technologist. Proficiency levels established. (Spring)
AHLT M101 Introduction to Health Records (4 cr.) Organization of the health care industry; systems and processes for collecting, maintaining, and disseminating health-related information. (Spring)
AHLT M102 Clinical Experience I (3 cr.) Clinical assessment in systems and processes for collecting, maintaining, and disseminating health-related information, development of professional attitude for interacting with other professions and consumers in the health care industry. (Summer I)
AHLT M107 Computer Applications in Health Information Technology (2 cr.) P: CSCI A106. Overview of microcomputers and hospital information systems. Instruction includes medical transcription, health information department applications, characteristics and components of electronic health records, and the HIM professional's role in its development and implementation. (Spring)
AHLT M120 Health Statistics (2 cr.) Study of the source and uses of health data; computation of rates and percentages; vital records registration and reporting; and data reporting and display. (Fall)
AHLT M190 Coding I (3 cr.) The study of ICD-9-CM coding and classification principles; and CPT coding principles as used in acute ambulatory and long-term care facilities. (Fall, Spring)
AHLT M191 Coding II (3 cr.) Advanced principles of the ICD-9-CM classification system; optimization; DRG's, sequencing, reimbursement; application of CPT coding principles in acute and ambulatory settings. (Fall, Spring)
AHLT M192 Introduction to Health Information Management and Reimbursement Methodologies (3 cr.) Introduction to Health Information Management, health records, standards, regulations and content. Overview of release of information principles, privacy and security. Reimbursement methodologies including Medicare, third party payors, ambulatory settings, and physician practices. AHLT M195 Medical Terminology (3 cr.) The study of the language of medicine, including word construction, definitions, spelling, and abbreviations; emphasis on speaking, reading, and writing skills. (Fall, Spring)
AHLT M200 Supervision in Health Information Services (3 cr.) Study of supervisory principles and practices, with application to health information services. Introduction to effective planning, organizing, and controlling. (Spring)
AHLT M201 Coding and Classification Systems (5 cr.) The study of classifications, nomenclatures, and reimbursement systems. (Fall)
AHLT M202 Clinical Experience in Coding and Classification Systems (5 cr.) Clinical instruction includes health record coding and related functions. (Fall)
AHLT M203 Health Care Delivery and Quality Assessment (4 cr.) The study of clinical quality assessment and improvement; review of regulatory and accrediting organizations and health record applications in alternate health care settings; other health information systems and functions. (Spring)
AHLT M204 Clinical Experience in Health Care Delivery and Quality Management (2 cr.) Assignment is to area health care facilities and to the program health information laboratory. Areas of clinical instruction include quality management activities and health record systems in alternate health care settings. (Spring)
AHLT M245 Health Record Law (2 cr.) Study of the basic concepts and principles of law and their application to the health care field, specifically to health information services. Review of the law dealing with confidentiality and release of information, liability of health care providers, and other topics. Discussion of the judicial process. (Fall)
AHLT R100 Orientation to Radiologic Technology (2 cr.) C or P: AHLT R101, AHLT R102, AHLT R181. Introduction to the field of radiology and its history. Student learns proper ethical standards, becomes acquainted with the duties and responsibilities in personal care for the patient, investigates radiation protection for the patient and personnel. Degree credit will not be given for both AHLT R100 and AHLT R104. (Fall)
AHLT R101 Radiographic Procedures I (3-4 cr.) C or P: AHLT R100 or AHLT R104, AHLT R102, AHLT R181. Concepts in radiography with emphasis on the radiographic procedures used to demonstrate the skeletal system. (Fall)
AHLT R102 Principles of Radiography I (3 cr.) C or P: college algebra, AHLT R101, AHLT R181. Basic concepts of radiation, its production, and its interactions with matter. Includes the production of the radiographic image and film processing. (Fall)
AHLT R103 Introduction to Clinical Radiography (2 cr.) Introduction to the functions and basic procedures of a diagnostic radiography department. Emphasis is placed on radiographic equipment, radiation protection, positioning terminology, and procedures used on typical radiographic examinations.
AHLT R104 Patient Care in Radiologic Science (2 cr.) Introduction to health care practices in the radiology department. Includes an overview of the field of radiology, ethics, patient care, and professional standards. Degree credit will not be given for both R100 and R104. AHLT R181 Clinical Experience in Radiography (1-6 cr.) C or P: AHLT R100 or AHLT R104. Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached. (Fall)
AHLT R182 Clinical Experience in Radiography (1-6 cr.) P: AHLT R101 and AHLT R181. Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached. (Spring)
AHLT R185 Medical Terminology (1 cr.) Introduction to the origin and derivation of medical words as well as their meanings. (Fall, Spring, Summer II)
AHLT R200 Pathology (2-3 cr.) P: anatomy/ physiology. A survey of the changes that occur in the diseased state to include general concepts of disease, causes of disease, clinical symptoms and treatment, and diseases that affect specific body systems. (Fall, Spring)
AHLT R200 Pathophysiology for the Clinical Laboratory (2 cr.) For MLT students only. Fundamental concepts and processes of pathophysiology, including developmental stages, specific disorders, and laboratory diagnosis. (Spring)
AHLT R201 Radiographic Procedures II (3 cr.) C or P: AHLT R101, AHLT R182, AHLT R202. Concepts in radiography with emphasis on radiographic procedures used to demonstrate the skull and those requiring the use of contrast media. (Spring)
AHLT R202 Principles of Radiography II (3 cr.) C or P: AHLT R102, AHLT R201, AHLT R181. Continuation of AHLT R102 with emphasis on the properties that affect the quality of the radiographic image. (Spring)
AHLT R205 Radiographic Procedures III (3 cr.) C or P: AHLT R201, AHLT R222. Concepts in radiography with emphasis on special radiographic procedures and related imaging modalities. (Fall)
AHLT R222 Principles of Radiography III (3 cr.) P: AHLT R202. Continuation of AHLT R202 with emphasis on the application of radiography principles of imaging equipment. (Fall)
AHLT R250 Physics Applied to Radiology (2-4 cr.) P: College algebra. Fundamentals of radiation physics, X-ray generation, and equipment quality control. (Fall)
AHLT R260 Radiation Biology and Protection in Diagnostic Radiology (1-3 cr.) P: AHLT R250. Study of the biological effects of ionizing radiation and the standards and methods of protection. Emphasis is placed on X-ray interactions. Also included are discussions on radiation exposure standards and radiation monitoring. (Spring)
AHLT R281 Clinical Experience in Radiography (1-6 cr.) P: AHLT R201 and AHLT R182. Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached. (Summer I)
AHLT R282 Clinical Experience in Radiography (1-6 cr.) P: AHLT R201 and AHLT R182. Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached. (Fall)
AHLT R283 Clinical Experience in Radiography (1-6 cr.) P: AHLT R201 and AHLT R182. Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached. (Spring)
AHLT R290 Comprehensive Experience (1-8 cr.) P: AHLT R281, AHLT R282, and AHLT R283. Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology under the direct supervision of a registered technologist. Successful completion involves mastery of all clinical aspects of the program. (Summer I)
AHLT R404 Sectional Imaging Anatomy (2-3 cr.) An in-depth study of sectional anatomy pertinent to ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Standard transverse, parasagittal, and coronal planes are included, utilizing images from all three imaging modalities. A discussion of technique, artifacts, and pathology-related alterations of cross-sectional anatomic appearances is included. (Fall)
AHLT R405 Advanced Diagnostic Imaging I (3 cr.) Physics and imaging concepts in cardiovascular interventional technology, computed tomography, diagnostic medical sonography, and magnetic resonance imaging. (Fallodd year)
AHLT R406 Advanced Diagnostic Imaging II (3 cr.) Procedural concepts in cardiovascular interventional technology, computed tomography, diagnostic medical sonography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Image analysis of normal and abnormal studies will be presented. (Springodd year)
AHLT R408 Topics in Radiologic Sciences (0.5-4 cr.) Study of selected topics in radiologic sciences. May be repeated once for credit if topics differ. (Fallodd year)
AHLT R409 Senior Project in Medical Imaging Technology (3 cr.) Independent readings and research on a selected medical imaging topic. A paper in publishable form must be written as part of the project. (Springeven year)
AHLT R414 Sectional Imaging Pathology (3 cr.) An in-depth study of general pathology concepts and diseases that affect specific body systems. An emphasis is placed on the appearance of the disease process on sectional images. (Springeven year)
AHLT R481 Clinical Practicum: Vascular Imaging (0.5-8 cr.) Clinical experience in the performance of vascular and neurological imaging studies. (Fallodd year, Springeven year)
AHLT R482 Clinical Practicum: Computed Tomography (0.5-8 cr.) Clinical experience in the performance of computed tomographic imaging studies. (Fallodd year, Springeven year)
AHLT R483 Clinical Practicum: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (0.5-8 cr.) Clinical experience in the performance of magnetic resonance imaging studies. (Fallodd year, Springeven year)
AHLT R484 Clinical Practicum: Ultrasound Imaging (0.5-8 cr.) Clinical experience in the performance of ultrasound imaging studies. (Fallodd Year, Springeven year)
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