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2006-2008 Undergraduate Studies Northwest Campus Bulletin: Table of Contents

2006-2008 Undergraduate Studies Northwest Campus Bulletin: Undergraduate Course Descriptions



Indiana University
Northwest 2006-2008
Undergraduate Studies

IU Northwest
Office of Admissions 
Hawthorn Hall 100 
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Indiana University Northwest 
Gary, IN 46408-1197 
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Contact Office of Admissions

School of Education

Web site:

(219) 980-6510

Administrative Officers
General Information
Education Degrees and Licensing Programs
Bachelor of Science in Education Degree
Academic Regulations
Teacher Education Program (TEP)
Student Teaching Program
Elementary Education: Teaching All Learners Initial Program
Secondary Education Program
Visual Arts Education Program

Administrative Officers

Stanley E. Wigle, Ph.D., Dean of Education

Kenneth J. Schoon, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Education

Tim Mitchell, M.S., Director of Education Student Teaching and Field Experiences

Jane Nelson, M.S., Director of Education Student Services

Kelly Zieba, B. S., Academic Advisor

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Paul J. Blohm, Ph.D., Professor of Education

Dana Dodson, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Education

Judy Donovan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education

Janice Grskovic, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education
and Coordinator of Special Education Programs

Yusof Koc, M.S., Lecturer in Education

Judith Longfield, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education

Tim Mitchell, M.S., Lecturer in Education

Jane Nelson, M.S., Lecturer in Education

Charlotte Reed, Ed.D., Professor of Education and
Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Saleem Rasheed, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education

Kenneth J. Schoon, Ph.D., Professor of Education

Vernon G. Smith, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Education

Yonghee Suh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education

Sheila Marie Trzcinka, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of

Debbie Thomas, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education and Executive Director, Center for Regional Excellence

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General Information

The Student's Responsibility

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The School of Education (SOE) supports and facilitates the shared vision of IUNorthwest by collaborating and cooperating with other educational institutions, external partners, and surrounding communities to further excellence in educational processes and enhance the overall quality of life in those communities.
In light of these commitments, the mission of the SOE at IU Northwest is to prepare professional educators who have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential for becoming reflective professionals and master educators.
Reflective professionals are those who, in light of current research and best practice, exercise reasoned judgment to:

  • critically examine their professional practices
  • make informed decisions
  • effectively facilitate the learning of their students

Master educators are those who incorporate a rich understanding of content knowledge and best professional practices to renew themselves and their professional practice through inquiry and professional development.

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The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools fully accredit IU Northwest. The Indiana Professional Standard Board has approved all IU Northwest SOE programs for teacher and administrative licensing through the bachelor’s and master’s levels.

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The Student's Responsibility

Advisors and directors assist students in planning a program of study to satisfy requirements, but each student assumes final responsibility for meeting all deadlines and completing all requirements.

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Academic Advisement
This service helps students plan a complete program of studies leading to a degree and/or teacher licensing. Students must consult their advisors before registering for classes each semester.

Each academic year one faculty member is designated to be the ombudsperson for the students in the School of Education. The function of the ombudsperson is to meet with students to resolve their problems. There are no restrictions placed on students concerning any problems and/or ideas discussed. The discussions will be handled strictly on a confidential basis. The name of the current ombudsperson is available in the Office of Education Student Services.

The School of Education provides services for obtaining teaching licenses. Additional information is available in the Office of Education Student Services.

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Education Degrees and Licensing Programs

The following degrees and licensing programs are offered at IU Northwest through the SOE.

Licensing Programs
Credit Transfers Policies
Urban Teacher Education Program

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Bachelor's degree in elementary education
Bachelor's degree in secondary education
Master's degree in elementary education
Master's degree in secondary education

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Licensing Programs

Rules 2002 Licenses

  • Elementary/Special Education: Teaching All Learners
  • K-12: Visual Arts
  • Secondary (Middle and High School)

Language Arts (English and Speech) Mathematics
Science (Earth Science, Chemistry, Life Science) Social Studies (Economics, Government, Historical Perspectives, Psychology, Sociology)

Rules 46/47 License Additions

Kindergarten Endorsement
Reading Minor
Junior High/Middle School in Language Arts
Junior High/Middle School in Mathematics
Junior High/Middle School in Science Endorsement Junior High/Middle School in Social Studies
Special Education Learning Disabled Minor
Special Education Mild Mentally Handicapped Minor

Senior High/Junior High/Middle School
English: Major, Minor
Mathematics: Major, Minor
Reading Minor
Licensure areas in biology, earth/space science, and chemistry
Social Studies
Specialty areas in American history, world civilization, government, economics, psychology, and sociology
Special Education Learning Disabled Minor
Special Education Mild Mentally Handicapped Minor

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Credit Transfers Policies

Two major concerns underlie this policy: program integrity and fairness. The SOE ensures program integrity through counseling and mentoring by faculty. Fairness is ensured through collaborative planning by the student and his/her faculty mentor.

Credit transfer is administered by the IU Northwest admissions office and the academic advisor of the SOE with the advice of appropriate faculty, including the student’s faculty advisor. Formal appeals of decisions and the consideration of requests for exceptions to existing policy are provided for by a standing committee of the faculty of the SOE.

Credit transfers for a course must not be confused with performance criteria for a degree, certificate, or license. Most programs of the SOE require performance criteria that are evidenced by portfolio artifacts. Course completion or credit transfer does not, by itself, constitute meeting performance criteria. While it may be possible to include work done apart from courses taken at IU Northwest within a required portfolio, performance criteria required for degrees, certificates, or licenses awarded by the SOE must be demonstrated after acceptance into the school.

Academic work from a regionally accredited college or university that is certified by the state of Indiana, or a body of similar stature, to offer teacher education and for which a student grade is at or above the level of C, may be transferred for credit but will be transferred for program requirements subject to the following conditions.

  1. Undergraduate or graduate students who have successfully completed any course at any other Indiana University campus that is part of a program at IU Northwest will receive full credit for that course. Products or performances that are required for any academic objective at IU Northwest must however still be demonstrated. Assistance toward meeting performance criteria at IUNorthwest is provided, in part, through enrolling and completing credit courses. A student who has transferred such course credit will be given assistance as may be needed toward meeting performance criteria by being allowed to attend the course at IU Northwest without having to re-enroll or pay tuition for it. Similar arrangements may be possible for other transfer students. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  2. The last 30 credit hours of any undergraduate degree program to be awarded by IU Northwest must be completed after being admitted to the SOE at IU Northwest.
  3. Acceptance into a degree, certificate, license or endorsement program must be accompanied with an approved program of studies that has been validated by appropriate faculty and certification advisors within the SOE at IU Northwest.
Return to Education Degrees and Licensing Programs

Urban Teacher Education Program

The Urban Teacher Education Program (UTEP) is experience-rich, field-based, and leads to teacher licensing in selected areas through undergraduate and graduate programs, Option I and Option II, respectively.

Option I is designed for undergraduates and offers a unique opportunity for those enrolled in the SOE to do a yearlong experience in an urban professional development school and obtain certification in elementary or secondary education.

Option II is designed for graduate students who have obtained degrees from accredited institutions in subjects other than education. This option offers the opportunity for graduate students to do a yearlong internship in both urban middle and high school settings and obtain certification in a secondary education field.

UTEP is committed to the development of “star” urban teachers as supported by the research on effective teaching in urban schools. The program ensures that preservice teachers are exposed to “best practice” in urban teaching, through the collaborative mentorship of school-based and university-based faculty members.

Graduates of the program are given “first consideration” in hiring by the urban districts of East Chicago, Gary, and Hammond.

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Bachelor of Science in Education Degree

Degree Requirements

  1. Regular matriculation requirements of the university.
  2. Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  3. Admission to the Student Teaching Program.
  4. A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5.
  5. Successful completion of 35 credit hours of junior-and senior-level courses (courses numbered higher than 299).
  6. Successful completion of at least 30 of the last 60 credit hours of academic work, including the teaching methods courses, in residence at IU Northwest preceding admission to student teaching.
  7. Successful completion of at least 127 credit hours of appropriately distributed academic credit hours within seven calendar years of the intended date of receipt of the degree. Any work completed seven or more calendar years prior to that date will be subject to review to determine its acceptability toward the degree. Methods courses three or more calendar years old and student teaching two or more years old will also be subject to review.
  8. Successful completion of all required courses and a grade of C or better in all education courses and all teaching subject courses.
  9. Successful completion of all portfolio checkpoint requirements.
  10. Demonstration of specific knowledge, performances, and dispositions as required by the Indiana Division of Professional Standards.
Application for Degree
When students register at IU Northwest the last time before completing the requirements for a degree in the School of Education, they should file an application for the degree with the Office of Education Student Services. Students completing work for degrees in the SOE in absentia must notify the same office at least two months prior to the time when the degree is to be granted.

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Academic Regulations

Semester Load
A full-time undergraduate student is expected to carry 12-17 credit hours of academic work a semester. If students have made a cumulative grade point average of at least B (3.0) in all work taken at Indiana University, they may receive permission from the dean or director of Education Student Services to carry 18 credit hours or more in a semester. Education students are encouraged not to enroll in more than 6 credit hours of academic work during either Summer Session. It is recommended that a person who is employed full time take no more than 6 credit hours of academic work.

Correspondence Courses
Undergraduate students in residence carrying regular academic work in the SOE may take academic correspondence work through the Independent Study Division of the School of Continuing Studies only in exceptional cases and with the permission of the director of Education Student Services. If a correspondence course is to apply toward graduation requirements during the same semester, it must be successfully completed at least 15 days prior to the close of regular classes at IU Northwest.

Students will not be given credit toward a teaching license or the Bachelor of Science degree in education for more than 18 credit hours of academic work through correspondence. Of these credit hours, only a maximum of 9 credit hours in a major subject area and 6 credit hours in a minor subject area may be used. Professional education courses may not be taken by correspondence.

Free electives for SH/JH/MS majors are those courses applied toward the required credit hour total, but not applied to the area of general education, professional education, subject major, or subject minor. Courses numbered 100 or higher may be used as free electives. No College of Arts and Sciences J-courses and no courses without a departmental prefix may be used as electives.

Good Standing
To maintain good standing within the SOE, undergraduate students must keep a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5. Students whose GPA falls below 2.5 will be placed on probation. Students whose GPA remains below 2.5 a second semester will be placed on strict academic probation.

Students on strict academic probation whose GPA does not rise above 2.5 will be dismissed from the SOE.

Admission and Reinstatement Appeals
A student whose enrollment was terminated by the SOE may petition for reinstatement to the Education Admission and Reinstatement Committee.

Credit Transfer Policy for Baccalaureate Degrees
Undergraduate students wishing to transfer from other institutions should first call or write the admissions office at IU Northwest for information concerning admission and transfer of credit. Even though credit hours are transferred through the admissions office, they may or may not be applicable to degree programs in the SOE. The SOE determines the acceptance of transferred credit.

Undergraduate Admission
Admission to the School of Education expires upon receipt of a degree, upon completion of special admission work, or when no work has been completed on this campus in a period of two calendar years. Students must then reapply for admission to the school.

Field Experiences
When applying for admission to an undergraduate education program, students should know that each semester of the education sequence has a field experience course.

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Teacher Education Program (TEP)

The Teacher Education Program (TEP) begins in the sophomore year for Teaching All Learners/elementary education students and in the junior year for secondary and visual arts education students and focuses on helping students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become a reflective professional teacher. This program is based upon the SOE’s Reflective Professional Model. The research-based conceptual framework for this model contains nine program outcome areas. They are:

  • Communications Skills
  • Higher-Order Thinking Skills
  • Instructional Media and Technology
  • Learning and Development
  • School Culture and Diversity
  • Instructional Design and Delivery
  • Classroom Management
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Professional Development

Student Portfolio
The student portfolio shall consist of artifacts created by the student that demonstrate the acquisition of the knowledge and skills within each of the nine initial program outcomes. The student will begin to create the portfolio prior to entering the TEP. Specific portfolio checkpoints have been established in both the elementary and secondary programs. The portfolio must be completed prior to graduating.

Admission to the Teacher Education Program

  1. Application for admission to the Teacher Education Program must be filed prior to the beginning of the semester in which students plan to start.
  2. Students must have successfully completed at least 26 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50 and have submitted an Indiana Criminal Background Check.
  3. Students must have successfully completed with a grade of C or higher ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.), SPCH S121 Public Speaking (3 cr.), EDUC W200 Microcomputing for Education: An Introduction (3 cr.), EDUC F200 Examining Self as Teacher (3 cr.), EDUC K205 Introduction to Exceptional Children, and EDUC P250 Educational Psychology (3 cr.).
  4. Students must have passed all parts of the Praxis I Exam (reading, writing, and mathematics). The cutoff scores are available in the Office of Education Student Services.
  5. Requests for exceptions are handled by the Admissions and Reinstatement Committee, which shall be the sole judge as to whether the students have met the requirements for admission to, continuing in, or completion of the Teacher Education Program.

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Student Teaching Program

In the Student Teaching Program, the student assumes all or part of the responsibility for teaching in an elementary, special education, or secondary classroom.
Admission Requirements

  1. File an application for admission to the Student
    Teaching Program at least six calendar months
    before the beginning of the student teaching
  2. Complete at least 30 of the last 60 credit hours of academic work at IU Northwest, including the professional methods courses.
  3. Have at least a 2.50 cumulative grade point average with grades of C or higher in all required cognate and education courses.
  4. Be at least a first-semester senior. Normally, this will mean that the student has satisfactorily completed at least 86 credit hours of academic work.
  5. In the case of elementary education majors, complete required work in the areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
  6. In the case of SH/JH/MS education majors, complete at least 85 percent of the major teaching area requirements and 75 percent of the minor teaching area requirements.
  7. Complete all required professional methods courses within three years prior to enrolling in student teaching.
  8. Pass the pre-student teaching portfolio check.
  9. Pass the Praxis I and Praxis II exams.
  10.  If an interview is requested by the cooperating institution, the student must participate in an interview with a representative of the institute or agency in which the student teaching will be completed and obtain a favorable recommendation.

Students are discouraged from taking additional academic work during the same semester of enrollment in student teaching.
The Director of Student Teaching and Field Experiences shall be the sole judge as to whether the student has met the requirements for admission to, and continuing in, the Student Teaching Program.

Completion of the Student Teaching Program and Application for a Teaching License

  1. Obtain a satisfactory recommendation from the Director of Student Teaching and Field Experiences
  2. Pass the final portfolio checkpoint.

The student will be eligible for a teaching license when the baccalaureate degree has been granted, the Praxis tests have been passed, a limited criminal background check shows no negative activity, and fees required by the Indiana Department of Education have been paid.

The necessary application forms for a teaching license may be obtained from the Office of Education Student Services. When these forms have been completed, along with other required materials, they should be returned to the office for processing and submission to the Division of Professional Standards. This work often takes six to eight weeks.

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Teaching All Learners: Elementary/Special Education Initial Program

The School of Education prepares students in the Teaching All Learners: Elementary Education Initial Program (TAL) for careers teaching in self-contained and special education classrooms grades K-6. Candidates who complete this program will receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and are eligible for both the Early and Middle Childhood Generalist (K-6) and the Exceptional Needs—Mild Interventions licenses.

General Education Requirements
Pre-Professional Education Requirements
Professional Education
Teacher Education Program

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I. General Education Requirements (50 cr.)


  1. Language Arts (15 cr.)
    ENG W131 Elementary Composition 3
    ENG W231 Professional Writing Skills 3
    SPCH S121 Public Speaking 3
    Choose one from the following: 3
    ENG L390 Children's Literature (3 cr.)
    EDUC X460 Books for Reading Instruction (3 cr.)
    Choose one from the following: 3
    ENG L101 Western World Masterpieces I (3 cr.)
    ENG L102 Western World Masterpieces II (3 cr.)
  2. Social Studies (12 cr.)
    GEOG G110 Introduction to Human Geography 3
    HIST A363 Indiana History 3
    Approved Minority Studies Elective
    Choose one from the following: 3
    HIST H105 American History I (3 cr.)
    HIST H106 American History II (3 cr.)
    HIST H113 History of Western Civilization I (3 cr.)
    HIST H114 History of Western Civilization II (3 cr.)
  3. Mathematics (9 cr.)
    MATH T101 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I 3
    MATH T102 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II 3
    MATH T103 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers III 3
  4. Science (12 cr.)
    Biology (with lab) 4
    Geology (with lab) 4
    Chemistry or Physics (with lab) 4
  5. Health, Physical Education and Recreation (2 cr.)
    HPER P290 Movement Experiences for Preschool and Elementary School Children 2
    HPER H414 Health Education in Grades K-8 3

Return to Elementary Education: Teaching All Learners Initial Program

II. Pre-Professional Education Requirements (12 Cr.)

EDUC F200 Examining Self as Teacher 3
EDUC W200 Microcomputing for Education: An Introduction 3
EDUC P250 Educational Psychology 3
EDUC K205 Introduction to Exceptional Children 3

(Portfolio Checkpoint #1)

Return to Elementary Education: Teaching All Learners Initial Program

Professional Education

The required education courses are sequenced into five blocks. The courses listed in Blocks 1,2,3, and 4 must be completed in this order. Each of these courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher before a student can continue in the program. The professional education courses listed below may only be taken after admission into the Teacher Education Program.

The second, third, and fourth blocks of the elementary sequence have specific methods courses with general education prerequisites. The prerequisite for EDUC E325 Social Studies in the Elementary Schools is Geography G110 Introduction to Human Geography plus one-half of the other required social studies courses. The prerequisites for EDUC E343 Mathematics in the Elementary Schools are (1) MATH T101 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I and (2) MATH T102 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II. The prerequisite for EDUC E339 Methods of Teaching Language Arts is ENG L390 Children’s Literature. The prerequisite for EDUC E328 Science in the Elementary Schools is two-thirds of the required science classes.

Return to Elementary Education: Teaching All Learners Initial Program

Teacher Education Program (67 cr.)

Candidates may begin the Teacher Education Program only when they have completed the requirements listed earlier in this bulletin.

First Block (9 cr.)
EDUC M310 General Methods (3 cr.)
EDUC K343 Education of the Socially and Emotionally Disturbed I (3 cr.)
EDUC K370 Introduction to Learning Disabilities (3 cr.)

Second Block (12 cr.)
EDUC E339 Methods of Teaching Language Arts (3 cr.)
EDUC E325 Social Studies in the Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
EDUC K344 Education of the Socially and Emotionally Disturbed II (3 cr.)
EDUC M301 Field Experience (3 cr.)

(Portfolio Checkpoint #2)

Third Block (15 cr.)
EDUC E340 Methods of Teaching Reading I (3 cr.)
EDUC E328 Science in Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
EDUC H340 Education and the American Culture (3 cr.)(recommended for third block)
EDUC M304 Field Experience (3 cr.)

Fourth Block (15 cr.)
EDUC E341 Methods of Teaching Reading II (3 cr.)
EDUC E343 Mathematics in the Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
EDUC K352 Education of Children with Learning Problems (3 cr.)
EDUC K495 Practicum in Special Education (3 cr.)

(Portfolio Checkpoint #3)

Flex Courses (4 cr.)
These courses may be taken after First Block and before Student Teaching.
EDUC E335 Education of Young Children
EDUC M323 Teaching Music in the Elementary Schools (2 cr.)
EDUC M333 Art Experiences for the Elementary Teacher (2 cr.)
EDUC P345 Academic and Behavioral Assessment of the Mild Handicapped Child
EDUC H340 Education and the American Culture (3 cr.)

Student Teaching (12 cr.)
EDUC M425 Student Teaching: Elementary (6 cr.)
EDUC K480 Student Teaching: Special Education (6 cr.)

(Portfolio Checkpoint #4)

Urban Teacher Education Program Option I
Provides fourth-block field experiences and student teaching in urban schools.

Return to Elementary Education: Teaching All Learners Initial Program

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Secondary and K-12 Visial Arts Education Program

The SOE offers a Bachelor of Science degree in secondary education for senior high, junior high, and middle school (SH/JH/MS) with various teaching majors. The SOE also offers a Bachelor of Science degree in secondary education for K-12 visual arts education. To graduate with a bachelor’s degree in secondary education, a student must have a teaching major.

Secondary education majors must check with the Office of Education Student Services for changes in requirements.

Required General Education Courses
General Education Courses
Professional Education Courses
Teaching Majors Available
Required Courses for Teaching Majors
Teaching Minors and Endorsements

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Required General Education Courses

The general education courses required for this program provide a liberal education regardless of teaching major.

Return to Secondary Education Program

General Education Courses

(Minimum: 30 cr. hrs.)

  1. LANGUAGE ARTS 12 credit hours of course work must be successfully completed from the following courses:

    Cr. Hrs.
    A. Oral and written expression (12 cr.)

    ENG W131 Elementary Composition 3

    ENG W 231 Professional Writing Skills 3
    One course from the following 3

    SPCH S121 Public Speaking (3 cr.)
    B. At least 3 additional credit hours must be selected from English, Fine Arts, or Modern Languages. 3

    A minimum of 6 credits hours must be successfully completed from two or more of the following departments: biology, astronomy, geology, chemistry, and physics. Science majors must take either BIOL L300 or BIOL L302 and either AST A100 or AST A105 to meet this requirement.

    A minimum of 6 credit hours must be successfully completed from minority studies and one of the following departments: anthropology, geography, public and environmental affairs, sociology, economics, history, political science, and psychology. Social studies majors must take HIST H105 and AFRO A355 to meet this requirement. Science majors must take GEOG G315 plus the minority studies elective.
    A minimum of 3 credit hours (in a mathematics course at the 100 level or higher) must be successfully completed. Mathematics and chemistry majors must take MATH M215.
    A minimum of 3 credits hours must be successfully completed in fine arts, music, or theatre and drama.
Pre-Professional Education Courses (12 cr.)
EDUC F200 Examining Self as Teacher 3
EDUC W200 Microcomputing for Education: An Introduction 3
EDUC P250 Educational Psychology 3
EDUC K205 Introduction to Exceptional Children 3
(Portfolio Checkpoint #1)

Return to Secondary Education Program

Professional Education Courses

The required education courses are sequenced into four blocks. The courses listed in Blocks 1,2, and 3 must be completed in this order. Each of these courses must be completed with a grade of C or better before a student can continue in the program. The professional education courses listed below may only be taken after admission into the Teacher Education Program.

First Block
EDUC M314 General Methods: Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Teachers (3 cr.)

Second Block
The second block requires that 70 percent of content courses be completed and the following courses to be taken concurrently:
EDUC M464 Methods of Teaching Reading (3 cr.)
EDUC M301 Field Experience (3 cr.)

The appropriate methods course for each specific teaching major.
EDUC M437 Teaching Science 5-12 (3 cr.)
EDUC M441 Methods of Teaching SH/JH/MS Social Studies (3 cr.)
EDUC M452 Methods of Teaching SH/JH/MS English (3 cr.)
EDUC M457 Methods of Teaching SH/JH/MS Mathematics (3 cr.)

Third Block
To be eligible to enroll in the third semester of the education sequence, which deals with specific methods, the student must have successfully completed at least 85 percent of the teaching major.

The third block requires the following courses to be taken concurrently:
EDUC H340 Education in American Culture (3 cr.)
EDUC M304 Laboratory/Field Experience (2 cr.)

The appropriate methods course for each specific teaching major.
EDUC M446 Methods of Teaching SH/JH/MS Science (3 cr.)
EDUC M483 Teaching Social Studies 5-12 (3 cr.)
EDUC M469 Content Area Literacy (3 cr.)
EDUC M459 Teaching Mathematics 5-12 (3 cr.)

Flex Course
EDUC P407 Psychological Measurement in the Schools (3 cr.)

Urban Teaching Education Program Option I
provides third-block field experiences and student teaching in urban schools.

(Portfolio Checkpoint #3)

Fourth Block
EDUC M480 Student Teaching in the SH/JH/MS (12 cr.)

(Portfolio Checkpoint #4)

Return to Secondary Education Program

Teaching Majors Available

Credit for at least 36 credit hours must be obtained in each subject-matter area (not including the methods). Some majors require more than 36 credit hours. To have a science major, students must select one licensure area. To have a social studies major, students must select two licensure areas in addition to historical perspectives.

Science with licensure areas in:

Life Science
Earth Space Science
Social Studies with licensure areas in:
Historical Perspectives
Government (Political Science)

Return to Secondary Education Program

Required Courses for Teaching Majors

Social Studies

Return to Secondary Education Program


Cr. Hrs.
Select one course from the following 3
ENG W301 Writing Fiction (3 cr.)
ENG W303 Writing Poetry (3 cr.)
One course from the following 3
ENG W233 Intermediate Expository Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W490 Writing Seminar (3 cr.)
ENG W350 Advanced Expository Writing (3 cr.)
ENG G205 Introduction to the English Language
ENG G207 Grammar and Usage
ENG L315 Major Plays of Shakespeare
Three courses (200- or 300-level) of English Literature 9
ENG L391 Literature for Young Adults 3
Three courses (300-level) of American Literature 9
One course (300- or 400-level) of Minority or Multicultural Literature 3
COMM C320 Advanced Public Speaking 3
An approved speeck elective 3
One course in print or broadcast media 3

Return to Required Courses for Teaching Majors


Cr. Hrs.
MATH M216 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II 5
MATH M311 Calculus III 3
MATH M301 Applied Linear Algebra 3
MATH M360 Elements of Probability 3
One course to be selected from 3
MATH M391 Foundations of the Number System (3 cr.)
MATH M393 Bridge to Abstract Mathematics (3 cr.)
One course to be selected from 3
MATH M366 Elements of Statistical Inference (3 cr.)
MATH K200 Statistics, An Application Approach (3 cr.)
MATH T336 Topics in Euclidean Geometry 3
MATH M436 Introduction to Geometries 3
One course to be selected from 3
CSCI C201 Introduction to Computer Programming (3 cr.)
MATH M447 Mathematics Models and Applications I (3)
MATH M493 Mathematics of Secondary Education 3
Two approved mathematics electives 6

Return to Required Courses for Teaching Majors


Candidates must select at least one licensure area from the following: life science, chemistry, and earth space science.

Candidates must complete all core courses as well as all courses in their chosen licensure area.

Core Courses
Life Sciences
Earth/Space Science

Return to Required Courses for Teaching Majors

Core Courses

BIOL L101 Introduction to the Biological Sciences 4
CHEM C105 Principles of Chemistry I 3
CHEM C125 Experimental Chemistry I 2
One Course from the following 4-5
PHYS P101 Physics in the Modern World 4
PHYS P221 General Physics I (for chemistry majors) 5
GEOG G101 Introduction to Earth Science: Lecture 3
GEOG G102 Introduction to Earth Science: Laboratory 1

I. Life Science

CHEM C106 Principles of Chemistry II 3
CHEM C126 Experimental Chemistry II 2
BIOL L102 Introduction to the Biological Sciences II 4
BIOL L211 Molecular Biology 3
BIOL L311 Genetics 4
BIOL M310 Microbiology 4
BIOL L473 Ecology 3
One course from the following 4
BIOL B300 Vascular Plants (4 cr.) or
BIOL B355 Plant Diversity (4 cr.)
One course from the following 4
BIOL Z374 Invertebrate Zoology (4 cr.) or
BIOL Z406 Vertebrate Zoology (4 cr.)

Return to Science Area

II. Chemistry

CHEM C106 Principles of Chemistry II 3
CHEM C126 Experimental Chemistry II 2
CHEM C303 Environmental Chemistry 3
CHEM C341 Organic Chemistry I 3
CHEM C343 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I 2
CHEM C361 Physical Chemistry 3
CHEM C483 Biological Chemistry 3
MATH M216 Analytical Geometry and Calculus II 5
PHYS P222 General Physics II 5
One course from the following 3-5
CHEM C310 Analytical Chemistry 5
CHEM C342 Organic Chemistry II 3
CHEM C430 Inorganic Chemistry 3

Return to Science Area

III. Earth/Space Science

GEOL G107 Environmental Geology 3
GEOL G209 History of Earth 3
GEOL G210 Oceanography 3
GEOL G221 Introductory Mineralogy 4
GEOL G222 Introductory Petrology 3
GEOL G317 Field and Laboratory Techniques 3-5
GEOL G334 Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy 4
GEOL G415 Geomorphology 3
GEOG G304 Meteorology and Physical Climatology 3
Select one course from the following 1
GEOL G220 Regional Geology Field Trip (1 cr.) or
GEOL G420 Regional Geology Field Trip (1 cr.)
One course not used for general education 3
AST A100 The Solar System (3 cr.) or
AST A105 Stellar Astronomy (3 cr.)

Return to Science Area

Return to Required Courses for Teaching Majors

Social Studies

Candidates must take the required courses in three licensure areas: historical perspectives and two from government (political science), psychology, and sociology.

Licensure Areas
Historical Perspectives

I. Licensure Areas

A. Economics Cr. Hrs.
ECON E103 Introduction to Microeconomics 3
ECON E104 Introduction to Macroeconomics 3
Advanced Economics Electives (300-400 level) 6
B. Government
POLS Y103 Introduction to American Politics 3
One course from the following 3
POLS Y218 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 cr.)
POLS Y219 Introduction to International Relations (3 cr.)
One course from the following 3
POLS Y306 State Politics in the United States (3 cr.)
POLS Y308 Urban Politics (3 cr.)
POLS Y312 Workshop in State and Local Government (3 cr.)
One 300- or 400-level POLS elective (3 cr.)
C. Psychology
PSY P101 Introductory Psychology I 3
PSY P102 Introductory Psychology II 3
PSY P335 Cognitive Psychology 3
One course from the following 3
PSY P324 Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.)
PSY P327 Psychology of Motivation (3 cr.)
PSY P460 Women-A Psychological Perspective (3 cr.)
D. Sociology
SOC S161 Principles of Sociology 3
SOC S163 Social Problems 3
One course from the following 3
SOC S261 Methods and Statistics (3 cr.)
SOC S254 Qualitative Field Research (3 cr.)
One course from the following 3
SOC S215 Social Change (3 cr.)
SOC S230 Society and the Individual (3 cr.)
SOC S309 The Community (3 cr.)
SOC S316 Sociology of the Family (3 cr.)
SOC S317 Social Stratification (3 cr.)
SOC S362 World Societies and Cultures (3 cr.)

II. Historical Perspectives

A student who can demonstrate sufficient general knowledge of history may, with a history department recommendation to the education-licensing advisor, be allowed to substitute higher-level history courses for HIST H105 and HIST H106.

HIST A363 Survey of Indiana History 3
GEOG G110 Introduction to Human Geography 3
HIST H106 American History II 3
HIST H113 History of Western Civilization I (3 cr.)
One Course in Latin American or Middle Eastern history
One Course from a social studies area above not chosen for licensure
One Course (200-level or higher) in Asian/African/Latin-American History
One Course (300- or 400-level) in U.S. History
One Course (300- or 400-level) in Western European History

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Visual Arts Education Program

The visual arts education program is similar to the secondary program described above. The general education requirements are identical although visual arts majors are required to take FINA F100 and FINA F101 for their fine arts requirements. The pre-professional education requirements are identical to those above.
In the Teacher Education Program, students must take EDUC K343 Education of the Socially and Emotionally Disturbed I(3 cr.) and EDUC K344 Education of the Socially and Emotionally Disturbed II(3 cr.). As their methods courses in Blocks 2 and 3, respectively, students must take EDUC M330 Foundations of Art Education and Methods I(3 cr.) and EDUC M430 Foundations of Art Education and Methods II(3 cr.). Field experiences will be in elementary, middle, and high schools. Student teaching requirement is EDUC M425 Student Teaching: Elementary (8 cr.) and EDUC M480 Student Teaching in the Secondary School (8 cr.).

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Required Content Courses for Cr. Hrs.
Visual Arts Majors:
FINA A101 Ancient and Medieval Art 3
FINA A102 Renaissance through Modern Art 3
FINA F102 Fundamental Studio—2D 3
FINA S200 Drawing I 3
FINA S230 Painting I 3
FINA S240 Basic Printmaking Media 3
FINA S250 Graphic Design I 3
FINA S260 Ceramics I 3
FINA S270 Sculpture I 3
FINA A342 Twentieth Century Art 3
Non-Western art elective 3
Computer graphics elective 3
2 upper-level studio courses 6

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Indiana University
Office of Creative Services
Von Lee 319
517 East Kirkwood Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408-4060

Last updated: 06 July 2024 05 20 06

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