School of Education
M.S. in Education
Major Requirements
Elementary Education: Urban Option
1 Math course at or above college level
1 Science course with a lab
1 course in English composition
At or above the 200 level
1 course in English Literature
Social Studies:
1 course in U.S. History
1 course in Economics, Geography
Or Government
Checkpoint 1: Passage of Praxis CORE exam
G.P.A. at or above 2.5
Education Courses with the first four blocks
EDUC-S 508 - Classroom Management
EDUC-P 510 - Psychology in Teaching
EDUC-S 516 - Science
EDUC-E 541 - Math
EDUC-K 505 - Introduction to Special Education
EDUC-E 545 - Reading
EDUC-E 100 - Methods of Teaching Physical Education
EDUC-M 323 - Methods of Teaching Art
EDUC-M 333 - Methods of Teaching Music
EDUC-E 547 - Social Studies
EDUC-E 549 - Language Arts - Literature and Writing emphasis
Checkpoint #2: Admission to Student Teaching
G.P.A. at or above 3.0
Passage of Indiana CORE and Licensing exams
Student Teaching Block
EDUC-M 550 - Student Teaching
EDUC-T 550 - Culture/Community Forces & Schools
Checkpoint 3:
G.P.A. at or above 3.0
No unresolved dispositional deficiencies
Completion of all UTEP classes