College of Arts and Sciences


Modern Languages, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics
Minor in Linguistics

Required courses:

From the Department of Modern Languages. Choose three courses from the following list:

    • L103, Introduction to the Study of Language (3 cr) (every Summer. Online)
    • L200, Introduction to Language and Culture (3 cr) (occasionally)
    • L210, Topics in Language and Society (3 cr) (every other year)
    • L315, Introduction to Sociolinguistics (3 cr) (occasionally)
    • S426, Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (3 cr) (occasionally)
    • L485, Topics in Linguistics (3 cr.) (every other year)

From the Department of English. Two required courses:

    • G205, Introduction to the English Language (3 cr)
    • G207, Grammar and Usage (3 cr)

Total (15 cr.)


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