College of Arts and Sciences


Preprofessional Curricula

Indiana University does not have a degree program in veterinary medicine. However, the courses needed to apply for admission to such a program are available at IU Northwest.

Candidates must complete a minimum of 70 credit hours of course work before taking the Graduate Record Exam.

Pre-Veterinary Science Requirements

The following classes are recommended to fulfill prerequisite requirements for Purdue University College of Veterinary Science:

  • BIOL-L101 (4cr.)
  • BIOL-L 102 (4 cr.)
  • BIOL-L 311 (4 cr.)
  • BIOL-M 310 with lab (4 cr.)
  • CHEM-C 105 & C 125 (5 cr.)
  • CHEM-C 106 & C 126 (5 cr.)
  • CHEM-C 341 & C 343 (5 cr.)
  • CHEM-C 342 & C 344 (5 cr.)
  • CHEM-C 484 (3 cr.)
  • Select one of the following physics series:
    • PHYS-P 201 and P 202 (10 cr.)
    • PHYS-P 221 and P 222 (10 cr.)
  • MATH-M 215 (5 cr.)
  • ENG- W 131 (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-S 121 (3 cr.)
  • Humanities electives - 3 classes (9 cr.)
  • Nutrition (animal based)
  • Careers in Veterinary Science (if available)

If an animal nutrition course is not available at the undergraduate campus, a student may take this course after admission to the program.

Further information on the health professions and veterinary medicine may be obtained by contacting the health professions advisor at (219) 980-7106.

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