College of Arts and Sciences


Women's and Gender Studies
Minor in Women's and Gender Studies

Requirements - (15 cr.)

The Minor in Women’s and Gender Studies consists of a minimum of 15 credit hours, distributed as follows: 6 credit hours of core courses and 3 credit hours from Women in Diverse Cultures, 3 credit hours from Women in the Social Sciences, and 3 credit hours from Women in the Humanities.  

Core courses

  • Either W200 Women in American Society (3 cr.) OR 

W201 Women in American Culture (3 cr.) (students cannot get credit for both) 


  • W400 or W401 Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies (3 cr.) 


The remaining 9 credit hours should be selected from the Electives. 


  • Women in Diverse Cultures (3 cr.)
    • WGS-W301 Global Perspectives of Gender (3 cr.) 
    • WGS-W 301 International Perspectives on Women (3 cr.)
    • AFRO-A 210 Women in the African Diaspora (3 cr.)
    • AFRO-A 406 Literature by American Women of Color (3 cr.)
    • AFRO-A 410 The Black Woman and the Afro-American Experience (3 cr.)
    • SPAN-S490 Topic: The Latino Woman (3 cr.)
    • CMLT-C 340 Women in World Literature (3 cr.)
    • SPAN-S 284 Women in Hispanic Culture (3 cr.)
    • SPAN-S 470 Women in Hispanic Literature (3 cr.)
    • WGS-W 302 Issues in Women’s and Gender Studies: The Afro-Caribbean Experience (3 cr.)
  • Women in the Social Sciences (3 cr.)
    • WGS-W 300 Topics in Women's and Gender Studies (3 cr.)
    • WGS-W400 Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies (3 cr.) 
    • WGS-W400 Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies: Women and Crime (3 cr.) 
    • WGS-W400 Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies: Gender and Corrections (3 cr.) 
    • WGS-W 480 Women's and Gender Studies Practicum (3 cr.)
    • AFRO-A 210 Women in the African Diaspora (3 cr.)
    • AFRO-A 410 The Black Woman and the Afro- American Experience (3 cr.)
    • SPAN-S 490 Topic: The Latino Woman (3 cr.)
    • SPAN-S 470 Women in Hispanic Literature (3 cr.)
    • SOC-S 310 The Sociology of Women in America (3 cr.)
    • SOC-S 337 Women and Crime (3 cr.)
    • SOC-S 410 Topics in Organization:  Women and Work (3 cr.)
    • SPCH-S 450 Gender and Communication (3 cr.)
    • SPCH-S 427 Cross-cultural Communication (3 cr.)
    • SPEA-V 450/V 550 Inside Out Prison Exchange Offender Re-entry (3 cr.) (when topic is women or gender) 
  • Women in the Humanities (3 cr.)
    • WGS-W 207 Women in Literature (3 cr.)
    • WGS-W 302 Issues in Women's and Gender Studies:  Afro-Caribbean Experience (3 cr.)
    • WGS-W302 Issues in Women’s and Gender Studies: Black Feminist Perspectives (3 cr.) WGS-W302 Issues in Women’s and Gender Studies: Gender and Sexuality in Art (3 cr.) 
    • WGS-W302 Issues in Women’s and Gender Studies: Gender in French Cinema (3 cr.) 
    • WGS-W401 Issues in Women’s and Gender Studies: Literature by Women of Color (3 cr.) 
    • WGS-W401 Issues in Women’s and Gender Studies: Modern American Women (3 cr.) 
    • WGS-W302 Issues in Women’s and Gender Studies: Women’s Human Rights (3 cr.) 
    • AFRO-A 406 Literature by American Women of Color (3 cr.)
    • CMLT-C 340 Women in World Literature (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 201 Films by Women (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 207 Women in Literature (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 249 Gender and Sexuality in Literature (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 295 American Film Culture (3 cr.) (When topic is women/gender)
    • ENG-L 381 Recent Writing (3 cr.) (When topic is women/gender)
    • ENG-L 440 Seminar in English and America Literature (3 cr.) (When topic is women/gender)
    • SPAN-S 470 Women in Hispanic Literature (3 cr.)
    • AFRO-A 370 Recent Black American Writing (3 cr.) (when topic is women/gender)
    • HIST-B 305 History of the Sexual Revolution (3 cr.)

 Additionally there is another minor offered in English with a concentration in WGS.  More information about it can be found​.  

The course taken to fulfill the requirement of Women in Diverse Cultures cannot be used to fulfill the requirements in Women in the Social Sciences and Women in the Humanities.


*See English Department website for English and Women’s and Gender Studies (ENG/WGS) Minor core courses and electives. schools/coas/departments/english/wgs-english minor


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