College of Arts and Sciences


Minors in English

Students must complete the general requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Following are the requirements for the three options for minors.

Literature Option

  • Select one from the following
    • ENG-L 202 (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 203 (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 204 (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 205 (3 cr.)
  • Select one from the following
    • ENG-L 211 (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 212 (3 cr.)
  • Select one from the following
    • ENG-L 351 (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 352 (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 354 (3 cr.)
  • Two additional 300 level courses in literature (3 cr.)

Total (15 cr.)

Writing Option

  • ENG-W 231 (3 cr.)
  • Select one of the following:

    • ENG-W 311 (3 cr.)
    • ENG-W 350 (3 cr.)
  • Select one of the following:
    • ENG-W 301 (3 cr.)
    • ENG-W 303 (3 cr.)
  • Select 2 literature classes at the 200 or above level (6 cr.)

Total (15 cr.)

Creative Writing Option

  • ENG-W 301 (3 cr.) 
  • ENG-W 303 (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 311 (3 cr.)
  • 2 literature classes at the 200 or above level (6 cr.)

Total (15 cr.)

Women's and Gender Studies/English Option

  • Required
    • ENG-L 249 Representations of Gender and Sexuality (3 cr.)
    • WGS-W 201 Women in American Culture (3 cr.)
    • WGS-W 401 Topics in Women's and Gender Studies (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 207 Women and Literature (3 cr.) OR WGS-W 207 Women and Literature
  • Add one of the following (3 cr.):
    • CMLT-C 340 Women in World Literature (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 235 Gender, Sexuality, and Film (3 cr.)

Total (15 cr.)

WGS/English Minor

  • Required
    • ENG-L 249 Representations of Gender and Sexuality (3 cr.)
    • WGS-W 201 Women in American Culture (3 cr.) 
    • WGS-W 201 Topics in Women's and Gender Studies (3 cr.)
    • ENGL-L 207 Women and Literature (3 cr.) or WGS-W 207 Women and Literature (3 cr.)
  • And one of the following (3 cr.)
    • CMLT-C 340 Women in World Literature (3 cr.)
    • ENG-L 235 Gender, Sexuality, and Film (3 cr.)

Total (15 cr.)


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