College of Arts and Sciences


Communication Courses
  • COMM-C 320 Advanced Public Speaking (3 cr.) P: SPCH-S 121 Development of a marked degree of skills in preparation and delivery of various types of speeches, with emphasis on depth of research, clarity of organization, application of proof, and felicitous style. (Occasionally)
  • COMM-C 340 Practicum in Media Production (3 cr.) This course is designed to give students hands-on practical experience with all facets of television and radio production. In this course, students will work with others as part of a team in media production and complete a comprehensive and professional quality portfolio of his or her work.
  • COMM-C 351 TV Production I (3 cr.) P: TEL-C 200 Coordination and integration of production principles for practical application in television; emphasis on studio production of nondramatic program forms. Lecture and laboratory. (Occasionally)
  • COMM-C 429 Public Relations Campaigns (3 cr.) Examination of the relationship between theory and practice through experiential learning in the context of a public relations campaign.  This research based course prepares one for strategic public relations management of outcome based communication campaigns integrating diversity, global, legal and ethical principles.  (Fall)
  • COMM-C 462 Media Theory and Criticism (3 cr.) P: TEL-C 200 Description and evaluation of various theoretical strategies that attempt to explain the ways individuals and groups react to media. Critical analysis of several media with attention to the connective and artistic functions of visual and aural components. (Occasionally)
  • COMM-J 219 Introduction to Public Relations (3 cr.) An overview of theory and practice in the profession of public relations; the impact and contributions of the profession to history; and the academic and professional contributions globally.  Viewed as a process, public relations research, measurement and evaluation contributions are based on ethical professional codes and legal foundations.  (Fall and Spring)t
  • COMM-J 321 Principles of Public Relations (3 cr.) The public relations process of communicating creative thinking and problem solving by engaging with publics is examined through award-winning case studies based in theory and illustrated through PR practice.  Public relations contexts examined includes applications in traditional and social media, public affairs and government relations, community relationships, internal communication, global public relations and the interrelated areas of issue management, risk communication, crisis, emergency, and reputation management.  The strategies and tactics employed focus on the lead role of public relations in integrated communication.  (Spring)
  • COMM-M 460 Culture and Mass Communication (3 cr.) P: TEL-C 200 This course is a critical overview of the relationship between mass media and American culture. Course content will explore what it means (politically, economically, culturally, and morally) to live in a culture in which a major portion of information comes to the citizen through multiple channels of mass communication. (Occasionally)

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