College of Arts and Sciences
Preprofessional Curricula
Indiana University offers a seven-year program leading to a degree in optometry (three years preoptometry, four years in the School of Optometry). During the three-year preoptometry program, the student must complete 90 credit hours, including the following:
- CHEM-C 105 (3 cr.)
- CHEM-C 106 (3 cr.)
- CHEM-C 125 (2 cr.)
- CHEM-C 126 (2 cr.)
- CHEM-C 341 (4 cr. or two courses)
- MATH-M 215 (5 cr.)
- PHYS-P 201 (5 cr.)
- PHYS-P 202 (5 cr.)
- PSY-P 101 (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 102 (3 cr.)
- PSY-K 300 (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 101 (4 cr.)
- BIOL-M 310 (3-4 cr.)
- plus one additional advanced course in biology
- ENG-W 131 (3 cr.)
- Arts and humanities (6 cr.)
- Social and behavioral sciences (6 cr.)
- Proficiency equivalent of foreign language (10 cr.)
The student may submit an application to the School of Optometry one semester in advance of completion of preoptometry requirements.
For applications and additional information contact the health professions advisor at (219) 980-7106.