School of Education
B.S. in Education
Visual Arts
Secondary and K-12 Visual Arts Education Program Degree Requirements
The Undergraduate Initial License Program in Visual Arts is a 134 credit hour program leading to an initial teaching license in Visual Arts and a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Education. Candidates can choose to earn a license in all grades K-12, elementary K-6, or secondary 5-12. Field and clinical experiences are at the appropriate levels for licensure. All candidates earn a minor in Fine Arts (15 credit hours) and a minor in Art History (15 credit hours).
Required General Education Courses (35 cr.) include Language Arts (6 cr.), Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (11 cr.), Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 cr.), Arts and Humanities (6 cr.), and Cultural and Historical Studies (6 cr.) with at least one course in minority studies.
At a minimum, 15 credit hours are required in the area of educational foundations prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program. Courses deemed appropriate for meeting the educational foundations requirements (15 cr.) include EDUC-F200 Examining Self as Teacher (3 cr.), EDUC-W200 Using Computers in Education (3 cr.), EDUC-P250 Educational Psychology (3 cr.), EDUC-K205 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3 cr.) and EDUC-H340 Education and American Culture (3 cr.).
The visual arts major courses for this program encourage a broad content knowledge basis grounded in The Indiana Department of Education Professional Teaching Standards for Visual Arts. Students take 54 credit hours of visual arts major courses including art history and studio art courses at both the foundational and upper-levels.
To begin the Teacher Education Program (TEP), students must successfully complete advising checkpoint #1 and apply to the program. In order to pass checkpoint #1, students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and minimum visual arts content GPA of 2.50. A minimum grade of C must be earned in all Educational Foundation and Visual Arts content courses. All Educational Foundation courses must be completed. Portfolio artifacts must have acceptable scores (3 or better) and any unresolved dispositional deficiencies must be addressed. Candidates must be of sophomore standing with at least 26 credit hours accumulated and have successfully passed all three Praxis I tests. Students must complete a criminal background check. Admission to the TEP is in the fall semester only.
Once admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), candidates complete the program in four semesters of full-time study, beginning in the fall session. Professional Education courses are taken after admission to the Teacher Education Program and are sequenced into four blocks. All required Professional Education courses must be completed with a grade of C or better before a student can continue in the program. These courses are sequential and must be completed in order.
The First Block of the educational sequence contains 6 credits of professional educational courses including EDUC-M314 General Methods (3cr.) and EDUC-K306 Teaching Students with Disabilities (3 cr.).
The Second Block of the educational sequence contains 9 credits of professional educational courses including EDUC-M330 Foundations of Art Education and Methods I (3 cr.), EDUC-M464 Methods of Teaching Reading (3 cr.), and EDUC-M301 Field Experience (3 cr.) an elementary placement with an emphasis in classroom management.
The Third Block of the educational sequence contains 9 credits of professional educational courses including EDUC-M430 Foundations of Art Education and Methods II (3 cr.), EDUC-M304 Field Experience (3 cr.) a secondary placement with an emphasis in diversity, and EDUC-P407 Psychological Measurement in the Schools (3 cr.).
The Fourth Block of the educational sequence contains 12 credits of professional educational courses consisting of student teaching. Candidates choose one of the following; Option One: Grades K-12 visual arts certification- Candidates complete two consecutive 8-week placements, EDUC-M425 Student Teaching in the Elementary School (6 cr.) and EDUC-M480 Student Teaching in the Secondary School (6 cr.). Option Two: Grades K-6 visual arts certification- Candidates complete a 16-week placement, EDUC M425 Student Teaching in the Elementary School (12 cr.). Option Three: Grades 5-12 visual arts certification- Candidates complete a 16-week placement, EDUC-M480 Student Teaching in the Secondary School (12 cr.).