College of Arts and Sciences
Sociology and Anthropology
Anthropology Courses
- ANTH-A 104 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 cr.) A survey of cultural and social processes that influence human behavior, using comparitive examples from different ethnic groups around the world, with the goal of better understanding the broad range of human behavioral potenials and those influences that shape the different expressions of these potentials. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
- ANTH-A 105 Human Origins and Prehistory (3 cr.) Human biological evolution and prehistory from the earliest archaeological record through the rise of civilization. (Fall, Spring, Summer II)
- ANTH-A 200 Topics in Anthropology (topic varies) (3 cr.) P: ANTH A104. Course is geared to the nonmajor and emphasizes the development of skills in the use of anthropological approaches to the study of human behavior and belief. Topics will vary. ANTH A200 may be taken twice with different topics. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-A 210 Ancillary Topics in Anthropology (.5-2 cr.) Individual and group activities that may be independent of or connected to a course. May include activities such as discussions, fieldwork, service learning, and applied anthropology projects. May be repeated with different topics to total up to 3 credit hours. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-A 220 Hands-on Fossil Observations (1 cr.) Hands-on observations, measurements, and interpretations of human fossils and fossil casts; offered in conjunction with human paleontology courses. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-A 230 Linguistic Anthropology Lab (1 cr.) Linguistics problems, word games, and videos. Offered in conjunction with Language and Culture courses. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-A 240 History of Ethnographic Film (1 cr.) Viewing of ethnographic films from earliest to most recent, with discussions. Offered in conjunction with theory courses. May be repeated once with different topic and with different theory course.
- ANTH-A 360 Development of Anthropological Thought (3 cr.) P: two courses in Anthropology, including ANTH A104, A105, and E200. An overview of the major theoretical developments within anthropology as the discipline has attempted to produce a universal and unified view of human life based on knowledge of evolution and prehistoric and contemporary cultures. (Spring—even years)
- ANTH-A 495 Independent Studies in Anthropology (1-4 cr.) P: Two courses in anthropology and authorization of the instructor. A supervised, in-depth examination through individual research on a particular topic selected and conducted by the student in consultation with an anthropology faculty member. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
- ANTH-B 201 Bioanthropology and Forensics Lab (3 cr.) C: ANTH B200 or ANTH B400. Laboratory exercises in anatomy, genetics, primates, fossils; and identification, aging, and sexing of the human skeleton. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-B 206 Primate Zoo Observation (1 cr.) P: Any one of ANTH A103, ANTH A105, ANTH B200, ANTH B266, or ANTH B466. Observation of primate anatomy, locomotion, and social behavior at various Midwestern zoos. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-B 250 Topics in Biological Anthropology (3 cr.) P: ANTH A105, or one course in biology or anatomy. Selected topics in bioanthropology. May be repeated once with a different topic. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-B 300 Bioanthropology (3 cr.) P: ANTH A103, ANTH A105, or one semester of college biology. Bioanthropology of humans, basic biological principles, functional morphology, evolutionary history. Human evolution from lower forms, environmental factors, speciation and differentiation, growth, sexual differences, constitutional variability. (Spring—even years)
- ANTH-B 368 The Evolution of Primate Social Behavior (3 cr.) Major patterns of social organization in the order Primates, with focus on several important primate species. Examination of Darwinian theories of behavioral evolution. Particular attention paid to the influence of food-getting and diet on social behavior.
- ANTH-B 400 Undergraduate Seminar (3 cr.) P: ANTH A105 and junior standing, or three courses in biology or anatomy. Selected topics in bioanthropology. Analysis of research. Development of skills in analysis and criticism. Topic varies. ANTH B400 may be taken twice with different topics. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-B 464 Human Paleontology (3 cr.) P: ANTH A103 or ANTH A105 or ANTH B200 or 6 credit hours of biology. Human fossils: their structure, classification, geologic range, and geographical distribution. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-B 466 The Primates (3 cr.) P: Any one of ANTH A103, ANTH A105, ANTH B200, or 6 credit hours in biology or consent of instructor. Paleontology, functional morphology, behavior, and natural history of the nonhuman primates. Emphasis on behavioral and ecological correlates of morphology. Credit given for only one of the following: ANTH B106, ANTH B266, and ANTH B466. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-E 200 Social and Cultural Anthropology (3 cr.) P: ANTH A104. Intermediate survey of theories and problems in social and cultural anthropology. Historical development, methods of inquiry, focal problems, and contemporary theoretical perspectives. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-E 205 Peoples of the World (3 cr.) P: ANTH A104. All peoples have to confront similar challenges in order to survive and thrive as individuals and as societies. This course will examine how several cultures around the world shape their values, behaviors, institutions, and stories in response to external and internal challenges. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-E 221 Native Uses of Herbs (1 cr.) A field experience course on Native American women's uses of herbs, with required readings and hands-on work with plants. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-E 300 Culture Areas and Ethnic Groups (variable title) (1-3 cr.) P: ANTH A104. An ethnographic survey of a selected culture area or ethnic group. (May not be repeated for more than 6 credit hours.) (Occasionally)
- ANTH-E 320 Indians of North America (3 cr.) P: ANTH A104. Ethnographic survey of culture areas from the Arctic to Panama plus cross- cultural analysis of interrelations of culture, geographical environment, and language families. (Fall, Spring)
- ANTH-E 324 Native American Art (3 cr.) P: A104. This course is an introduction to the visual arts of Native Americans in the period since contact. Topics will include the artist (traditional and contemporary); the relationship of art, myth, and ritual the effects of contact with other cultures on Indian arts; shamanism and art. Class discussion will be illustrated with slides and movies. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-E 335 Ancient Civilization of MesoAmerica (3 cr.) P: A104. Historical Ethnography of the major pre- Columbian Civilizations including the Olmec, Mayan and Aztec. Emphasis on the social life, cultural achievements, religion, worldview, and political systems to illustrate the diversity and richness of Amerindian life before the Spanish conquest. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-E 400 Undergraduate Seminar (topic varies) (3 cr.) P: ANTH A104, and junior standing. Intensive examination of selected topics in anthropology. Emphasis upon analytic investigation and critical discussion. Topics will vary. ANTH E400 may be taken twice with different topics. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-E 445 Medical Anthropology (3 cr.) P: ANTH A104. A cross- cultural examination of human biocultural adaptation in health and disease, including biocultural epidemiology, ethnomedical systems in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, and sociocultural change and health. (Occasionally)
- ANTH-L 300 Culture and Language (3 cr.) P: ANTH A104. Explores the relationships between language and culture, focusing on research methodology and surveying various theoretical frameworks. (Fall—odd years)
- ANTH-P 200 Introduction to Archaeology (3 cr.) P: ANTH A104 & A105. Introduction to the goals, methods, and theories that archaeologists use to learn about the past. The pursuit and interpretation of archaeological evidence are explored by reviewing case studies from across the globe and diverse time periods. Topics include food and subsistence, culture change, social life, political economies, and archaeological ethics. (Spring)