College of Arts and Sciences
Performing Arts
Theatre & Drama Courses
- THTR-D 140 Jazz Dance I (2 cr.) Beginning jazz dance techniques with emphasis on body placement, basic steps, rhythmic qualities, movement isolations, and improvisations characteristic of the jazz idiom.
- THTR-T 100 Introduction to Theatre (3 cr.) Exploration of theatre as a collaborative art. Investigation of the dynamics and creativity of theatre production through plays, theatrical space, and cultural context, with particular attention to the roles and interaction of the audience, playwrights, directors, actors, designers, producers and critics. (Fall, Spring)
- THTR-T 120 Acting I (3 cr.) Introduction to theories and methodology through sensory awareness, physical and vocal exercises, improvisations, and scene study. Lecture and laboratory. (Fall, Spring)
- THTR-T 168 Theatre Production (1-2 cr.) The study and application of theatre practices. Students will be assigned to all levels of departmental production for applied practice. Six credit hours required for Theatre Major. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
- THTR-T 220 Acting II (3 cr.) P: THTR T120 and consent of instructor. Techniques for expressing physical, intellectual, and emotional objectives. Study, creation and performance from varied dramas. Lecture and laboratory. (Fall or Spring)
- THTR-T 225 Stagecraft I (3 cr.) Introduction to theories, methodology, and skills: analysis of practical and aesthetic functions of stage scenery, fundamentals of scenic construction and rigging, mechanical drawing for stagecraft. Lecture and laboratory. (Fall, Spring)
- THTR-T 228 Design for the Theatre (3 cr.) An overview of design principles and practices in all areas of theatre production. Emphasis on those aspects of design that are common to work in scenery, costumes, and lighting. (Spring)
- THTR-T 230 Costume Design and Technology (3 cr.) Introduction to theories, methodology, and skills for costume design for the theatre, with laboratory component in basic costume technology skills and wardrobe. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 302 Musical Theatre (3 cr.) A history and analysis of musical comedy and revue from its origins to the present. The musical theatre looked on as a mirror of social, political, and cultural values. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 310 Creative Dramatics (3 cr.) Theory and technique of guiding children in spontaneous activity, specifically, creating scenes or plays and performing them with improvised dialogue and action. Although theories will be discussed, the emphasis will be on practical activities that may be useful to prospective teachers, recreation leaders, etc. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 320 Acting III (3 cr.) P: THTR T220 and consent of instructor. Character analysis and use of language on stage. Exploration of character through intensive scene study. Lecture and laboratory. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 325 Voice and Speech (3 cr.) Introduction to voice production. Emphasizes relaxation, breathing, the production of vocal sounds; addresses vocal habits and cultural holds through exercises and workouts with the goal of freeing the voice and redeveloping a passion for language. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 326 Scene Design I (3 cr.) P: THTR T228. Introduction to process of scene design, scene designer's responsibilities, scene problem solving, and exploration of visual materials and forms. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 335 Stage Lighting Design (3 cr.) P: THTR T228. Introduction to theories, methodology, and skills; instruments and their use, control of light, practical applications. Lecture and laboratory. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 337 Dramaturgy (3 cr.) The application of critical and research skills in performance situations. Student dramaturges work in collaboration with directors, producers, and playwrights in preparing scripts for rehearsal, documenting period styles and norms, researching production histories, and critiquing the social implications of the performance arts. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 340 Directing I (3 cr.) P: THTR T120 or THTR T228, or consent of instructor. Introduction to theories, methodology, and skills: play analysis, working with actors, basic elements of stage composition. (Fall or Spring)
- THTR-T 390 Creative Work in Summer Theatre (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of department chairperson. Work in summer theatre productions. May be repeated once for credit. (Summer I)
- THTR-T 392 Theatre Internship (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. THTR T392 Theatre Internship (3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Training and practice at a professional theatre or venue approved by the theatre faculty.
- THTR-T 410 Movement for the Theatre (3 cr.) P: THTR T120. Introduction to fundamental principles and methods focusing on kinesthetic awareness, posture, flexibility, coordination, relaxation, and physical characterization. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 420 Acting IV (3 cr.) P: THTR T320 and consent of instructor. Emphasis on ensemble acting and contrasting styles. Study and performance of characters in scenes from Ibsen, Chekhov, Strindberg, and classical Greek dramas. Lecture and laboratory. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 424 Stagecraft II (3 cr.) P: THTR T225 or consent of instructor. History of stagecraft, stage mechanics, and perspective drawing. Lecture and laboratory. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 426 Scene Design II (3 cr.) P: THTR T326 or consent of instructor. Work in line, color, and composition using historical conventions as the basis for contemporary scenic statements. Emphasis on period style and presentational forms. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 430 Stage Costuming II (3 cr.) P: THTR T230 or consent of instructor. Pattern drafting, fabric selection, special construction problems, design and management of costume shops, and care of wardrobes. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 438 Lighting Design (3 cr.) P: THTR T228 or THTR T335 or consent of instructor. Stage lighting design concept, development and implementation. Advanced lighting techniques and approaches. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 442 Directing II: Script Analysis (3 cr.) P: THTR T340 and THTR T228. Problems and functions of director from selection of script through performance. Emphasis on script analysis. Lecture and practical projects. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 446 Theatre for Children (3 cr.) Purposes, principles, and problems of staging plays for young people. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 470 History of the Theatre I (3 cr.) The study of theatre history, performance, and dramatic literature from the primitive eras through the Renaissance. Emphasis is on the relationship of theatre and its society. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 471 History of the Theatre II (3 cr.) The study of theatre history, performance, and dramatic literature form 1660 to the present. Emphasis is on the relationship of theatre to its society. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 483 Topics in Theatre and Drama (1-3 cr.) Studies in special topics not ordinarily covered in other departmental courses. May be repeated once for credit if topic differs. (Occasionally)
- THTR-T 490 Independent Study in Theatre and Drama (3-6 cr.) THTR T490 Independent Study in Theatre and Drama (3-6 cr.) P: majors only, senior standing and consent of instructor. Creative projects and performances in the area of student's special interest. (Fall, Spring)