College of Arts and Sciences


Modern Languages, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics
Undergraduate Study Abroad

IU Northwest, through the Office of Overseas Study at Indiana University Bloomington, provides various opportunities for students of Spanish to study in a Spanish-speaking country. Qualified students who want to participate in a one-year academic program are encouraged to apply for the program offered in Madrid, Spain. Through the Council on International Educational Exchange, in which Indiana University cooperates, undergraduate students may also apply to participate in a one-semester program in Seville, Spain. Summer study programs are available in Bilbao and Salamanca, Spain, and at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. Credits earned in these programs can be used to fulfill requirements for the baccalaureate degree. In addition, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), of which Indiana University is a member, offers a summer study program in Guanajuato, Mexico. This program is intended primarily for students whose area of specialization is Spanish.

The Department of Modern Languages strongly recommends foreign study at the undergraduate level for those students who plan to become teachers of Spanish. In all cases where credit is sought for work done abroad, the student must consult the department chairperson before enrolling in foreign institutions. Information and applications for foreign study programs can be obtained from the campus coordinator for the Office of Overseas Study.

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