College of Arts and Sciences


Geology Courses
  • GEOL-G  101 Introduction to Earth Science: Lecture (3 cr.) Origin and classification of minerals and rocks. Gradation processes and landform evolution. Atmosphere and weather. Geologic time and earth history. Earth resources. Two lectures each week. Credit is given for only one of the following: GEOL101 OR GEOL103, GEOL107. (Occasionally)
  • GEOL-G  102 Introduction to Earth Science Laboratory (1 cr.) P: Any 100-level GEOL (geology) lecture-based course. Classification and identification of minerals, rocks, and fossils. Weather and climates. Map projections, maps, and local topography. One laboratory each week. (Fall, Spring, Occasionally Summer)
  • GEOL-G  103 Earth Science: Materials and Processes (3 cr.) Introduction to origin and classification of minerals and rocks. Relationships between rock types, rock structures, surficial geological processes of running water, subsurface water, glaciation, wind, tides, and landform evolution. Geologic time. Two lectures each week. Credit given for only one of the following: GEOL G101, GEOL G103, or GEOL G107. (Occasionally)
  • GEOL-G  107 Environmental Geology (3 cr.) An introduction to geology through discussion of geological topics that show the influence of geology on modern society. Topics include mineral and energy resources, water resources, geologic hazards and problems, geology and health, and land use. Credit given for only one of the following: GEOL101, GEOL103, or GEOL107. (see schedule of classes for offerings).
  • GEOL-G  108 Selected Earth Science Topics (1-3 cr.) Selected topics of general interest in earth science offered as individual units. Consult Schedule of Classes for current offerings. (Occasionally)
  • GEOL-G  185 Global Environmental Change (3 cr.) The scientific basis behind natural and human-based global environmental changes. Geological perspective of the formation of the earth. Human activities influencing the natural system, including population, deforestation, water usage, acid rain, ozone depletion, smog and global warming. Subsequent human reactions. (see schedule of classes for offerings).
  • GEOL-G  209 History of Earth (4 cr.) P: Any 100-level lecture-based geology course and G102. Earth history emphasizing physical and biological evolution. Geologic time, stratigraphic correlation, plate tectonics, paleodepositional environments, paleo­graphy, and evolution of life. Laboratory, field trip required. (Spring)
  • GEOL-G  210 Oceanography (3 cr.) P: One college-level science course or consent of the instructor. Introduction to the study of the oceans and marine processes. Emphasis on morphology of the ocean floor, life in the ocean, oceanic circulation, and submarine geology. Three lectures or two lectures with occasional laboratory per week. (Occasionally)
  • GEOL-G  220 Regional Geology Field Trip (1-2 cr.) P: Any 100-level geology course; or consent of instructor. Field investigation of selected regions of North America. Six to 15 days in the field. (Spring, Occasionally)
  • GEOL-G  221 Introductory Mineralogy (4 cr.) P: any 100-level lecture-based geology course and G102. College-level course in chemistry, or permission of instructor. Crystallography: morphology, classes, twinning habit. Physical and chemical mineralogy. Description, identification, association, occurrence, and use of common and important minerals. Two lectures and one laboratory each week. Required field trip. (Three semester rotation: Fall 2011, Spring 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2016)
  • GEOL-G  222 Introduction to Petrology (4 cr.) P: GEOL G221. Dynamic processes that form igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks: Focus on composition, field occurrence, characteristics, classification, origin, laboratory description, and identification. Two lectures and one laboratory each week. This class meets the intensiver writing require for the IUNorthwest campus. (Three semester rotation: Fall 2010, Sprint 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2015)
  • GEOL-G  317 Field and Laboratory Techniques (3-5 cr.) P: GEOL G101, GEOL G102. Field trips mandatory. A field and laboratory-based course. Content includes map construction, reading, and interpretation, surveying, computer graphics, aerial photography interpretation, lithostratigraphic logging of sediment and bedrock, stream gauging, statistical analysis of geological data, grain size analysis, and an instruction to GIS and remote sensing. (Summer or Fall-even years)
  • GEOL-G  323 Structural Geology (4 cr.) P: GEOL G222 and a course in trigonometry, precalculus or calculus, or consent of the instructor. Nature and origin of structural features of the earth's crust, with emphasis on mechanics of deformation. Two lectures and one laboratory each week. Required field trip. (Three semester rotation: Spring 2011, Fall 2012, Spring 2014, Fall 2015)
  • GEOL-G  334 Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (4 cr.) P: GEOL G221 or consent of instructor. Interrelationship of sedimentation and stratigraphy; process and factors influencing genesis of sedimentary strata; provenance, depositional environment, sedimentary facies, paleoecology; analytical techniques; application of principles to interpretation of stratigraphic record. Required field trip. Two lectures and one laboratory each week. (Spring—even years)
  • GEOL-G  406 Introduction to Geochemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM C106, GEOL G222, MATH M216, or consent of instructor. Application of chemical principles in study of the earth from primarily dynamic approach. Two lectures and one laboratory each week. (Occasionally)
  • GEOL-G  407 Senior Geosciences Projects I (3 cr.) P: Senior standing in geosciences. Field and/or laboratory research project in geosciences, under faculty or faculty committee supervision. A preliminary report must be submitted at the end of the first semester, and a final report at the end of the second. Each must be written in proper scientific form. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
  • GEOL-G  408 Senior Geosciences Projects II (3 cr.) P: Senior standing in geosciences. Field and/or laboratory research project in geosciences, under faculty or faculty committee supervision. A preliminary report must be submitted at the end of the first semester, and a final report at the end of the second. Each must be written in proper scientific form. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
  • GEOL-G  410 Undergraduate Research in Geology (1-6 cr.) P: Junior standing and consent of advisor. Field and laboratory research in selected problems in geology. Total of 6 credit hours may be counted toward the degree in geology. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
  • GEOL-G  413 Introduction to Earth Physics (3 cr.) P: GEOL G323, PHYS P202 or PHYS P222. P or C: MATH M216 or consent of instructor. Physics in the study of the earth: its origin, history, internal constitution, structure, and mineral resources. (Occasionally)
  • GEOL-G  415 Geomorphology (4 cr.) P: GEOL G222 or consent of instructor. Geomorphic processes, evolution and classification of landforms. Laboratory: topographic, geologic, and soil maps; aerial photographs. Required field trip. Two lectures and one laboratory each week. (Odd years)
  • GEOL-G  420 Regional Geology Field Trip (1-3 cr.) P: 10 credit hours of geology and consent of instructor. Field investigations of selected regions of North America for study of mineralogic, lithologic, stratigraphic, structural, paleontologic, geomorphic, or other geological relationships. Six to 15 days in the field. May be repeated. Usually follows spring semester. (Spring, Occasionally)
  • GEOL-G  435 Glacial and Quaternary Geology (3-4 cr.) P: GEOL G222. Topics include glacier processes, glacial sediments, glacial landforms, glacial history, and interpretations of climate change from the glacial record. The focus is on glaciation during the Quaternary Period with specific emphasis on glacial history and landforms of Northwest Indiana. Two lectures and one laboratory are required each week. (Occasionally)
  • GEOL-G  451 Principles of Hydrogeology (4 cr.) P: GEOL G334 or consent of instructor. Water resources: occurrence, regulation, and management of water; hydrologic cycle, water movement, well hydraulics; water quality and pollution; surface and subsurface investigations; basin-wide development of water resources; legal aspects; relationship of hydrogeology to engineering geology. Two lectures and one laboratory are required each week. (Usually Spring odd years, see schedule of classes for offerings)
  • GEOL-G  460 Internship in Geology (3 cr.) P: Geology major with senior standing and approval from the chair. Industrial or similar experiences in geologically oriented employment. Projects jointly arranged, coordinated, and evaluated by faculty and industrial/ governmental supervisors. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • GEOL-G  490 Undergradute Seminar (1-2 cr.) Open to junior and senior majors by special permission. Readings and discussion of selected topics. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours. (see schedule of classes for offerings)
  • GEOL-T 315 North American Landscape (3 cr.) P: Course in physical or general geology. Gives the student an elementary understanding of various geologic controls and processes that have produced the topographic features. Regional concept stressed rather than individual landforms. The continent is divided into geomorphic regions based on similar geologic controls and geomorphic histories. (Occasionally)

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