College of Arts and Sciences


Geography Courses
  • GEOG-G 107 Physical Systems of the Environment (3 cr.) Introduction to the physical principles governing the geographical distribution and interrelationships of the earth's physical features (atmosphere and oceans, landforms, soils, vegetation, plate tectonics, and the rock cycle). The course provides students with the background necessary to evaluate current environmental issues. (Occasionally)
  • GEOG-G 110 Introduction to Human Geography (3 cr.) An introduction to geographic perspectives and principles through a consideration of six themes: environmental perception, diffusion, regionalization, spatial distribution, spatial interaction of populations, and location theory. Themes are illustrated using examples such as pollution, population problems, and urbanization. (Fall, Spring)
  • GEOG-G 120 World Regional Geography—Topic: Geography of the Middle East (3 cr.) Analysis of population, culture, environment, and economics of major world regions. Examination of issues of global importance, including development, demographic change, urbanization and migration, and international conflict.
  • GEOG-G 213 Introduction to Economic Geography (3 cr.) P: ECON E103 or GEOG G110. Principles of economic geography including theories concerning industrial location, competition for land, economic nature of resources, and geographic background of interregional trade. (Occasionally)
  • GEOG-G 250 Computer Methods in Geography (3 cr.) P: GEOG G110. Introduction to computing in geography, emphasizing practical applications. Topics include programming concepts, analysis of spatial data, and graphics. Numerous exercises give practical experience with the analysis and interpretation of geographic data. GIS programs will be emphasized. (Fall)
  • GEOG-G 304 Meteorology and Physical Climatology (3 cr.) Fundamental atmospheric properties and interrelationships. Radiation theory, components of energy and moisture balance, atmospheric circulation, upper air-surface relationships, and global weather systems. (Occasionally)
  • GEOG-G 313 Political Geography (3 cr.) P: 3 credit hours of geography or advanced courses in history or political science or special permission. Geographical influences which have affected development of political units, such as nations, states, and parties, as background for better understanding of current events. (Occasionally)
  • GEOG-G 314 Urban Geography (3 cr.) R: 3 credit hours of geography or special permission. Principles of location and distribution of urban centers, urban land use, geographical aspects of city planning. (Occasionally)
  • GEOG-G 315 Environmental Conservation (3 cr.) R: junior standing. Conservation of natural resources including soil, water, wildlife, and forests as interrelated components of the environment emphasizing an ecological approach. Current problems relating to environmental quality. (Spring)
  • GEOG-G 327 Geography of Indiana (3 cr.) P: GEOG G110 or consent of the instructor. A geographical analysis of the state of Indiana. Emphasis placed on the interrelationship of the state's physical and human geography. (Occasionally)

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