College of Arts and Sciences


Fine Arts
Major in Studio Practice

The studio practice program enables the student to see, to formulate, and to articulate visual concepts through the manipulation of forms and materials. Its basic aim is to develop an awareness of visual expression within the humanist tradition.


  • A100 series history of art (6 cr.)
  • Art history at the 300 and 400 level (6 cr.)
  • Fundamental studio (9 cr.)
  • Studio courses above the 100 level (25-34 cr.) must include a minimum of three and a maximum of six of the introductory (200-level) courses
  • FINA-A 435 Art Theory for Graduating Seniors (2 cr.) must be taken during the fall semester.
  • During the final year, each student must assume full responsibility for mounting a personal exhibit that will include terminal and representative work in the major field and, if applicable, in the minor field as well. To meet this requirement, the student must:
    • File in the departmental office an "Intent to Graduate" one calendar year prior to the intended completion date. You must meet with your principal teacher to determine if you are prepared to enroll in FINA-S 497.
    • Submit a portfolio of the most recent and best work in the major discipline to the departmental office before the completion of the fall semester, prior to enrolling in FINA-S 497. The studio program in the final year shall be coordinated with the evaluation of the portfolio.
    • Enroll in FINA-S 497 Independent Study in Studio Art for the spring semester during the final year. (1-6 cr.)
    • Prepare the exhibit under the principal teacher's guidance. This will include drafting a descriptive statement about the work in the exhibit: goals, intent, approach, techniques, etc.
    • Be prepared to exhibit in accordance with the departmental schedule at any time during the final semester. FINA-A 435 and FINA-S 497 fulfill the capstone requirement.
  • Graduating Senior Exhibit
  • Students must also complete the general requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences

Total (49-57 cr.)

A faculty committee whose evaluation will be used to determine the studio course grade in the final semester will judge the Graduating Senior Exhibit and the descriptive statement.

Transfer Credit in Studio

All incoming students who want to transfer studio credit from another institution must submit a portfolio. This should be in the form of slides, photographs, or compact discs, and should include the better work done in each course for which credit transfer is desired. The faculty shall devise a minimal studio program in residence, specifically based upon evaluation of the portfolio, for each transfer student.

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