College of Arts and Sciences


  • ECON-E 103 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.) P: MATH-M 007 or equivalent proficiency Introduction to economic analysis. Resource allocation in market and nonmarket economics. Behavior of consumers, firms, and industries. Policy issues such as regulation of business, collective bargaining, and environmental protection. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • ECON-E 104 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.) P: MATH-M 007 or equivalent proficiency Introduction to aggregate economic analysis. National income and production, unemployment and inflation, international trade, and economic growth. Use of fiscal and monetary policy to control the economy. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • ECON-E 111 Economic History (3 cr.) A broad introductory course to the economic and business history of the United States from the time of European and African colonization of the New World to the present. Topics include: origins and evolution of capitalism; economic growth; changing relationship between labor and capital; and globalization.
  • ECON-E 270 Introduction to Statistical Theory for Economics and Business (3 cr.) P: MATH-M 118 Basic statistical methods. Descriptive statistics, probability estimation, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • ECON-E 309 Topics in Economics (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103, ECON-E 104.

    Study of a topic area in economics.  Topics will vary, intended primarily for non-majors wanting exposure to economics beyond the introductory level.  May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 9 credit hours.  Only 3 credit hours may count toward the major or minor in economics.

  • ECON-E 321 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103, ECON-E 104 Microeconomics: the theory of demand; theory of production; pricing under conditions of competition and monopoly; allocation and pricing of resources; partial and general equilibrium theory; welfare economics.
  • ECON-E 322 Theory of Income and Employment (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103, ECON-E 104 Macroeconomics: national income accounting; theory of income, employment, and price level. Counter-cyclical and other public policy measures.
  • ECON-E 323 Urban Economics (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103, ECON-E 104 Economic analysis of cities and regions. Growth and structure of cities. Location decisions by businesses. Topics such as transportation, housing, local public services, poverty, and pollution.
  • ECON-E 330 International Finance (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103, ECON-E 104 Theory and determination of foreign exchange rates, mechanisms of adjustment to balance of payments disturbance, fixed versus flexible exchange rates. Monetary aspects of the adjustment mechanism. International mobility of short-term capital. International reserve supply mechanism and proposals for reform of the international monetary system.
  • ECON-E 340 Introduction to Labor Economics (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103, ECON-E 104 Economic problems of the wage earner in modern society; structure, policies, and problems of labor organization; employer and governmental policies affecting labor relations.
  • ECON-E 350 Money and Banking (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103, ECON-E 104 Monetary and banking system of the United States, including problems of money and prices, proper organization, functioning of commercial banking and Federal Reserve systems, monetary standards, and credit control. Recent monetary and banking trends. (Occasionally)
  • ECON-E 360 Public Finance: Survey (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103, ECON-E 104 Major elements of taxation and public expenditures.
  • ECON-E 406 Advanced Undergraduate Seminar in Economics (2-4 cr.) Open to juniors and seniors only by special permission; preference given to superior students. Discussion of contemporary economic problems. Tutorial sections limited to 12 students each.
  • ECON-E 408 Undergraduate Readings in Economics (1-3 cr.) P: consent of instructor and dean two weeks prior to enrollment Individual readings and research. Restricted to junior and senior business majors or majors in economics.
  • ECON-E 430 International Economics (3 cr.) P: BUS-G 300 or ECON-E 321 or consent of instructor Gains from trade, relation between factor rentals and goods prices, distributional effects of trade, tariff policy and quantitative interferences, trade problems of developing countries, discrimination and customs unions, balance-of-payments adjustment via prices and incomes, exchange rate policy, role of international reserves.
  • ECON-E 445 Collective Bargaining: Practice and Problems (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 340 or consent of instructor Economic analysis of problems resulting from legislative and judicial efforts to determine rights, duties, and responsibilities of labor unions and employers. Development and current position of public policy in labor relations.
  • ECON-E 446 Public Policy in Labor Relations (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 340 or consent of instructor Current labor relations law as contained in the Wagner, Taft-Hartley, and Landrum-Griffin Acts; National Labor Relations Board and court decisions.
  • ECON-E 447 Economics of the Labor Market (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103, ECON-E 104 Analysis of the functioning of the U.S. labor market. Labor force concepts, unemployment, mobility, wages, and current manpower problems and policies. Analysis of wage determination, wage policy, and their interaction with institutional factors.

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