College of Arts and Sciences


Chemistry, Physics, and Astronomy
Courses for ACS Degree (B.S. or B.A). Degree

Suggested sequence of required science and mathematics courses:

Freshman Year

  • CHEM-C 105, CHEM-C 106 Principles of Chemistry Lecture I and II
  • CHEM-C 125, CHEM-C 126 Experimental Chemistry Laboratory I and II
  • MATH-M 215, MATH-M 216 Analytical Geometry and Calculus I and II

Sophomore Year

  • CHEM-C 341, CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry Lecture I and II
  • CHEM-C 343, CHEM-C 344 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I and II
  • PHYS-P 221, PHYS-P 222 Physics Lecture and Laboratory I and II
  • MATH-M 311 Calculus III

Junior Year

  • CHEM-C 361, CHEM-C 362 Physical Chemistry Lecture I and II
  • CHEM-C 363 Physical Chemistry Laboratory
  • CHEM-C 310 Analytical Chemistry

Senior Year

  • CHEM-C 483 Biochemistry
  • CHEM-C 301 Chemistry Seminar
  • CHEM-C 409 Chemical Research
  • CHEM-C 410 Principles of Chemical Instrumentation
  • CHEM-C 430 Inorganic Chemistry

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