College of Health and Human Services

Schools & Divisions

School of Nursing
  • NURS-A 190 Learning Strategies in Nursing (3 cr.) The focus of this course is to assist nursing students in strengthening essential learning skills necessary for academic success. Students will develop skill in performing nursing drug dosage calculations, reading nursing texts and reference books, writing nursing papers, studying for and taking nursing tests. Principles of lifelong learning, self-direction, and critical thinking are used to guide course content and evaluation. (Summer)
  • NURS-B 215 Nutrition for Health Professionals (3 cr.) Emphasis on nutritional needs and eating habits throughout the life span. Discusses the classification, functions, and food sources of the nutrients; the components of a balanced diet; the process by which the body utilizes food; and nutritional concerns of various cultures. (Summer I)
  • NURS-B 230 Developmental Issues and Health (4 cr.) P: PSY P101. C: NURS B248, NURS B249. This course focuses on the theoretical perspectives of growth and development, family theories and family adaptation at different stages, and usual patterns of aging. Students will make assessments of individuals in various stages of life to identify developmental issues and their impact on health phenomena of interest to nursing. (Spring)
  • NURS-B 231 Communication for Health Care Professionals (3 cr.) C: NURS B232. Students in this course will focus on basic communication skills essential for working with clients of various ages and health care professionals. Content includes interpersonal communications and group dynamics. Students will practice communication skills with individuals, within groups, and through electronic media. (Fall)
  • NURS-B 231 Communication for Health Care Professionals: RN BSN (3 cr.) C: NURS B232. Note:  This course must be taken in the first term for RN BSN students.  This course addresses professional communication, inter/intra professional collaboration, and professional engagement to foster growth and development in nursing.  This course also focuses on issues related to professional practice, theory, development and use, professional organization participation, service, continuing education, autonomy and accountability. 
  • NURS-B 232 Introduction to the Discipline of Nursing: Theory Practice, Research (3 cr.) This course focuses on core theoretical concepts of nursing practice: health, wellness, illness, holism, caring, environment, self-care, uniqueness of persons, interpersonal relationships, and decision making. This course helps the student understand nursing's unique contributions to meeting societal needs through integrating theory, research, and practice. (Fall)
  • NURS-B 233 Health and Wellness (3 cr.) This course focuses on the use of concepts from nursing, nutrition, pharmacology, and biopsychosocial sciences to critically examine the determinates of health, wellness, and illness across the life span. Environmental, sociocultural, and economic factors that influence health care practices are emphasized. Theories of health, wellness, and illness are related to health-promotion, disease-prevention, illness- prevention nursing interventions. (Spring)
  • NURS-B 244 Comprehensive Health Assessment (3 cr.) P: PHSL P261, PHSL P262, PSY P101, SOC S161. C: NURS B245. This course focuses on helping students acquire skills to conduct a comprehensive health assessment, including the physical, psychological, social, functional, and environmental aspects of health. The process of data collection, interpretation, documentation, and dissemination of assessment data will be addressed.
  • NURS-B 244 Comprehensive Health Assessment: RN BSN (3 cr.) P: PHSL P261, PHSL P262, PSY P101, SOC S161. C: NURS B245. This course focuses on the complete health assessment, the nursing process, and its relationship to the prevention and early detection of disease across the life span.  Students learn the skills of interview, inspection/observation, palpation, percussion, and auscultation in assessing clients across the life span and comparing normal from abnormal findings. 
  • NURS-B 245 Comprehensive Health Assessment: Practicum (1 cr.) P: NURS B244. Students will have the opportunity to use interview, observation, percussion, palpation, inspection and auscultation in assessing clients across the life span in simulated and actual environments. (Fall)
  • NURS-B 248 Science and Technology of Nursing (3 cr.) P: PHSL P261, PHSL P262. C: NURS B249. This course focuses on the fundamentals of nursing from a theoretical research base. It provides an opportunity for basic care nursing skills development. Students will be challenged to use critical thinking and problem solving in developing the ability to apply an integrated nursing therapeutics approach for clients experiencing health alterations across the life span. (Spring)
  • NURS-B 249 Science and Technology of Nursing: Practicum (2 cr.) C: NURS B248. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate fundamental nursing skills in the application of nursing care for clients across the life span. (Spring)
  • NURS-B 304 Professional Nursing Seminar I: Health Policy (3 cr.) Social, ethical, cultural, economic, and political issues that affect the delivery of health and nursing services globally are critically analyzed. Government and entrepreneurial interests are examined. Emphasis is placed on the impact of policy decisions on professional nursing practice and health services.
  • NURS-B 403 Gerontological Nursing (3 cr.) This course promotes a holistic approach to persons in the later years of life. Death and dying, legal and ethical issues, family care giving, and future challenges will be discussed in the context of best practices as outlined by the John A Hartford Foundation: Institute for Geriatric Nursing.
  • NURS-B 404 Professional Nursing Seminar II: Informatics (3 cr.) This course addresses nursing informatics: state of the science and issues for research, development, and practice. It clarifies concepts of nursing, technology, and information management; and comprises theory, practice, and the social and ethical issues in nursing and health care informatics.
  • NURS-H 351 Alterations in Neuro-Psychological Health (3 cr.) P: all sophomore-level nursing courses. C: NURS H352. This course focuses on individuals and small groups experiencing acute and chronic neuropsychological disorders. Content includes the effect of brain-body disturbances on health functioning. Other content areas are growth and development, stress, mental status, nurse-client relationships, psychopharmacology, and nursing approaches for clients experiencing DSM-IV neuropsychological disorders. (Fall and Spring)
  • NURS-H 352 Alterations in Neuro-Psychological Health: Practicum (2 cr.) C: NURS H351. Students will provide nursing care to individuals and small groups who are experiencing acute and chronic neuropsychological disturbances related to psychiatric disorders. Student experiences will be with individuals and small groups in supervised settings such as acute, community-based, transitional, and/or home care. (Fall and Spring)
  • NURS-H 353 Alterations in Health I (3 cr.) P: all sophomore-level courses, BIOL M200. C: NURS H354. This course focuses on the pathophysiology and holistic nursing care management of clients experiencing acute and chronic problems. Students will use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to plan interventions appropriate to health care needs. (Fall)
  • NURS-H 354 Alterations in Health I: Practicum (2 cr.) C: NURS H353. Students will apply the science and technology of nursing to perform all independent, dependent, and interdependent care functions. Students will engage clients in a variety of settings to address alterations in health functioning, identify health care needs, and determine the effectiveness of interventions given expected care outcomes. (Fall)
  • NURS-H 355 Data Analysis in Clinical Practice and Health Care Research (3 cr.) This course introduces nursing and other health sciences students to the basic concepts and techniques of data analysis needed in professional health-care practice. Principles of measurement, data summarization, and univariate and bivariate statistics are examined. Differences in types of qualitative data and methods by which these types of data can be interpreted are also explored. Emphasis is placed on the application of fundamental concepts to real-world situations in client care. 
  • NURS-H 361 Alterations in Health II (3 cr.) P: NURS H353, NURS H354, BIOL M200, all sophomore-level courses. C: NURS H362. This course builds on Alterations in Health I and continues to focus on pathophysiology and holistic nursing care management of the associated needs of clients experiencing acute and chronic health problems. (Spring)
  • NURS-H 362 Alterations in Health II: Practicum (3 cr.) P: NURS H361. Students will continue to apply the science and technology of nursing to perform all independent, dependent, and interdependent care functions. Students will engage clients in a variety of settings to address alterations in health functioning. (Spring)
  • NURS-H 363 The Developing Family and Child (4 cr.) P: all sophomore-level courses. C: NURS H364. This course focuses on the needs of individuals and their families who are facing the phenomena of growth and development during the childbearing and child- rearing phases of family development. Factors dealing with preserving, promoting, and restoring healthy status of family members will be emphasized. (Fall and Spring)
  • NURS-H 364 The Developing Family and Child: Practicum (2 cr.) C: NURS H363. Students will have the opportunity to work with childbearing and child- rearing families, including those experiencing alterations in health. (Fall and Spring)
  • NURS-H 365 Nursing Research (3 cr.) P: PSY K300, ENG W231. This course focuses on development of students' skills in using the research process to define clinical research problems and to determine the usefulness of research in clinical decisions related to practice. The critique of nursing and nursing-related research studies will be emphasized in identifying applicability to nursing practice. This is a designated intensive writing course. Intensive wiritng component does not apply to RN to BSN mobility option. (Fall and Spring)
  • NURS-K 301 The Art and Science of Complementary Health (3 cr.) This course will serve as an introduction to a variety of complementary therapies, including healing touch, guided imagery, hypnosis, acupuncture, aromatherapy, reflexology, and massage. The class will critically examine each therapy through assigned readings, literature reviews, presentations, guest lecturers, and optional experiential activities.
  • NURS-K 305 New Innovations in Health and Health Care (3 cr.) This course explores emergent trends in health and health care, including technological advances in health care, developing approaches to care based on new knowledge and/ or research findings, and trends in health care delivery in a themed, survey or independent study format.
  • NURS-K 499 Genetics and Genomics (3 cr.) This course introduces a basic knowledge of genetics in health care, including genetic variation and inheritance; ethical. Legal, and social issues in genetic health care; genetic therapeutics; nursing roles; genetic basis of selected alterations to health across the life span; and cultural considerations in genetic health care are all considered.
  • NURS-P 216 Pharmacology (3 cr.) P:  C:  This course focuses on basic principles of pharmacology. It includes the pharmacologic properties of major drug classes and individual drugs, with an emphasis on the clinical application of drug therapy through the nursing process.
  • NURS-S 470 Restorative Health Related to Multisystem Failures (3 cr.) P: all junior-level courses. C: NURS S471. This course focuses on the pathophysi­ology and nursing care management of clients experiencing multisystem alterations in health status. Correlations among complex system alterations and nursing interventions to maximize health potential are emphasized. (Fall, Spring)
  • NURS-S 471 Restorative Health Related to Multi- System Failures: Practicum (2 cr.) C: NURS S470.  Students will apply the nursing process to the care of clients experiencing acute multisystem alterations in health. (Fall, Spring)
  • NURS-S 472 A Multi-System Approach to the Health of the Community (3 cr.) P: all junior-level courses. C: NURS S473. This course focuses on the complexity and diversity of groups or aggregates within communities and their corresponding health care needs. Through a community assessment of health trends, demographics, epidemiological data, and social/political—economics issues in local and global communities, the student will be able to determine effective interventions for community-centered care. (Fall, Spring)
  • NURS-S 473 A Multi-System Approach to the Health of the Community: Practicum (2 cr.) C: NURS S472. Students will have the opportunity to apply the concepts of community assessment, program planning, prevention, and epidemiology to implement and evaluate interventions for community-centered care to groups or aggregates. Professional nursing will be practiced in collaboration with diverse groups within a community. (Fall, Spring)
  • NURS-S 474 Applied Healthcare Ethics (3 cr.) Building on the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses, this course explores the nurse’s role in ethical clinical practice, academic work, health policy, and research conduct, focusing particularly on the advocacy role of the nurse.  Common ethical problems are discussed and strategies for resolution of ethical dilemmas are applied.
  • NURS-S 475 A Multi-System Approach to the Health of the Community: RN BSN (3 cr.) Basic epidemiological principles and community health nursing models are applied in collaboration with diverse groups. Disease prevention strategies are applied to individuals and populations to promote health. Students apply the concepts of community assessment, disease prevention, and health promotion to plan, implement, and evaluate interventions for populations in the community.
  • NURS-S 481 Nursing Management (3 cr.) P: all junior- level courses. C: NURS S482. This course focuses on the development of management skills assumed by professional nurses, including delegation of responsibilities, networking, facilitation of groups, conflict resolution, leadership, case management, and collaboration. Concepts addressed include organizational structure, change, managing quality and performance, workplace diversity, budgeting and resource allocation, and delivery systems. (Fall, Spring)
  • NURS-S 482 Nursing Management: Practicum (2 cr.) C: NURS S481. Students will have the opportunity to apply professional management skills in a variety of nursing leadership roles. (Fall, Spring)
  • NURS-S 483 Clinical Nursing Practice Capstone (3 cr.) P: all junior-level courses. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate competencies consistent with program outcomes and to refine your nursing care practice skills. Students will collaborate with faculty and a preceptor in choosing a care setting, planning and organizing a learning experience, and practicing professional nursing in a safe and effective manner.
  • NURS-S 483 Clinical Nursing Practice Capstone: RN BSN (3 cr.) P: all junior-level courses. Note: This course must be taken in the final term for RN BSN students. This course allows students to synthesize knowledge and skills learned in the baccalaureate program and to demonstrate competencies consistent with program outcomes and to refine their nursing practice skills.  Students will plan and organize learning experiences, design a project, and practice professional nursing in a safe and effective manner.  
  • NURS-S 484 Evidence-based Practice Seminar (1-2 cr.) P: all junior-level courses. This course focuses on students' abilities to refine their critical/analytical skills in evaluating clinical research for applicability to nursing practice. Students will examine the role of evaluation, action research, and research findings in assuring quality of nursing care and in solving relevant problems arising from clinical practices. (Summer II, Fall)
  • NURS-S 485 Professional Growth and Empowerment (3 cr.) P: all junior-level courses. This course focuses on issues related to professional practice, career planning, personal goal setting, and empowerment of self and others. Students will discuss factors related to job performance, performance expectations and evaluation, reality orientation, and commitment to lifelong learning. (Spring)
  • NURS-S 487 Nursing Management: RN BSN (3 cr.) This course focuses on development of management skills assumed by professional nurses, including delegation of responsibilities, networking, and facilitation of groups, conflict resolution, leadership, case management, and collaboration. Concepts addressed include organizational structure, delivery systems, change, managing quality and performance, budgeting and resource allocation, staffing, scheduling, evaluation and career development.
  • NURS-Z 492 Individual Study in Nursing (1-6 cr.) Opportunity for the nurse to pursue independent study of topics in nursing under the guidance of a selected faculty member. Requires consent of construtor. (Occasionally)

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